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Everything posted by WhatTheBuck

  1. Took him forever to see he had room to run and was still able to run it in. That’s a lot of open grass.
  2. From the right? Hell, there would be all sorts of dissent on the left about a ticket with two white men.
  3. Death penalty for eco-terrorists. Offer a huge reward for information leading to their capture and conviction. Someone will flip.
  4. Before they can answer, they have to actually show up for the question. Imagine a cabinet member from Trump’s term just doing that.
  5. In the case of the Murdochs, by “better” I assume you mean worse. Again there’s the example of George W. Bush.
  6. You know, it’s not actually possible to pull oneself up by one’s own bootstraps.
  7. I’m guessing she should’ve found a better ghost writer.
  8. That’s a 4-way. Should be fairly self-explanatory.
  9. The problem with that interpretation is that there are three scripted comedic parts of the show: the monologue at the beginning, New Rules at the end, and one other bit in the middle, and when Bill announced that the show was returning, he said those portions of the show would be omitted. So it would just be the interview and the panel discussion. Any comedy in those segments is improvised. So Bill wasn’t trying to write the monologue or the other bits himself. He has been a working stand-up comedian for decades so it’s not like he’s new to writing his own material. But why would he want to take on the task of writing all that new material every week? He’s got more enjoyable things to do with his time.
  10. Dude was headhunting, pure and simple. It was obvious. He got a congratulatory low-five from a teammate afterward. It was a cheap shot delivered with malicious intent.
  11. WhatTheBuck


    It’s called a chick in a dress, I’d say. But whatever.
  12. I can think of lots of places where you can see pornographic evidence of the ball between the uprights.
  13. WhatTheBuck


    Wouldn’t that be more of a drag king, if there is such a thing?
  14. WhatTheBuck


    What does a woman wear to be a drag queen?
  15. I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
  16. Did you notice who ranked at the top of your “Net Success Rate” chart?
  17. That’s brilliant. That’s a strategy of tying messaging to policy that would make Frank Luntz proud. And it’s probably something the Dems will never do. It’s maddening.
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