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Posts posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. 1 hour ago, Loco said:

    there is a reason he's on the offensive.   Keep the Trumpanzees howling so the GOP has cover to continue to allow this madness.


    Still nope. And yes, he should be in jail for war crimes. 

    I saw that gas was up to $3/gallon yesterday so that at least brings back memories of Dubya and dumbfuck Republican policy in the Middle East. Whoopee! We never learn!

  2. On May 15, 2018 at 11:15 PM, F250 said:

    Two days ago, I was checking out at HEB when the guy behind me in line starts up a conversation by saying, "Did you know you've been lied to?" This guy was a dead ringer for the actor Kevin Durand (evil mercenary from Lost) which added to the "WTF?" moment.

    I reply, "I hope you aren't referring to my wife." He laughs and says, "No, I was talking about this..." he shows me his phone with pictures of the galaxy but the stars are fuzzy. "Notice how the stars don't appear as you would expect? You were told the earth rotates around the sun but..." I cut him off with a laugh and say, "This is about the earth being flat I assume." He replies with "I'm just trying to offer you some useful information... There are other lies we've all been told." I turn away to pay the cashier.

    The HEB cashier and bagger have this incredulous look on their faces. The guy continues to ramble on but I tune him out and I'm just giggling at the absurdity. I apologize to the guy while laughing and tell him that I thought I was on a hidden camera show. He just implores me to do my own research. That's when I noticed his basket.

    He had a few litters of alkaline water, Probiotics, chia seeds, various vitamins, a handful of boxes with Non-GMO labels, you get the picture. I told him that I don't believe the earth is flat but I believe vaccines are toxic. Somehow I knew he would agree, he then starts up with, "see it's the same concept, it's all lies." I grabbed my receipt and said I was kidding about the vaccines and walk off. He gives me one last "Do your research!"


    TL/DR: A pseudo science anti-vaxxer/flat earther attempted to proselytize me at HEB. No pamphlets were involved.



    Pics or it didn't happen. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Junior is all in on the lie that he never told his old man about the Trump Tower meeting.

    He told him. The Donald teased the information he thought he was going to get in a speech after he won the NJ primary on June 7. The Trump Tower meeting took place on June 9.

    From his June 7 speech: 


    Of course he knew. There's no way he wouldn't know. I've made the comparison before but it's like with the police investigation into Jerry Sandusky at PSU in 1998. Of course Joe knew. I didn't need to see the evidence to know he knew.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    No, I understand the Palestinians' perspective and the reasons there is conflict.  They have every right to be upset at their plight, and I understand why they blame Israel for it.  The problem is that you are letting your emotions cloud your reason.  That's why you keep applying ridiculous double standards to Israel.   Not even England has the protections of the First Amendment, let alone any Arab country, but it's a reason to specifically ding Israel?  Come on now. 

    "Get along" isn't a solution to the conflict for anyone over the age of 5.   How exactly do you propose to implement that plan? 

    Like I said, it's not going to happen. We're going to choose the stupid option and you're a fool if you think violence won't be the result or can be avoided. 

    I have no emotion regarding this subject. You're reading me wrong. I'm just calling it like I see it. 

    Edit: I'm still guessing you believe the God of Abraham is real. Do you deny having that bias?

  5. 19 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I'll stipulate that it would be nice if every country in the world adopted and followed the US Constitution.  But if I were criticizing countries for not doing so, Israel would not be anywhere near the top of the list for complaint.  What does this argument have to do with Israel in particular? 

    First Amendment, dude. 

    Is it safe to assume you believe the God of Abraham is real?

  6. 19 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    The relevance is explained in the rest of my post, which you didn't read. 

    Look, I know that you really want to argue about ancient history, because you sincerely believe that Jews shouldn't have been allowed to immigrate to the land a hundred years ago or start a nation there.  I've been through those arguments a dozen times on hornfans and the Shag, and I'm seeing the same bogus pro-Palestinian arguments as always on this thread. But the reality is that it doesn't matter now.   Arguing as if it does only legitimizes your premise that Israel's right to exist today is somehow dependent on a relitigation of the UN vote. 

    But it isn't.  Israel exists.  The native population in Israel proper is Jewish.  Whatever it was in 1917, or 1817, or the year 17, it's not Arab land now.  The Palestinian diaspora is largely native to other countries, along with Gaza and the West Bank.

    The only issues that matter now are the settlements, skirmishes, and possible peace compromises.   And there are reasonable arguments against a number of things that the Israelis are doing there.   But "The Jews claim to the land is based on bullshit from the Bible" hasn't been one of them for many, many years. 

