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Sgt Hulk

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Everything posted by Sgt Hulk

  1. DBU is still on spring break
  2. JFC. Owen’s is a EE and we are already talking about him portalling. never change surly
  3. We don’t need a punter. Have you seen our fucking running back room get all the DTs
  4. I bet surly could compile a D line adequate enough to stop them
  5. This team is the purest dogshit outside of the Charlie strong football program I’ve seen in sometime
  6. Has anyone done a head to head analysis between Baxter and blue because that fucking topic hasn’t been fucking beaten to death yet
  7. Just running away with it
  8. The Verne stuff. In the feels
  9. Damn his the flag stick square
  10. De La fuente putting from 15 yards off the back of the green.
  11. Love the my group option
  12. I loved him in naked gun
  13. Lol I’ll bet this loser ends up in Colorado with all the other losers and their loser coach
  14. Mother fuckers are still arguing and completely missed this
  15. Only partial here in LA. See you fuckers in 2045
  16. I’d like to see Taaffe lined up in the goal line package with Conner at fullback and blackshire at Qb
  17. Sgt Hulk

    Below Deck

    The former fst kid deck hand is annoying as fuck
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