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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Rimbo

  1. I've been listening to the Cleveland broadcast, and their comment on that discussion between hinch and ump as "they now know each other's brand of toothpaste."

    they're having a lot more fun than our broadcasters do, but it's harder to tell what's going on; for example they called that Trevor "Mauer" had just got his tenth strikeout on Correa...

  2. Eliminate the need for certain types of Yankees fans from being able to post on the internet.

    You know the kind I mean. Strong tendency to make any discussion about baseball to be about the Yankees and how great they are? That kind.

  3. 13 minutes ago, skipperj said:

    Get a record player, yo.

    No point. Records are obsolete technology. The problem vanishes with one more byte per sample per channel. But you will see people barf out endless nonsense decrying the possibility that anyone might be able to hear a difference.

    The recent "laurel/yanny" thing that popped up onto the internet has made me happy, because suddenly, everything I've been talking about has come to the forefront. That said, I have exactly 0 hope that anything will come of this.

  4. The state of digital audio.

    CD-quality audio (44100HZ 16-bit 2-channels) isn't nearly enough bits for the kind of music I listen to (Metal and symphonic classical); it needs 44,100HZ and 24-bit, but nobody sells it (not unless you want to pay the Meridian Tax or worse), and people who ought to know better will waste their breath trying to convince you that 44100/16 is plenty enough, that "you can't hear the difference." And I will fucking cut the first person who links Monty @ xiph.org at me, that ignorant motherfucker has misled so many people with his dumbassery... (Repeat after me, Monty you fuck: (1) quantization noise is a function of the input signal, (2) the need for dithering is a sign that you aren't using enough fucking bits for the signal. And also (3) human hearing is designed around picking signal out from the kind of noise that is in analog recordings, but is designed to detect quantization noise.)

    What made since in the fucking 1980s when a 16-bit CPU was considered super high-end, 1MB of RAM was thousands upon thousands of dollars and digital cell phones streaming GB/s over the fucking air worldwide was science fucking fiction (seriously, the 3-year-old cell phone I just ditched was more powerful than the most powerful supercomputer in the world back then) doesn't make fucking sense now, particularly since one more goddamned byte per sample per channel is more than sufficient to solve the problem permanently and forever. Terabytes are cheap now.

    tl;dr: Laurel is signal, Yanny is quantization noise, and yes you can fucking hear it.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Captainant said:

    I'm not a trumper or a fake news person. Honestly. Please don't confuse my frustration with coverage of gun violence with thinking that all news (or news that I don't like) is fake. I fucked up in making the posts that I did and I deserve to get shit on for it, but please don't let that post be the only thing you base your opinion of me off of.

    Aw, yeah, I get where you're coming from. Well, at least for me, I despise the fact that any asshole/incel/cultist/dumbfuck who decides he wants to go out in a blaze of glory knows that the press will be all too willing to grant him his fondest desire. The press wants to ask "Why did this person do this" and invariably gives the deceased fuckhead all the glory he could dream of.

  6. 2 hours ago, Captainant said:

    They're actually between Houston and Galveston lol. 


    But yeah, reading news coverage, I haven't seen any actual reports of people injured. Just lots of adults scrambling and clutching pearls and scaring kids without anything actually happening. CNN is pushing it as the lead story without any confirmed reports and they're talking to a mom that's freaking out because of what she saw on the news. 


    Fucking news is whipping everyone into a frenzy before there's any real confirmation just because they know it gets clicks and eyeballs. 


    For fucks sake, there's a Life flight and paramedics there for what may be much Ado about nothing. It's so goddamn frustrating

    I'm a piece of shit and spoke before information was in. My apologies and I'll try to do better. Tragedies shouldn't be made light of.

    I get where you're coming from here, but you need to realize that "fake news" from the likes of CNN is itself fake. Fake news definitely exist (cf Facebook feeds), but ... Let's just say that those who still remain faithful to Trump and his blather aren't going to be rewarded for their loyalty.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Mez2 said:

    That was a shamewood reference from way back when.But seriously, this team sucks at home.


    Superstar, I'm calling you out, for someone who wants to be an MVP and leader this is a prime spot for you a take action. Beltran ain't here to address the team. Your performance is teh suck at home, like not even the same neighborhood. Quit humping your former Ms Texas.

      And, Altuve, you ain't far behind. Ugh, I either need to quit caring about games in early May or stop drinking so much and I know what I'm going to not do.

    definitely drinking here

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