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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Rimbo

  1. 22 hours ago, slorch said:

    I think Gattis would have to murder 3 crippled kids or something for me not to like him as a player.


    of course this is a ridiculous notion

    Evan gattis strikes me as the kind of guy who watches where he steps so that no ants are injured

  2. I've been listening to the Cleveland broadcast, and their comment on that discussion between hinch and ump as "they now know each other's brand of toothpaste."

    they're having a lot more fun than our broadcasters do, but it's harder to tell what's going on; for example they called that Trevor "Mauer" had just got his tenth strikeout on Correa...

  3. Eliminate the need for certain types of Yankees fans from being able to post on the internet.

    You know the kind I mean. Strong tendency to make any discussion about baseball to be about the Yankees and how great they are? That kind.

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