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Posts posted by bschoolprof

  1. 8 hours ago, NorthLoop said:

    I don't listen to a lot of sports talk radio but I tuned into the horn a little today. They were ripping his ass up and down from what I listened to. Is that normal for them to do? 

    Not really.  They're always pretty critical after losses, but they were never this negative in season 2 of strong's shitfest.  

    He really has lost a huge chunk of the fanbase. 

  2. 6 hours ago, Hellraiser97 said:

    And this is what concerns me.  Herman may not be the guy to get us back where we belong, but there's no way you can tell that 1 game into the second season.  Anyone want to remember NCST?  Based on that game, I wouldn't have thought Mack would have managed a winning season that year, much less become our second all time winningest coach.  When we are immediately ready to toss someone under the bus one game into their second season, we start becoming like aggies.  

    This is revisionist bullshit and the two scenarios are not even remotely comparable.  Mack's 1998 season was one for the ages, where each week we looked better than the next, culminating in a dominant bowl win. The NC state loss, while frustrating and disappointing because of the 3 blocked punts, was nothing like the Maryland loss.  We had 20 first downs to their 6, held them to 170 yards, and gained almost 400 yards, and that's with a midget running back and a shit line.  We led at halftime and most of the game.  If not for 3 blocked punts, we win that game. Easily.  Putting that hiccup aside, any objective observer of the program could see that it was on an upward trend - on the field, in the stands, in recruiting.  

    None of that can be said about the current state of the program.  Herman inherited a team with some talent and some deficiencies and has managed to do about as well as his shitty predecessor.  He's made terrible staff decisions, terrible personnel decisions, and terrible play design and play call decisions given our talent.  Moreover, we keep making the same fucking mistakes over and over again.  Abandoning the run game.  Going away from what works. Not riding the hot hand. Playing guys he anoints because he likes their moxie or the way they practice our whatever and not putting the well-being of the team first.  Protecting his buddies.  Insulting fans and media.  Being an overall arrogant shithead. The current trend of the program is clearly not upward.  It's not so much about the W-L - it's about how we look on the field.  Shitty.

    But Tom will get his chance.  He'll get at least 3 years, barring some major catastrophe.  If he gets us to the conference championship game this year (as Mack did in 1999), all is forgiven.  


    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, LonghornGoodfella said:

    It makes you wonder was Major Applewhite just miles above Beck as an OC or was Greg Ward just miles better than what we're rolling out with Sam/Shane here. Herm had no problem coaching a damn good offense against OU while at Houston. Just makes me more livid. 

    The latter IMO.  Ward was a very underrated QB at UH.  When plays broke down at UH, he could always make yards with his legs and was surprisingly clutch with his throws.  Basically the opposite of Sam.

  4. 4 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Heard a thing about this on NPR this weekend.  https://www.mturk.com/

    If you don't know (I may be way behind the curve here), it's crowdsourced menial labor, mostly things that can be done online.  Some interesting stories about it over the last year (so maybe I am).  https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2018/01/amazon-mechanical-turk/551192/

    Anyone ever done anything with it?

    I've used it for simple data scrubbing/name matching that we could not automate. It worked fairly well. 

    My colleagues use it to find participants for online experiments.   

    • Like 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    And I’d put Harsin at a solid #2.  He had shit to work with and managed to cobble together a respectable offense.  But he knew things were gonna get worse and bolted for Arkansas State.  The writing was on the wall with that move.

    agreed.  He cobbled together a run game with a sub-par OL through sheer scheme and coaching alone.  I loved watching his offenses run the ball.  He also had nothing to work with at QB.  

    • Like 1
  6. I'm a huge pessimist, but I doubt we go 1-5.  I know, on paper, it appears possible or even probable, but I doubt we're as bad as we think.  Who knows though.  

  7. 2 hours ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    what should terrify everyone is that herman is probably just good enough to have something to point to that looks like progress. charlie was so fantastically shitty it made firing him easy. herman is going to underperform but find ways to make us look like a mediocre team right on the cusp of breaking through, which will make getting rid of him more difficult. 

    That was my biggest fear with Strong - he would be just good enough to be mediocre and he was likable, so he'd hang around for years because he wasn't terrible and the optics of firing him given decent but not great seasons (e.g., 8-4) would be bad.  Fortunately, Strong was terrible at his job, so this was never an issue.

    Similar to you, I fear the same thing with Mensa.  But he appears well on his way to three and out.  


  8. 23 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    We initially brought in Greg Robinson to "consult" when our 2012 defense sucked, but when our defense did not get better and Manny shit the bed against BYU, Mack elevated Robinson to defensive coordinator. I'm not sure how a "consultant" as opposed to an outright coaching change is going to significantly improve things.

    Perhaps the best pure coaching job (Robinson, not Mack's terrible indecisiveness) I've ever seen at UT.  Robinson was put in an impossible situation and made chicken salad out of dogshit that year.  

