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Sgt Hulk

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Everything posted by Sgt Hulk

  1. Alright Boys let’s get this hot train moving. The NFC is ours next Cowboys year is loading
  2. Go. The fuck back to your shitty homeless city dan fran hahahahahaha
  3. Bullshit defensive holding bails out the pos 9ers
  4. 9ers gonna win. Watch. Fuck 24 already
  5. Let’s giiiiii fu k san fran
  6. Stopped in for the expert reviews of media moguls and music industry folks
  7. Chiefs getting butt fucked. Hopefully they come back like a few years afo
  8. My man got I injured running in the field
  9. Fucker wasn’t even tackled
  10. Fuck San Fran. But also fuck mahomes. guysweatingover2buttons.jpg
  11. Hes the cloak roam poster child douchebag we all have seen it. I’m glad others all calling him out finally
  12. The amount of times you e posted about Taylor has to be a record. I mean don’t you have other shit to bitch and complain about then making up a scenario in your head to complain about
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