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Posts posted by bschoolprof

  1. 3 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    It’s not that he’s a fucking moron when the ball is in play. Well, it is that, but it’s also that when he’s had time to digest what happened, he still isn’t aware he has 2 plays to get a 1st down.

    I don’t know if he’s been coached on this and still doesn’t understand or he’s never been coached on this. Either way, we are fucked, cause he’s the anointed one. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Words Mensa might say during presser:

    Vision - he has it!

    Improvement- no the buck stops here. We've shown improvement

    Qualify/ quantify- 

    Placate- he's not going to placate his critics,

    equalizer -as in rain delay\ wet field

    That's just what I think. He will either double down or concede that he was out coached by an OC that never coached a game from the field before.


    "play hard"

    "winning is hard"


    nervous awkward laughs

    getting pissy and defensive


    • Like 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, Lat22 said:

    “How can a message board know that Tim Beck (and Shawn Watson) we’re going to suck long before they ever coached a live snap, but you can’t see it?”

    Because Mensa.  

    "Tim Beck was extremely successful when he was a play caller at Nebraska ... so chalk that one up to a lot of misinformation on social media. I will never buy any of that because we're privy to a lot more information than what 'Joe Fan' is."

         --Tom Herman, 1-5-17, on the negative fan reaction to Beck's hiring

  4. 3 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    On the coaching side “it” means you support Herman’s “process” and collect paychecks as long as you don’t upset his boat. 

    Its interesting that he hired elite coaches to run the areas that aren’t his specialty and dipsticks to help him on offense. 

    I don't think he purposely went out and said I'm going to hire elite coaches on D and dipshits on O.  I think he hired buddies and yes men from his UH days, and it just so happens he got lucky hiring Orlando at UH, who happens to be a good coach.  

  5. 1 minute ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    “It”means you practice and conduct yourself in the program the Herman way on non gameday. He values that and his process over immediate success, because he believes in his “process” so much. 

    I see value in that up to the point that he keeps losing in embarrassingly and or monumentally football stupid ways while we await for his process to take hold or Greg Ward to find more eligibility. 

    And on the coaching side "It" is  . . . ?  It's not being qualified or getting good results obviously.  He's a fraud - there's no accountability.  

  6. 6 minutes ago, LonghornGoodfella said:

    The biggest problem I have is Herman forcing Sam on us and not holding him to the same standard he does Watson, Carter, etc when they turn the ball over, they get pulled and aren’t seen again. 

    But when it’s Sam who keep turning it over and turning it over...he doesn’t get pulled. Nothing. Such a double standard and bullshit and don’t think the other players don’t take notice. 

    You mean you thought all this preaching about "accountability" really meant accountability?  No, to mensa, accountability is about running because you misplaced your water bottle or you get burnt toast because you lost a shuttle drill.  

    It doesn't mean getting fired if you are a shitty o-line/WR /OC, as long as you are a buddy, and it certainly doesn't mean you ride the bench if you are a shitty QB/RB, as long as you have "it," which is defined as arbitrarily as needed.  

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    They’re both good recruiters that suck at coaching. 

    Something I had completely forgotten: Herman finished 5th in AAC the year before he came to Texas. The AAC. 5th place. And for whatever reason no one in charge (or most of the fans on the shag) saw that as a potential red flag.

    There were a few posters on the shag that were very worried about this - most of them were Charlie apologists though , so no one really paid much attention.  I remember cdt23 being really down on Herman and the fact he lost to SMU and Navy.  

  8. 5 minutes ago, jinx said:

    I think you are missing the most important one to me.  Tom has told us 2 years in a row how prepared his team was and then proceeded to look completely over matched by Turtles.  

    Charlie had the audacity to tell us that the team wouldn't the winning the national championship.  Mensa Tom told us he had never seen a better team in his life.  He looks like a complete fool.


    True, but Strong told us his first season was a major failure and we'd never see 7-6 again under his watch (we didn't - lulz).  And then we came out and got buttfucked by ND like we had never even practiced.  

    I think if Herman had followed Mack, we'd being hearing tons more "but Mack" and "this was a complete tear down"  and most fans would still be behind him.  

    • Like 1
  9. At this point, it looks like both were bad hires, though some still hold out hope for Herman.  Many have noted the eerie similarities in their tenure thus far.  One thing that is different is the reaction of the fanbase to their failures.  

