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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Rimbo

  1. 10 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    And so are the democrats for nominating the only candidate worse than Trump.  

    Hillary sir Edmund, I dodged sniper fire on a tarmac in Bosnia Clinton

    Sad but true.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Snacks said:

    I need to check Jake the Snake's contract status. He looks different in these first 3 games.

    It looks like he's continuing his improvement in hitting from last year.

    I swear, if he keeps hitting like this, I may scream. I mean, I loved him as a player even before he knew how to hit.

  3. On 3/28/2018 at 7:05 PM, Bevo VIII said:

    Is this the thread for the poors and their “technology?”


    I'm sure Jaguar owners felt the same about Lexus back in the early 90's.

    Apple has already lost the war here; they're just coasting on momentum at this point while Google is accelerating.


  4. On 3/28/2018 at 8:28 AM, TwiceHorn said:

    Eh. yeah. Samsung packs a lot of dogshit on to their phones.  But the objection is mostly theoretical.  It doesn't slow anything down (cuz the damn thing is so fast to begin with) and I still have 48G of memory left.

    Plus, you can disable all of it.

    The real point to me is that Samsung continues supporting their flagships with updates after the point when even Apple has abandoned theirs. I'll never buy another LG after seeing them end-of-life their flagship after eighteen months.

  5. 2 hours ago, Larry T. Spider said:

    As a school administrator, I work with parents a lot on these decisions and giving good info to their doctors. My only comment is that it amazes me how differently the same med and dosage can impact different kids. We have had to tell parents to get their kid off a certain drug because they became a zombie on a tiny dose. Same thing for a different kid is like a miracle drug with all the benefits and almost no negative side effects. All I can suggest is to play around with it until you find what works. Also, don’t forget the behavioral side of it in teaching specific organizational strategies. The meds may help, but they don’t replace those lessons.

    As far as the article, the most common side effect we see is loss of appetite. It’s also the most common reason I see parents taking their kid off meds. Some meds are better than others in that area so a switch sometimes works.

    This is all great stuff. What we've done re: appetite is big breakfasts and dinners, before he's started the meds and after the meds have worn off. We just don't expect him to eat much at lunch, and increase his caloric intake at the other meals (plus snacks).

    This is not possible with e.g. Strattera or other non stimulant meds that are effectively in you 24/7.

  6. On 3/28/2018 at 12:53 PM, Hate said:

    As the father of a 9 year old on ADHD meds, this has my attention. We see the doctor every 6 months to make sure he is still growing and so far there have been no issues. He’s one of the tallest in his class even though he is one of the youngest. This does have me concerned though.

    Father of a 13 year old with ADHD here. We've had a lot of luck with:

    1. Using the smallest effective dose. 5mg Adderall is enough, and more hasn't proven necessary.

    2. Giving him breaks from the medication when possible. Like on weekends.

    3. His school emphasizes intense exercise to moderate the condition as opposed to higher doses. In particular, the school sends their miscreants off to set world records in open sea marathon swim relays. Like 27 mile swim relays.

    He's 5'8" at age thirteen, but he does have genetics in his favor somewhat.

  7. 39 minutes ago, maninblack said:

    Lost a bet

    Well. To be fair, that is, in the strictest and most technical sense of the term, a man. And he is wearing, among other colors but mostly, the color black.

    I mean... It's still a goddamned abomination, but ya know.

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