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Posts posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. 1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:

    The news is saying Melania just had a fairly serious surgery on her kidney today will be hospitalized for several days

    This presidency has been tough on my kidneys too. 

  2. 2 hours ago, JimTom said:

    I'm going to wear it in SF in a few weeks on a business trip and dare the libtards to hit me.  Thing is, they're all pu$$ies.

    You're not going to San Francisco in search of pussy. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well, the problem is that the word "evangelical" has become so co-opted that the overlapping meanings create much confusion.

    There's "Evangelical Christians," which are a particular cultural and political group that we're discussing here.  That label came about both by self-labeling and external characterization (hard to tell which came first), but it's the label that applies today.

    Then there's evangelical Christians, who are simply Christians who evangelize...which, really, is effectively ALL Christians.  If we live outwardly as commanded, loving one another, we are sending a clear and powerful message:

    Indeed, it is the foundational and most powerful way to evangelize -- live as an example.

    The irony is, by THAT measure, many "Evangelical Christians" -- who many of us have experienced as some of the plain meanest people we have ever known -- are the OPPOSITE of evangelical Christians.

    This has happened with other terms over the years as well.  See liberalism.  The Economist has long been a champion of liberalism, which historically has only slight overlap with what American "LIberals" have stood for.  Instead, classical liberalism most closely links with what we've long associated with American Conservatism: protection of individual freedoms, pro-markets and free trade, etc.*  

    * The recent bizarro-world developments of the GOP suddenly becoming anti-free trade etc. notwithstanding.

    I would call Christians who evangelize "evangelists," not evangelicals. There's a difference. I'm sure there's no consensus on what either is nor how they differ from one another. But hey, that's religion for you. 

  4. Stupid children playing government. They consider the lives lost to be meaningless. "Disposable," as Giuliani would say. 

    God, we look like fools. It's embarrassing. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Hitler was an atheist. 

    Hitler was a Catholic. No matter what you believe about Hitler, the Nazis were mostly Catholic. Most of the soldiers who wore that uniform and served the fuehrer called themselves Christian and believed that the Christian God was on their side. 

    Just like the neo-Nazis and klansmen do today. They're now mostly Protestant but that's a minor distinction. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Blotto said:

    So here's the article that got me reading a bit more about Avenatti...


    My guess is that Avenatti is not as flush as he would like us to believe. He also seems a bit evasive when answering questions about his current involvement with Tully's.

    To be clear, I don't really give a fuck about Avenatti's morals other than the impact it will have on the court of public opinion. Because there are a lot of people in this country that will have to be forced to change their opinion on Trump for this country to move forward. Rolling around in the mud with Trump hasn't proven to be a terribly effective approach to date. Mueller's team seems to realize this, I'm not convinced Avenatti particularly cares, especially if he can enrich himself in this process. I'll gladly admit if I'm wrong, but the dude seems to throw up a lot of red flags.

    Avenatti purchased Tully's out of bankruptcy in 2013, in partnership with actor Patrick Dempsey, who is best known for his role as Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd in the TV show "Grey's Anatomy." Dempsey sued Avenatti in August 2013 to break off the partnership.

    Or, like me, you might remember him best from his role as the geeky Ronald Miller in Can't Buy Me Love. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Avenatti is the lawyer for a porn star. 

    Arent those guys supposed to be sleazy AF?

    Why would they be? Why should they be? Cohen is the one representing a criminal here, and who is probably a criminal himself. 

  8. 11 hours ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Lol. Christianity is responsible for as much or more death than Islam throughout history, and Christianity has been steadfastly covering up pedophilia for hundreds of years.

    Whole books are devoted to cataloging the instruments of torture and mutilation devised by the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages. That's some seriously sick shit. I'm not aware that the marriage of church and state elsewhere has ever produced anything as heinous. 

  9. Trump is the best recruiter for the jihadists since Dubya. The Muslim Ban, dancing with the Saudi royals and fondling their orb, breaking America's word on the Iran deal and threatening further destabilization/possible war, killing the idea of a two state solution and essentially telling the Palestinians to go fuck themselves. That's not to mention participating in the slaughter in Yemen. He's guaranteeing that we'll be living with terrorism for the rest of our lives. 

    And he's okay with that because they're an enemy he can use to advance his agenda. 

    • Like 3
  10. 15 minutes ago, XYZ said:

    So you have an opinion (that we should do everything possible to perpetuate our species) but you can’t explain or defend it. That’s OK.

    If the answer to why we should not want to go extinct is not self-evident then you might be the dumbest person on the face of the earth. 

  11. Affect is a verb, effect is a noun.

    Bone reminds me of my friend who likes to look at the burn cards after dealing a hand of hold'em. He thinks that's meaningful. Like, "Look how close we were to this outcome!" I've tried to explain to him why those cards are no more meaningful than the card on the bottom of the deck, or any other unused card, but he doesn't get it. 

  12. 23 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Let’s see what Stormy has to say on this...


    Can we please not go PC principal on calling Stormy Daniels a whore.

    Like you said, we’re all whores in one way or another.


    Do you feel shame when you masturbate? When you were younger, did you think less of your partner after having sex with them? Do you now? Do you think it's okay for a man to have had many sexual partners but if a woman has then it makes her a slut?

  13. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    You guys are funny, assuming I was using the term whore derogatorily.

    Whores are great!

    And to put a finer point on it, Stormy is an exceptional whore.

    She doesn’t need to keep doing porn for money at this point but she obviously really really likes it so good for her.

    Right. You meant "whore" in the complimentary sense. As in, "Why mother, you look as lovely as a whore."

    Prostitution and pornography are separate enterprises. It's not accurate to call a porn star a whore. It just reflects a value judgment on your part. It suggests some possible sexual repression. 

    • Haha 1
  14. 5 hours ago, RayDog said:

    And 16 when she released most of her video clips.

    Most? You didn't keep up with her career. 

    I'd guess she was 17 in that avatar. All the masturbation videos were made after she turned 18. They were pretty lame but they made up the majority of her catalog. 

  15. 4 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    And successfully launched a nuclear capable ICBM

    After Trump threatened that there'd be fire and fury like the world has never seen before if he did. 

  16. 4 hours ago, Incredulity said:

    Posts announcing, “I am putting _______on ignore” or “this thread is feeding my ignore list.”

    No one fucking cares who you ignore, you’re shit isn’t interesting, you aren’t that important.


  17. 38 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    I mean, it’s more likely than not that she’s been paid to fuck an actual brush, so...

    That makes her a whore? I'll let you be the one to tell burntorangebongos that her avatar is a whore.  

  18. On May 11, 2018 at 1:44 PM, CHEF DIESEL said:

    No matter what humans as a species do, either cut down all the trees, burn everything...or...become hyper sensitive eco-warriors, humans will become extinct. Just like everything else except for amoeba and some primitive ooze somewhere. Extinction is just the order of things. It has nothing to do with climate change or lack thereof. It has everything to do with just the natural track record of life on this planet. It all goes extinct. Just like humans will.

    If we can do anything to avoid extinction, we should. We should strive to exist long enough to evolve into a higher being, just like our ancestors did for billions of years before us, from all the way back when our ancestors were single cell creatures.

  19. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Stormy had to chose Avenatti to be her attorney.

    A decision that is currently exposing corruption at the highest levels of government and business.

    Have to give the whore credit too.

    "Whore?" Seriously? I wouldn't have figured you for a Puritan. 

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