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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Rimbo

  1. 37 minutes ago, GenXer said:

    You say that like it’s a bad thing


    34 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Alcohol is a preservative. 


    30 minutes ago, locodos said:

    Not me, I'm back on the Rona!



    27 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    :raises hand:

    Um, I'd just like to state for the record, my brain is actually weed-addled.


    25 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    And an antiseptic


    18 minutes ago, locodos said:

    My blood should be pretty hostile.  Spent Sat/Sun doing landscape work in the AM and then chilling in the pool with Vodka/Topo Chico & Pineapple...  that stuff is dangerous.  Last night I thought I was just a little sun burnt and slept like shit.   Felt worse and worse all day, had the test sitting around, so figured what the hell...  Positive right off the bat.

    Ricola & Tylenol are all I'm using.   


    I wonder if there are cheap flights to NY?   Just kidding I'm hunkering down at home


    8 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    You need to remove the nano bots. Try bleeding yourself and running the blood through one of the really good Brita filters. Like the blue ones. 

    Yes. We're a few cylinders short of a V-8, is all. Not playing with full decks. A hamster short of an embarrassing rectal surgery. Not quite meeting recommended specifications. A few teeth short on our gears. The books of our lives lack punctuation and have spelling errors. Our memory banks are insolvent. We are the third Godfather movie, mentally speaking. Our IQ tests came back negative.

  2. 10 minutes ago, rage-a-holic said:

    Nakamichi car audio in the 80s/90s was absolutely top of the line.

    My cousin had a BMW in the late 80's with a custom Nakamichi system from Earmark that cost something ridiculous like $15k out the door.

    You can score an unopened TD-9 deck on eBay for only $1500


    For audio quality, yes. But for reliability? Not in our experience.

  3. 17 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Right. Like when a whole lot of folks on here were predicting she was going to divorce Trump as soon as he left office.

    Not. Gonna. Happen.

    What? You think THIS will be the final straw?

    She knows damn well Trump cheats on her. She doesn’t care. The only thing that bothers her is that these trysts were made public. She responded by renegotiating her prenup. She’s a grifter and a gold digger. She’s not in it for love or honor or dignity or anything noble. She’s in it til the end. The only way she’d ever file for divorce is if Trump were left absolutely penniless with no properties or assets of any kind. She ain’t leaving him before the well has run dry. 



    GIF by Tokkingheads


    • Haha 3
  4. 8 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:


    No shit. Then Texas boosters go back to playing by the rules and all the other fuckheads start cheating again. 

    why would you bemoan when we now have a competitive advantage?

    KPW's probably a regular r/CFB reader on Reddit, where NIL is a sign of the end times, has made CFB less fun, and will lead to the death of all sport.

    buncha pansies there

  5. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Eh, the Nakamichi tape decks were legit.  By the time they got to the Dragon it was a little nuts, though.

    I still have a fantastic Sony. If only I had a tape collection to listen to. Fucker's pristine and top notch, if a little dusty right now.

  6. 1 hour ago, Gatorubet said:

    How many times do we have to tell you that the bond issue is not delaying anything. We understand your fever dream that this is a problem, but even after being told it’s not a problem you insist on saying the bond delays the appeal.  Just stop!

    Dude, half the people in this thread have already hallucinated a plea deal where Trump stays his term at home in Florida, even though the only source for this is their own whisky-addled brains. Just to keep in mind what you're arguing with.

  7. 13 hours ago, rage-a-holic said:

    Probably because the Nakamichi brand was purchased by a chinese holding company in 1998 and the components/quality you remember from the 80s/90s have nothing in common with the stuff they put out these days.

    I bought a Nakamichi car head unit from Walmart around 2010 and I couldn't believe I scored it on a crazy sale for only $150. It was pure garbage; several of the buttons stuck and one of the channels stopped working after a few months. I eventually tossed it. I would have been better off buying a shitty $50 BOSS head unit. 

    So, not much difference from the stuff in the 80's, then...



  8. On 2/9/2023 at 8:53 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    Are those the "digital" Meridians?


    On 2/23/2023 at 8:40 AM, VABuckeye said:

    They should be.  I wonder what Meridian gear is driving them.  I know they have internal amps.


    Yes, they're digital only. Everything from the DAC to the amps is inside the box.

    And you CAN spend an arm and a leg on Meridian-branded equipment, which... if you know anything about digital... is a complete waste of money.

    Your connections are: S/PDIF coax (RCA) and 5-pin DIN for control. And your standard power cable that roughly every piece of high-wattage electronics has shipped with since 1991. So we have a $99 Blu-Ray player and a Chromecast going into a Monoprice switch for the source, and a cheap no-name 5-pin DIN cable for the control.


    On 4/21/2024 at 8:57 AM, TwiceHorn said:

    Man, haven't heard the name Nakamichi in years. 


    Same. My parents had some of the first Lexus cars made with those premium Nakamichi soundsystems. They sounded amazing, and broke after two years. Dad actually replaced one... and that one broke after 2 years, too.


    In other news, I replaced my computer audio interface. I'd been using a Presonus Audiobox 96 with an ancient Roland MX-5 mixer as volume/preamp. Replaced BOTH with the brand new Focusrite 4i4 (4th gen) and whoa Nelly I did NOT expect the preamps - both for the speakers and for the headphones - to be such a noticable upgrade over what the Presonus and Roland had. (The Roland's were just fine when it was new, but the fucker is 35 years old.)

  9. On 3/22/2024 at 4:26 PM, rage-a-holic said:

    Your take is just illogical and wrong. Both versions of Chani understood imperial politics and marriages.