  9. 25 minutes ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:

    I had a big long lost but fuck it, what's the point. I'm surprised more are on hermans back and not becks. I get why-It's his choice and guy but it's like Watson and Charlie and everyone went after Watson. 

    All I really want is the young offensive coordinator hire. Not the same trend we have been following. That's all. I can't stand our run game and feel bad for Jamison because of if. 

    Because hiring a new OC won’t fix our issues, just like it didn’t for Mack or Charlie. The problem is at the top, even more so for Herman because this is his offense, these are his shitty plays we can’t execute, his shitty play calls (see the bowl game), his shitty personnel decisions, his shitty staff that he hired. Why would you trust him to get it right with a do over? 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    I had heart failure back in 2005. In a somewhat good recovery although I wound up with Afib out of it. Had a heart attack last November in the doctors have been pushing for either a defibrillator or pacemaker even prior to that. The afib is got to the point where I can feel it continually like something's about to bust out of my chest and why bit for the shortness of breath on a pretty regular basis if I get stressed or excited. Last time I went to the cardiologist few months ago he said the defibrillator at this point would do no good and if they were going to want to do a biventricular pacemaker which they felt would be very beneficial. Hoping and praying for the best.

    Good luck man.  Afib is scary shit.  


    29 minutes ago, TexasFan21 said:

    I have been out of school for some times now and I’ve lived it just as you all have but JFC get a grip man. We are wanting to can a coach after 14 fucking games.

    All I’m saying is step away from the ledge. 14 games for a coach is a small sample size. If this season is a repeat of last year, then we have an issue.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Despite all the sound and fury, the majority don't want him fired right now.  Even if we wanted to, it's not going to happen.  He'll get his 3 years, barring some scandal or something horrific this year like 2-10.  It's just that we've seen this movie before and we know how it ends.  And we're stuck sitting through it for another 15 months.  

    • Like 2
  12. 39 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    I realize this site is only a small slice of the worst that Texas fandom has to offer, but the fan vitriol right now feels very similar to end of era Mack, with one major exception.  Mack had a minimum amount of goodwill and fan/BMD support that he was never going to lose, due to his accomplishments.  This guy has accomplished nothing.  It feels like he's already toast before he's even gotten going, with a snowball of negative momentum.  It will take a remarkable turnaround this season to unflush his tenure.

    Yeah - that was part of my point in the Herman vs Strong thread.  I really despise Herman at this point, which is not terribly shocking, because he sucks and I'm a debbie downer by nature.  But, it's not just a few crazies like me.  Across the interwebs (not just this site - pretty much all of them) and across social media, he seems to have lost at least over half the fanbase, if not more.  And he's 14 fucking games into his tenure.  That's an impressive fall.  

  13. 3 minutes ago, Treefidy said:

    He needs to scale back the spending, maybe see if he can profit off some appreciated value in his home and downsize, leave most of the nonessentials boxed in storage and get on the phone with a financial advisor stat.  He's going to be back at a mid-major making 15-20% of his current salary before next Christmas. 

    We are going to pay him ~$25 million regardless of what happens.  I think he'll be fine.  

  14. 13 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

    Sam is a sophomore and really, should be sitting.  If we had a healthy qb system, a Junior with more experience would be playing. The coaches misused Sam as well.  If he's a mobile qb that enjoys running, play to his strengths or play another.  The game definitely hasn't slowed down for him.

    As it is, expect transfers.  Others are sitting behind someone that is still learning and hasn't been in the system all that much longer.   If I'm Shane, I transfer so I can play somewhere else without losing any more eligibility. He'd do well at Tulsa or elsewhere but if he stays, he's done.  

    F'k Herman for not preparing these guys.  If he can turn this season around--great, but he squarely earned this loss.  

    Sitting won't really help Sam, at least not to be a legit Big 12 QB, which is what we need.  He's inaccurate, slow, and non clutch.  Sitting on the bench will not fix that.

    2 minutes ago, shakahorn said:

    I really don't think you need to be coached on this.  

    I am Sam does apparently.  

  15. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I don't have it in me to go back and read 25 pages, so pardon me if this has been addressed:  at the point where firing Herman becomes an actual possibility, how much of his contract will need to be paid out? 

    "If Texas decides to fire Herman without cause, it will owe him $5 million for each remaining year on the contract, with partial years pro-rated. However, Texas will be able to offset that by all “football-related” income Herman would get, according to the term sheet released by the university."


  16. I didn't think it was possible, but I actually feel much worse after watching that.  I was expecting Mack-like platitudes.  But that PC was very revealing:

    1) Mensa has no fucking idea what to do, despite his claim that the staff gets paid to figure out the "whys"

    2) He doesn't think they (the coaches) have done anything wrong.  He's going down with the ship with Sam and Beck in tow and fuck everyone else.  

    He'll be gone in about 15 months.  

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