    The issues that matter to you aren't the issues that matter to the Palestinians. You fail to see it from their perspective. If you could see it from their perspective through the impartial lens of history then you would understand why the conflict exists and why it will never end so long as Johnny-come-lately has all the power.

    Yes, Israel exists. Shitloads of Jews have moved there from all over the world since 1917 in order to outnumber the local residents and dominate "elections" so they could create the pre-ordained Jewish state. It's no more practical or feasible to send them back to where they came from than it would be for us to send our African-American friends back to where they came from like the white supremacists are fond of demanding.

    The only solution, imo, is to get along. I don't know about you but I'm dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. A great American president once espoused that as a virtue. That can't happen in Israel because it would mean the end of Jewish sovereignty, Jewish supremacy. As an American I oppose that political structure regardless of the religion. You should too. 

  7. 33 minutes ago, Newdoc said:

    Is there some sort of chart that I can pick a date in this conflict so I can support my preconceived views about what side is righteous in this mess?  From the looks of this thread, there's gotta be one or should I just Google "Israeli Jews suck, I need biased talking points" or "Brown people bad, the state of Palestine should never exist"?

    Here's a date: March 4, 1789.

    What would Israel look like if they were operating under the U.S. Constitution?

  8. 8 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I can't say that is a surprise, given your other posts on this.  Covering your eyes and ears is easier than giving some thought to an opposing viewpoint. 

    It doesn't matter what the Jewish population in Palestine was in 1947. How is that relevant?

    I'm not sure you know your history. You know about the Balfour Declaration of 1917, right? What was the Jewish population in Palestine then? What about in 1817? What about in 1717? What about in 717?

  9. 5 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    No, I wouldn't agree.  That was one rationale for some people.   But the main rationale was that there were already 650,000 Jews there by 1947 (about half the number of Arabs), and a brewing conflict, so splitting the country seemed like a reasonable compromise to enough people that Israel got the votes.   Historical ties to the land certainly motivated Jews to move there in the first place, but the UN vote was based in the reality that was developing on the ground, not ancient tales. 

    But that is ancient history now.  Whatever the motivations in 1948, Israel exists, and far more Jews have a native claim to the land than Palestinians born elsewhere.  You might as well argue that the United States's claim to the West is nullified by the religious beliefs of the proponents of manifest destiny.  Yeah, that motivated many of them many years ago, but it's not the basis for the US sovereignty in California now. 

    Jews have Israel now for the same reason that Arabs had it before them.  They moved there, they live there, the vast majority by now were actually born there, and they defend their land.   Yet you deride their claim to the land as merely ancestral, while elevating the claims of Palestinians based purely on their ancestors.  How does the land belong to an Arab baby born in Jordan or Lebanon or, hell, Germany or Mexico, because that baby's grandfather lived in Jerusalem in 1945, but a Jewish baby born in Jerusalem is an interloper?

    Argue all you want about the partition in 1948, but that argument was resolved the moment the UN voted.  The consequences can't be unwound. 

    I stopped reading at "1947." The story is a lot older than that.

  10. 1 hour ago, Mojo Hand said:

    There are some serious internal contradictions and double standards in this post.  Set aside the West Bank for the moment, since you are talking about Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.   What exactly makes the land within Israel proper "Arab land"? 

    75% of Israel's Jewish population was born on the land.  The land is theirs by birth. How many global Palestinians are age 70+ and were born where Israel proper stands?   Why exactly aren't the rest all citizens of the countries in which they were born, like how the Palestinians born here are American citizens?   Why aren't West Bank Palestinians all citizens of Jordan, which held that territory before Israel took it?   

    I don't support a number of things Israel is doing right now, just as I'm a proud American who doesn't support most of what the Trump administration is doing.   I support a Palestinian state that includes most of the West Bank.  But you've fallen for propaganda if you think this is about God's promise to the Jews versus the poor displaced natives.  It's not.  It's about the Arab nations using the Palestinians as political pawns, and you're playing right into their game. 

    The rationale for giving the Jews their own state where it currently resides is based on the scriptural tale that the God of Abraham promised them that land in his covenant with Moses. You'd agree with that, right?

    That land had been majority Arab for well over 1,000 years prior to the Balfour Declaration. The Jews that lived there during that time were more like their Arab neighbors than the European diaspora that came flooding in to create the Jewish state. It wasn't just a religious clash, it was also a cultural clash. Promises made to the Palestinian Arabs by the British were broken. 

    If you were a Palestinian Arab 70 years ago, one not lucky enough to be granted citizenship (but not citizenship fully equal to your Jewish neighbors), you watched infidels come and push you off your land and force you into a life of subjugation. You have been deprived of any political power. Freedom and equality for you and your children is NOT an option. You will take your subjugation and like it.

