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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Rimbo

  1. On 4/26/2018 at 9:58 PM, utee94 said:

    So, with an unashamed admission that I truly love 80s hair metal, I'll go ahead and post up one of my favorite 80s videos NOT from that genre, but instead a super-poppy video, which also happens to be one of the most famous music videos of all time.  I loved the song then, and still do.  For some reason recently, I stumbled over this on Youtube with my kids (ages 8 and 10) and they really loved it as well.  I guess it's timeless.




    literally came here to post this one. 

    like you, I'm all about the 80s hair metal, American thrash, NWOBHM, and pretty much Duran Duran's entire discography, but this song and video are... timeless.

  2. 18 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Funny how the idiot sons of rich and powerful people manage to find their way into Ivy League schools, isn't it?

    I know, right?

    They wouldn't last a semester at UT

  3. 7 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    This is not an Unpopular Opinion below.....


    You are an idiot.

    This reminds me of the time, it seems like only yesterday, that I saw someone comment that Trump "made Dubya look like an MIT grad." Of course, Dubya's a Yale grad with an MBA from Harvard, which is ... I dunno, around the same level at worst? I reckon most of the people who thought GWB was "stupid" probably weren't exactly Norman Einsteins themselves.

  4. 7 hours ago, Uncle Nate said:

    Or the “us” and “we” is referring to the Triune God. 

    Just saying. 

    That's what we interpret it as now. And post-captivity Jews would have their own explanation. But when it was written? It was referring to all of 'em.

  5. 2 hours ago, Newdoc said:

    There' are problems with the article you quoted including adoption of monotheism by the tribes of Israel from polytheism is the assumption that all ancient tribes start with polytheism and that when evidence is lacking to prove the point, then it is merely described as "scrubbed" from the ancient text.  It's all justification for a presumption by the "researchers".  It would make more sense to work from the base that polytheism evolved from monotheism because this is literally consistent with the Old Testament and all Jewish and non-Jewish tribes were persistently in trouble with the Jewish God for adopting polytheistic beliefs and worship.

    Here we go with the little "g" god.  It's clear you are referencing the Jewish and Christian "God".  Is there some sort of point you are trying to make?  I don't believe in  a literal Cinderella, Zeus or the Tooth Fairy but I will go ahead and use proper grammar and respect for those who do.

    Oh, what you say is hardly "consistent" with the OT. Remember Genesis 1:26? "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”"

    The Bible even documents the "discovery" of Deuteronomy within itself, in 2 Kings 22. "Yo, kid -- I mean, your majesty, look at this never-before-seen-or-heard-of words of Moses we 'found' in the Temple!" And that is the point where the worship of Asherah, etc. became no longer accepted.

    Remember, above all else, that we as Christians must understand that the Bible was written by humans, not God, who were struggling to understand divinity within the context of their time. Don't make the error of believing that the Bible is consistent. It isn't and doesn't try to be. Best example of a contradiction is the version of David in Kings (written during the Babylonian exile, where the #1 theological issue was "why did these bad things happen to us, why are we no longer in our Promised Land?") and the version of David in Chronicles (written after they were returned to Palestine under Cyrus of Persia, where David is meant to be the ideal of the theocratic king)...


    edit: or what phdhorn said much more briefly above

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Orca of Peace said:

    probably thousands of books on this topic, TLDR all of them, here is a concise article showing how desert tribal politics 2500-3000 years ago affected tens of billions of people over the next 3 thousand years. 


    Decades of research into the birth and evolution of the Yhwh cult are summarized in “The Invention of God,” a recent book by Thomas Römer, a world-renowned expert in the Hebrew Bible and professor at the College de France and the University of Lausanne. Römer, who held a series of conferences at Tel Aviv University last month, spoke to Haaretz about the subject.

    In any case, many scholars agree that Yhwh became the main god of the Jews only after the destruction of the kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians, around 720 BCE.

    edit -- the original link worked when i first posted, but now is "premium" . I guess God works in mysterious ways. By luck , found this complete one below. 



    also please no " the Jews did this" gif 

    This is news? Shoot, we covered that in Sunday school at my church.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    I think The Beatles fucking suck. I told a friend this and he said something about how "they revolutionized music, they were the first band of their kind. They were amazing". Well by that logic I guess the Wright Brothers are the greatest pilots of all time? Stupid. 

    I enjoyed watching Johnny Manziel play in college. 

    The DH is awesome and the NL should have it. 