    Here's a good piece written about it by Dr. Laura Robinson, who is presumably not a misogynist incel neckbeard.

    Does Denis Villaneuve Understand the Women of Dune?



    This is an outstanding criticism that does an even better job of explaining why Chani's behavior felt... off.

    And... yeah... I was sitting there at the end wondering... "Geez, I'm pretty sure Alia should be born and walking around by now!"


    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. I rewatched the first movie yesterday, and watched Part 2 today.

    Overall, absolutely loved the movies. The costumes, the set designs, the acting, the cinematography, the SFX were all top-notch and on point; you could see where the money went. And it's great seeing some serious A-List actors, even in roles that don't have enough of a part for the movie.

    Saw a review somewhere where someone referred to the book, the 1980s movie, and this pair as really emphasizing different things that reflected the times they were made in, and I think that's really true. Overall, I think the new movies did a great job of bringing to the screen a lot (but not all) of the complexity of the novel, and certainly didn't water anything down. And beyond that, even knowing what was coming (and for Part 1, even on the re-watch) I still felt awe and some "holy shit!" moments.

    If I have a criticism, it's that I felt Part 2 had a bit too much of "Here's Paul and Chani staring at each other pensively" moments, when it was time to instead get the story moving. I'm all in favor of having lots of Zendaya on the screen in my movies, but do something; otherwise, I can just look at a still photo of the two actors and get the same experience.

    I'm glad they actually gave Irulan something to do in this movie. But you could film Florence Pugh doing laundry and I'd be entertained.

    OK, that's the spoiler-free bit. Now for some more spoiler-ific reviews.


    I pretty much felt "holy shit" every time I saw a worm on the screen. And seeing the Fremen riding the worms was "holy fucking shit." Something that is in the book that's not in the movie is the whole bit about why the Sardukar are so dangerous and feared, and why the Fremen are more than a match for them: That they live their lives training for war in horribly hostile environments. When I see the Fremen riding the worms in Villeneuve's movies, it really sells the "Fremen are the most badass human beings in the known universe" without ever saying it explicitly.

    I'm not sure if this is a criticism or not, but since it became a really important plot point at the end, I have to mention it: Villeneuve doesn't just shy away from the aristocracy and Fremen having concubines; he turns away from it and actually walks the other direction. We hear Duke Atreides say "I really should have married you" to Jessica, but from that point on, the idea that people are engaged in anything other than monogamous relationships is thrown aside. In the case of Jamis' wife Harah, this is a plus; Harah really contributes nothing to the original book and is a weird distraction in the Lynch movie. In the case of Chani, well, now we're not merely emphasizing something different from what's in the novel, we're writing something entirely new here. I want to see what Villeneuve does with Dune Messiah because I want to know if he's trying to send a deeper message here from "girlfriend jealous" or "tricking people into believing religious prophecy bad."

    I mean... Paul is the Kwisatz Haderach; there's no lie in believing otherwise.

    I was expecting Feyd Rautha to be cut from the film, not just because it took so long for the character to make an appearance, but because one of the key storylines in the novel is that the Baron is trying to set up Feyd as the saviour of Dune from the get-go; he deliberately encourages Rabban to be as brutal as possible to the Fremen, for Feyd to come along and win them over. In both movies, both Lynch's and Villeneuve's, when the Baron is telling Rabban to squeeeeeeeeze all the spice, he just seems like a greedy beast, not the "plans within plans" that are hinted at by Margot Fenring. In the book, this whole plot shows the schemes the Baron has in mind and the awareness of power he has beyond "I have more money because I have Arrakis' spice, yay."

    I'd be curious to know if those of you who hadn't read the book, but have now seen Villeneuve's movies, caught what becoming a Bene Gesserit Mother Superior entails, beyond being able to convert poison you'd ingested. I grasped what was going on because I'd read the book, but I wonder if it is comprehensible to those who haven't.


  11. 1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:

    That didn't happen.  I'm part of a small chat group with a person that's inside the courtroom.  A legit dude who's name you'd certainly recognize.  if that had actually happened, I would have heard about it.  

    Correction:  He's got a seat for the trial, but was in the overflow room during jury selection, watching a live feed. 

    Happy Samuel L Jackson GIF by Apple TV+

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  12. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    edit: well, that was the wrong tweet, but it's true as well.  Gotta find the one I meant to post.

    Ill Allow It GIF

    39 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    This quote has me rethinking my cremation directive, just so I can get a tombstone.

    Even if you're cremated, you can get a box for your ashes.

    I'm gonna have my ashes put into a 1977 Star Wars lunch pail

    • Haha 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Pancho said:


    i SMUGLY rest my fucking case

    3 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

    That’s gotta be some type of 4D chess troll post.

    No. He's really that much in the closet, that much in denial, and that stupid. It's just painfully obvious.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 4 hours ago, safe sex said:

    But is there not a difference between someone who invests because they believe in the business and want to have a say in how it's run in order to, ultimately, make more money, and someone who sells something they don't own yet in hopes of manipulating the market for a quick turnaround that probably harms a lot more people than it helps?


    feels game of thrones GIF

    Putting money into things you believe in isn't investing, it's charity.

    You don't have to go full Duke Bros., you just have to have an enlightened self-interest and an understanding of how money makes money.

  15. 10 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    or just Former President Dickhead.

    91-time criminally indicted flatulent narcoleptic seditious bankrupt immoral rapist, industrial strength vaginal dehumidifier, and former president, Donald J. Trump.

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