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Everything posted by Mdhorn

  1. Corner was dogging it on the chase too.
  2. Go fuck yourself Houston and your shitty big 12 refs.
  3. Probably figured they wouldn't get called for anything.
  4. How are you supposed to fight through a headlock from behind?
  5. Not going to call that open field holding past the qb?
  6. That fake fg was cute Sark. Now the difference is being up by 10 at half. This team can't get out of their own way.
  7. Those pass plays for Houston start with holding and no calls. That's how the qb has so much time.
  8. You don't try a 6 yard punt fake with your kicker. It's stupid.
  9. Why is Sark fucking around and not taking the points?
  10. "A bunch of Horns arriving in a bad humor?" Da fuq is Brando talking about?
  11. Finally Red call for 1 yard in the red zone.
  12. Keep running and this Houston d is going to be tapioca midway through the 3rd.
  13. Nice play design on that pass to Sanders.
  14. Nailed it--cant rationalize with crazy and discussion only acknowledges they have a position (they don't). My new family talking points begin with: Hey mom, these facilities should have both physical and mental therapy. Have you checked for Bingo? I also see that they have gardening.
  15. Saw this reminder earlier in the comment section elsewhere: Jim Jordan is currently still in contempt of Congress for refusing to honor the subpoena issued him over a year ago by the Jan 6 committee. How can one in contempt of the same Congress he's supposed to lead legitimately be its Speaker?
  16. Mdhorn

    3D Printing

    Wonder if these will be like dental guards for teeth grinding that seem similar to a sports mouthpiece but cost almost 400 dollars. But that is pretty cool, and we could start seeing it in sports more and more real soon. Also, how cool would it have been if when you were a kid, you could make your own damn toys.
  17. That kids a future villain in a James Bond movie--Golden Toilet or something or other. Has anyone thought of how much of this dudes presidency has centered around the toilet? He repped owning a golden toilet, and tweeted daily from the can. And of course he would hide national security docs in his bathroom, it was there in front of us, this whole time.
  18. Mdhorn

    3D Printing

    I've seen some mockups of 3d printers that could be used by patients to create their own artificial limbs as well as maintenance parts. And because the printers are cheap, they could print from home.
  19. Neither of these teams is very good. Milton is stiff and slow and aggys secondary is ass.
  20. I thought Saban might stroke out on the sideline after that penalty on the kneel down. He may want to consider that baguette.
  21. Landon Jackson is a having a game.
  22. Well, La Quinta is pet friendly. Guess that became a different thing.
  23. I could see Sanders at a Florida school like UF or FSU, more than Bama. I also could see him at Clemson or LSU--those are all fast tracked for success for the right coach--fertile recruiting grounds with prior winning programs. Aggy? No chance. He speaks his mind too much for that school. I'd be interested if he'd take a job like Michigan or PSU. I could also see Locksley being a coach that get's some looks.
  24. Mdhorn


    I think a toss to Witt instead of Worthy is 6 points. Worthy can't hit and got bent. He's a speedy wideout that's good at finding open areas or speed when there's a lot of field. When the field shrinks, I'm not giving to lighter guys if I need a push. And that beginning swing pass to open games needs to stop.
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