    Saving Private Ryan is monumentally overrated after the first 20 minutes. 

    God Bless America is possibly the worst song I've ever heard. It also has no true historical or patriotic importance.

    LeBron is better than MJ ever was.

    San Antonio is overall the best city in Texas. 

    The bean & cheese taco is in my opinion the worst thing that whites have ever done to Mexican culture. You guys might not have invented it but it sure seems to be all your favorite breakfast taco. It's completely disgusting in every way. 

    Beatles: Totally agree. I can't go as far as to say "They suck," but they had weak singing voices and I don't like them. I can acknowledge and agree that they did revolutionize music, but that doesn't mean I have to like their music, and that doesn't mean they're above criticism.

    Pitchers shouldn't hit. Agree there.

    Saving Private Ryan: Yeah, what we need is a movie about the D-Day invasion that culminates in that scene.

    Agreed that "God Bless America" is dogshit. It's a shit song with shit writing and every time someone makes me sing it at a ballgame or whatever I am going to intentionally wreck it. Patriotism is stupid.

    Eh, I'd grant the "worst thing whites have done to Mexican culture" award to Taco Bell; a B&C taco is a fantastic hangover cure. But personally, I need meat on my tacos.

    leave the rest of it

  8. 3 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:


    I didn't feel good about it.

    The last two-thirds of the movie were always weaker than the first third, but I'd failed to register just how much weaker. The scene with the monkey, and the scene with Dreyfuss immediately following it, are as good as anything Peter Sellers has ever done.

    The rest... was not one of Blake Edwards' better products despite Sellers' efforts.

  9. 42 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    In 40 years I’ll come back on here and tell you that fucking TLJ was a sackless pile of shit.  That is so long as a fucking ice cream truck doesn’t shut it down for about tree fiddy before then. 

    You'll sound really silly then, hahahahaha :)

    Just because you didn't like the movie doesn't mean it's a bad movie. The critics have pretty much universally cheered TLJ, and they're right. And yes, while maybe in your local neighborhood everyone agreed on ESB, nationwide, the audience was split -- just like it was with TLJ, and for the exact same reasons.

  10. 1 hour ago, mulletpelini said:

    Rimbo, I think we're about the same age, mid to late 40's which means we saw ESB on the big screen.  I realize I live in a somewhat isolated pocket known as Kansas, but I highly doubt that only the people that I knew at that time here were the only ones that enjoyed the fuck out of ESB.  We bought navy fucking winter coats and relived the Hoth sequences the following winter.  No one told Han the odds.  Darth Vader revealed he was Lukes dad, then cut off his fucking hand.  Han got fucking frozen (how ironic after spending a night exposed to the elements on Hoth), Luke and Leia used their wonder twins powers and the movie ended in the middle and the only thing we were pissed about was that it ended in the fucking middle.

    Now if you're a millennial disregard everything I just said I'm sure you're absolutely right.

    Eh. Depends on your neighborhood, I guess. We didn't have the internet back then when enclaves of fanboys/haters could get together, but we did have fan magazines. And the fan magazines told the tale of a split fanbase. The biggest issue, of course, being whether or not Vader really was Luke's Dad...

  11. 18 hours ago, crackamacgowski said:


    You get the red mist when you open this thread, huh? Heart rate increases, get a little sweaty?


    I am here to make a bunch of whiny bitchy nerds who are unhappy about a thing even unhappier. I'm here to piss on the pigs. Because it's fucking fun to do. I don't get to piss on pigs very often, and it's good to find pigs who aren't worth trying to raise up and treat them like the shit that they are. Makes me feel better for a brief moment.

    Now, if I wanted to make myself unhappy, I'd try to educate you poor miserable stupid ignorant fucks. But you're not interested in learning anything, you don't want to enjoy the movie, so why should I bother? This is much more fun!

    OH NO ROSE IS SO UGLY! he says as he pops his third pimple on his left scrote bag


    Whadda buncha losers!

    • Fuck You 4
  12. 21 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    except WE all loved it pretty much universally and while we all pretty much thought 8 had potential but shit all over itself.

    no you didn't you mis-remembering looking-at-the-past-through-rose-colored-glasses living-in-your-mom's-basement dweebs

    Everyone loved ESB 10 years after it came out. In 1979? Only the critics loved it; the audience was saying... well, all the same dumb shit everyone's saying about Episode 8 now.

    And don't get me wrong. It is dumb shit. :) 

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