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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Rimbo

  1. On 4/26/2024 at 7:40 PM, ztejas said:

    Something I was wondering about is the Lisan Al-Gaib being an actual prophecy/fatalistic type thing or being more manufactured. I'm assuming it's sort of supposed to be open for interpretation and like a crossing of timelines/time is cyclical/an illusion type deal. 


    It's not really open to interpretation: The prophecy is absolutely manufactured, and yet Paul is very much the person the prophecy makes him out to be.

    BUT... one of the key aspects of the story is that Jessica was supposed to have a daughter, but she fell in love with Duke Atreides and gave him a son. And this messed up the plan. So Paul ends up being the Kwisatz Haderach, but not the one they planned, and outside of their control.


  2. 10 hours ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    I’m concerned about an acquittal.  He’ll get huge “I just win baby” momentum out of it.  The base will be fired up. 

    The problem with an acquittal is that he then goes to the next court case.

    He fucked around an awful lot, and still has a lot of finding out left to do.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, thunderlounge said:

    Look on the bright side, at least you get to watch LJH ball out. I saw Denver several times last season and he seemed to be having a good year. Even watched a few games intentionally just to watch him. I was not disappointed. 

    I don't watch. They're unwatchable.

  4. 14 hours ago, Da Fino said:

    That’s the same group. 


    Uhm... no. I am certain that there are some, possibly even a large minority, who are claiming to be in the "don't want" group that are actually in the "can't get" group, the "don't want" group exists and is real.


    14 hours ago, Da Fino said:

    What the fuck is going on here?


    Something near and dear to my avatar's heart. IYKYK


    13 hours ago, rage-a-holic said:

    Are you outraged or something? 95% of my hookups from when I was 15 and up were with chicks that were either drunk, high or both. 

    All the chicks you banged were stone cold sober and had a notarized consent affidavit prior to entry? That sounds hot.


    OK, so... I am actually hot. I have never needed women to be drunk to get laid. Good looking ones, too. And I just didn't drink all that much. Didn't want to. The one thing that kept me from getting laid more was my own personality. Which is shit.


    13 hours ago, F250 said:

    He was saying when you were in high school or in college, not while you were in college.


    Oh, right. Right. Got the pedophile stories and the drunk stories confused. Well, never did neither, and always looked down my nose at both groups.

  5. 19 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Good for KC to recognize they needed a WR and get Worthy.

    I mean... it was blindingly obvious that they needed a WR. The interesting thing is that, of all the WRs they had available, they chose X.

    Now to make it interesting: Here's a Reddit post from a month ago:



    "He’s been the only WR prospect Mahomes has been following the last two months, and he plays in Texas."

    "It's been widely reported that the front office wanted to trade up for 2 guys similar to Worthy's draft profile the last 2 years, but were unable to."


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  6. 6 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    And before the pitchforks come out, who here never fucked a drunk girl in HS or college?

    Star Trek Wtf GIF

    Yeah, I'm dead-center in the middle of Gen X, and the guys in college who went after high school girls were the losers that even the losers thought were losers. If you couldn't get laid in college with a college girl, you weren't trying.

  7. 1 hour ago, Helobious said:

    Jesus fucking christ. Anyone else here not illegally bang underage teen girls as an adult? I thought it was pretty normal to not do that but I guess not.

    No no no, you're actually right. It's normal for adults to NOT bang underage kids.

    • Haha 3
  8. 1 hour ago, CooterBrown said:

    It was easier to get pussy than porn in the early 90s.


    And even then, AIDS had slowed things down. We're in post-sexual-revolution times, an inevitable and sadly necessary correction from the frankly kinda rapey 1990s.

  9. 1 hour ago, YGIFS said:

    Is ‘two minutes’ the new ‘two weeks!’ ???

    I'm having major work done on my house today so this comment really hits close to home.

    1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    I attacked my pecker quite a bit back in the day…

    Still do, but you used to, too.

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  10. You know, I love everything about this. I love that the big moment of chaos of the first round, the thing that made EVERYONE up in arms, was because one of Texas' best players just went to a place that's perfect for him, where he'll have every chance to succeed and win Superb Owl rings.

    Now, as a Boncos fan, you'd think I'd be upset. But first off, the Donks are taking themselves out of contention just fine on their own, no matter what KC does. Second, I love my Longhorns more than I love the Bonco.

    (misspelled team names are misspelled on purpose; they don't get to be called their real name until they stop being idiot fuck ups)

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. 2 hours ago, FWD said:

    A lot of teams would have wasted him but Andy Reid has shown he knows how to use speed WRs like nobody else. Chiefs are reloaded and going for the three-peat. 

    Yeah, seeing fans on r/NFL all screaming at the Bills: "Why would you do this to yourselves? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO THE REST OF US?"

    • Haha 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, BevoAbyss said:

    Though the reporters are kept anonymous, I bet the story is true. Would. Not. Surprise. Me.

    It always boggles my mind how the liberal intelligentsia worship the holy New York Times. When, in fact, its underlying ideology has long been to justify the US as the Judeo-Christian-Capitalist-Technology world empire builder and dominator. In the Cold War, in the Terror War, and in the emerging New Fascist Era. No doubt, it's cultural journalism is pretty much top shelf, but even that still bends the knee to the ideological narrative. The New York Times pretends to liberal and enlightened, but it is far from it.  

    Oh, the NYTimes published a statement on this, and confirmed the whole thing.



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