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Posts posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. 14 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    You are right. I was just saying the defense of Maddow as being factual isn’t really the point. 

    Compared to Fox it's a very important point. Of course she "leans left." She's a liberal doing a news show about subjects of interest to liberal viewers. She's not a propaganda outlet for the Democratic Party. Fox knowingly tells lies. They also like to point their cameras at other people and let them tell lies. that's a huge difference. The two aren't remotely the same. 

  2. 1 hour ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Hugo, Rachel Maddow can't even contain her contempt of this administration. Which is completely understandable and I fucking agree with her slant 99.9%. 

    She strives to report factually accurate information and if she makes a mistake then she's quick to admit it, correct it, and apologize. She has never once accused Trump of murder. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Mo Horn said:

    Which is exactly what the GOP used to say when a low unemployment number came out under Obama. Now it's because of what Trump is doing. I believe that's the definition of hypocrisy.  And yes the Dems are just as bad. 

    I haven't seen any Dems deny that the numbers are what they are. Wouldn't they have to do that in order to be "just as bad?"

  4. 42 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    Wasn't there a story a while back about $129k payment from the campaign to Cohen right around the time of his payment to Stormy?  

    I'm sure I saw it here.  If that's the case, then why are we bickering about $35k/mo retainers?  I mean, aside from the fact that $35k/mo is absolutely ludicrous unless you're paying off many, many porn stars?

    There was a story about payments totaling that amount made from the campaign to several Trump properties. I never saw anything explicitly linking those payments to Cohen. But that was the implication based on coincidence. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    How in the fuck does the VA Secretary have to resign over lying to investigators regarding Wimbledon tickets and Scott Pruitt still has a senate approved cabinet job?  I guarantee there has never been a more corrupt secretary in US history. It’s utterly baffling 

    He's doing the bidding of the people who spend big money to put the Republicans in power. The Kochs and their ilk expect a return on their investment and Pruitt is giving it to them. That's all that matters. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    He's trying to thread the needle on the Stormy thing, but it just doesn't make sense.  He admits that he knew of the allegations and that Cohen was handling it for him.  He admits that Cohen paid her and that he reimbursed Cohen.  He admits there was a binding settlement agreement in which Stormy agreed not to talk.  But he's gone all in on claiming that he didn't know Cohen paid her or that he repaid Cohen.  Well, if that's true, what did he think the terms of the settlement agreement were?  What did he think Stormy got for her silence? 

    And why didn't he sign the NDA?

  7. 9 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:

    Again. That's a very logical answer. All I'm saying is that logic and rational behavior aren't a given anymore, yet we're still making assumptions and conclusions as if they were.

    Dictators don't commit suicide. If Kim had launched an attack, that would have amounted to suicide. That was never going to happen. 

    Trump is full of shit. Or haven't you figured that out yet? He promised "fire and fury" if Kim kept testing. Kim kept testing. Trump was never going to attack first because hundreds of thousands of S. Koreans would have died and we'd have to face the possibility of a nuclear counter strike on the U.S.  It would've been a foreign policy disaster that made the Iraq War look tiny by comparison. Kim called Trump's bluff and proved it was an empty threat. 

    It was never going to happen. You can go back to the "What's your North Korea strategy?" on the old board. I've been saying it all along. I didn't just get lucky. There was no other possible outcome. We're going to learn to live with a nuclear N. Korea just like we live with a nuclear Pakistan. And if Trump has his way then we'll be living with a nuclear Iran soon enough. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:

    Logic and history indicate your conclusion is likely correct. However, all things considered, you can’t entirely rule out the possibility that NK is legitimately worried for their own survival for the first time in decades. Hell, we only saw tweets and most of us were deeply concerned Trump might just fire off a nuke. It’s not totally unreasonable to think he got close to actually doing it.

    Neither Trump nor Kim was ever going to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike. Or any other kind of offensive military action. China made that perfectly clear when they said they'd defend N. Korea if America attacked first and if N. Korea attacked first then they were on their own.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I think the President has been very clear about that and if you have any further questions I ask that you direct them to the President's legal counsel. 

    You are a fluent speaker of Huckabeese. 

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