    If your Arab family lived there for centuries and you're now living under apartheid, you don't give a shit that the Jewish grandson of someone from Ukraine who's now living in your old house was actually born in the same hospital you were. A hospital that won't see you anymore. That statistic about 75% of Israeli Jews being born there is an insult to anyone who has lived there for dozens of generations. Or ten. Or six. How does that make them superior? 

    Of course those people are going to react with violence. They have no alternative. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that that was the inevitable outcome of creating a Jewish state on Arab land. Again, it was Arab land because that's who lived there for centuries before Western (aka Christian) powers gave it to the Jews. That they once lived there 2,000 years ago doesn't make it their land. The only way you can argue that it does is to subscribe to religious myth which, not coincidentally, was authored by the very people making the claim on said land. (Funny how that works, isn't it?)

    I don't care about the politics and as an American I'm really only exposed to Israeli propaganda. But I know my history. I also believe in the Constitution and the First Amendment. My solution, which I know will never happen, would be for everyone in Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank, to all be citizens of the same state with equal rights for all. But then it wouldn't be a Jewish state. So fucking what? It would be a true Western style democracy.

    (Yes, I realize that we're still struggling to live up to our own ideals. I wish we would do a better job of setting a good example for the rest of the world but the religious nuts keep fucking things up over here too.)

    • Like 2
  11. 55 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:


    That’s a bit far. The international community isn’t changing its entire view of NK because Trump is a dipshit. He’s likely going to continue fucking up this deal like many of us assumed, but he’s not adding legitimacy to them in the process. It’s not like the rest of the world leaders are sitting around thinking Trump is a reasonable person to deal with.


    That's not the audience Kim is performing for. 

  12. 44 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I’d laugh at the series of posts declaring victory and shitting all over those of us who said “expect the DPRK to go all DPRK”....but this shit isn’t funny. It never was.

    This is how things go when you expect that simpleton tactics and magical thinking will do what 60 years of diplomacy hasn’t. It’s not good. We need realistic and practical thinking and approaches to North Korea.

    And we’re not going to get them.

    I'm going to wait to gloat about being right all along until after the story has played out. Things could still change 

    Nothing that's happened so far has surprised me other than the American president acting like a fool, though. At least the three prisoners were freed. Let's enjoy that until the next batch are seized.  

  13. 26 minutes ago, TxEx99 said:

    I'm sorry are you talking about Israel or Saudi Arabia?  

    If they'd known about oil they never would've given the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula to the Saudis. Oops. 

  14. 24 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    I don’t believe they have a divine right to the land. The victors of ww2 gave them the land and they have had the military might to keep it. That is the reality that Hamas cannot accept. I completely agree with your second paragraph 


    the bolded sentence is pretty pretty ironic 

    The victors of WWII? Google the Balfour Declaration.

  15. 22 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    So fozz is your opinion Israel does not have a right to exist?

    Is it your belief that the God of Abraham actually exists and promised the land they call Israel to the Jews? Unless you believe that fairy tale, there is no reason for there to be such a thing as a Jewish state, especially not on Arab land.

    There's no reason to have a Christian state either, or an Islamic state, or a Hindu state, etc. There should be a wall separating church and state. Granting citizenship to anyone in the world who practices your religion, but not to people who have lived within your borders for centuries just because they practice a different religion, is immoral. 

    • Like 2
  16. No matter what happens, Trump will declare that it was awesome and historic and the best ever. No matter what happens, his followers will believe him and repeat it as gospel. 

  17. 34 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    It will be interesting to see what happens to Trumpkins once Trump is out of power and the hubris, arrogance, and attention magnet aspect of the God Emperor is suddenly removed. Like suddenly turning down the blaring radio everyone is the car is singing along with. 

    I wondered something similar after Bush/Cheney. I thought surely we'd learned our lesson. Surely there was no way to move even more to the right. Yet here we are.

    I can't rule out the possibility that it will happen again. If we ever elect a president farther right of Trump then we probably will have witnessed our last election. 

  18. 4 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    I heard its not a kidney thing. Some are saying she's getting some sort of plastic surgery. That entire fucking family has had more plastic surgery, botox, etc than an entire roster of porn stars.

    Eric should sue someone. 

  19. 27 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    if 100 years had passed since you were conquered, I'd say get on with it because you are never getting that land back.

    Lol. Are you seriously saying that in defense of Israel? If we'd followed that advice in 1917 then we wouldn't be having this problem. 

  20. 47 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    I haven't read this thread yet (and probably won't) but i have a question that may already have been covered:

    How is that we can give Israel $38B but we can't provide affordable healthcare in the US? 

    Because Jewish Americans make up a substantial voting bloc in the U.S. and Israel has a powerful lobby. 

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