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Kringelbert Fishtybuns

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Everything posted by Kringelbert Fishtybuns

  1. Due to the recent inflationary period, I have stopped ordering my own meals. In fact, I have found the parking lot at the Dollar Store down the street to be a relative cornucopia of free delectables. Just find the closest over-elevated lorry and it’s a one way ticket to flavor town.
  2. Good deal. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t a Bueller/Chez Quis maitre d scene. We are professional drinkers and don't have the consistent caloric intake requirements of small children.
  3. Any SWAG on Friday night wait time for a Gramercy Tavern bar spot? 90 mins? Not sure I want to grab a dining room reservation based on schedule.
  4. I thought this as well, but wasn’t completely sure. Are the new actresses that much better actresses or is the character’s maturity/storyline just more interesting? Maybe it’s both, but things are definitely better. Early Sansa chapters were always boring to a certain degree, because she was a teen who thought about fairy tales. I guess when watching the younger actresses, the acting itself didn’t necessarily stick out as a flaw to me.
  5. That’s the one. Finally bought airfare last week. Now just need to line up lodging, tickets, and secondary child coverage ( primary thinks they may have gotten COVID last weekend). Still waiting to pull the trigger on tickets as inventory/rain chances are increasing.
  6. Quick impromptu trip with wife. Going to a concert at Forest Hills Stadium next Saturday night. Anybody have recs for early dinner in Queens near a Metro station? Looking for nicer, date night - but not out of place in concert clothes. Bar with good food would also work especially for pre concert drinks.
  7. We’re done here Just get on the plane without Aaronsen picking up a knock.
  8. Alright Zimm. Finding outlets through the press/between the lines.
  9. That pass from Zimm to Sergeant may have been the most promising thing I have seen all day. God damn Ito. You are on the team, no need for that shit.
  10. I know Antonee tweaked an ankle, but has he returned to training yet. Can’t seem to find much. And Weah should be getting back to playing soon as well - right? Haha - did Twellman just say that this halftime was good practice for Gregg? That’s just what you want in the last international window - a learning moment for the skipper.
  11. Not great when your LB/LCB combo is so worthless that the entire MF/FE shift to the right side.
  12. Not sure if you watched all of that one
  13. Considering taking the kids (7,9) to Khruangbin on Saturday night and grabbing some lawn tickets. I normally avoid Cota like the plague, but this one seemed low key enough. Any body have an idea on when Cota concerts end? For some reason, I thought they typically wrap up a little earlier, like 10:30-11.
  14. So was that the actual Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch on top of her casket or just a model?
  15. I have never given a shit about uniforms, although the greatest shorts ever were the nylon Adidas weed logo with the band on the bottom - before they went “Adidas equipment”. I thought the denim was gauche even then. The blue ones suck shit through a straw. The white ones are meh. I vote Waldo home/Bomb pop second/solid blue third and stop fucking with it. Tell Nike to fuck off and go back to Adidas. Mexicos actually look pretty solid. Of course, I’m crotchety enough to think Germany’s away should be solid green Englands home shouldn’t have color besides the crest and a blue umbro logo and the away has to be solid red. Nike wtf? Argentinas away needs to be blue not purple/blue. Spains away needs to be Navy or white, not this baby blue pattern Italy needs diadora and dark blue. Brazil is either yellow/blue/white or blue/white/blue - not yellow/white/white. Rant over. I promised the boys jerseys, so I guess I’ll stick with the home.
  16. Alright Alright Alright Playoff ball confirmed So 4 pts guarantees 2nd right? That would give us 17 wins and Dallas is at 13.
  17. Djitte !!!!!!!!!!!! That was either going into the back of the net or out of the stadium.
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