    By this point in Strong's tenure (1 game into season 2), most fans had not turned on Strong.  There were doubts, to be sure, but there was a lone thread on Shaggy calling for Strong to be fired, and most of the first few pages were posters telling the OP (subliminal) he was an idiot, etc.  Bear in mind we were coming off perhaps the most embarrassing bowl performance ever (at least offensively), and Strong had decided to retain the OC everyone knew he shouldn't have hired, let alone retained after a year.  However, most fans seemed to stick with Strong into year 3 with the OC search fuckery and the hiring of Giblet. Us Strong haters were a vocal minority.  My recollection is the fanbase was still split 50-50 or thereabouts whether he should stay or be let go well into year 3.  It wasn't until the Kansas debacle that even the most ardent Strong apologists realized their support was irrational and keeping him was untenable.

    Now, with Herman, one game into season 2, the majority of fans seemed to have turned on Herman (myself included).  And it's not just on this site.  Most fans on the 995 sites seemed to have turned on him as well.  Why the difference?  I can think of a few possible reasons:

    1) Herman is an asshole and Strong is kind of an "aw shucks" likable guy

    2) We didn't want to look like we were being too hard on our first black coach

    3)  Strong followed Mack, whom many argued had allowed the program to rot, thus initial expectations were lower for Strong

    4) We have suffered from battered fan syndrome so long, we know what a dipshit coach looks like when we see one 

    I think 3) is the biggest reason, though others may have played a role.  Thoughts? Muledick?

    • Like 3
  10. 5 hours ago, bschoolprof said:



    I posted this is the running game thread, but I thought I'd put it here after I read some of Herman's comments after the game. He said, "We’ve got to find a way to get our guys to play loose at the start of the game . . . But as soon as the game kicked off I could sense that guys were trying to be too perfect.”

    Look at the WR blocking on the play above - in the first fucking quarter.  Does that look like guys are trying to play too perfect?  Does Herman even believe half the shit he says?

  11. Mackovic was a good offensive mind. The counter trey he ran here pulling the backside TE was a thing of beauty.  He was not a great HC but the guy knew offense.  

    I've seen nothing from MensaBeck that makes me think they know anything innovative about offense.  We've yet to run a play in 14 games that showed any kind of ingenuity, imagination, or forward thinking.  We ran some screens last year against K-state's pressure that were good calls, but these are bread and butter plays that any 14 year old madden player knows.   


  12. 4 minutes ago, Ldogg53 said:

    It’s by design. Why they want to do that I still don’t understand, but they feel there is a reason. For me it fails miserably as it isn’t designed for the OL to get push. It’s like a halfass draw where you sort of pass pro but then they try to go upfield. And all it truly accomplishes is allowing the LBs to fill the gaps well before our RB can get there.

    It’s shitty.

    I guess maybe the WR screen they showed there is to freeze the LBs and have them look to the sideline. However, no one even remotely sold that as a fake so what’s the point? If it’s not believable it’s just counter productive. Which is the story of our whole offense.

    Exactly.  The biggest issue with our offense may not be not the play calling.  It may be the plays themselves, or at least how we run them.  They're just so potato.  

  13. 35 minutes ago, Irish Wrist Watch said:

    Mack brought in some good coaches (on defense). Offensively, he recruited well early on. Then he got lazy. Passed up several Heisman winners, as I recall.

    Charlie hired Watson. Tom hired Beck. Unbelievably shitty shitty choices.

    That's it. Herman needs to take over play calling tomorrow.

    Won't make  a shit.  He already did that in the bowl game.  Our offense was still terrible.  The issues we have are systemic and extend far beyond which shitty play that our players can't execute we decide to call.  

    • Like 1
  14. 24 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    We've started running speed option, which I love. Read option looks predetermined sometimes but thats fine. Need to start running that HB counter out of the gun that Mack used to love.

    Finally, we have 3 badass running backs, we have 3 badass wide receivers. Should be running spread triple option with two backs in the backfield. You can also put one of them in motion and spread the field even more.


    I was hoping Hand would bring some of this here.

    We run the slowest developing speed option I've ever seen.  It's like a HR jog.   

    • Like 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    And why is that such a bad idea? Show your work. 

    Just because hiring Herman was a poor choice either at the time (so said some) or now after 20 months (so say many) doesn't mean poorer choices could not have been made.  Hiring a guy with no collegiate HC experience, who has gone on to other illustrious jobs like the Arkansas TE coach, would have been one of those poorer choices.  That this even needs to be explained to you is alternately highly troubling or amusing, take your pick.  

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  16. 1 hour ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    My dad is an Ex and has lived in TN for forty years and doesn't do message boards, while I live in Houston and do, and so am better tuned in than he is. He asked me a week or so what the skinny was on this year's team and I told him I thought we would be a little bit worse on D (thank to losing our best players at every level of the D) and a little better on O, thanks to a somewhat improved O-line.

    My O/U on wins was 8, and I kinda thought I was being a little pessimistic because of my bias against Herman. I didn't like the guy when he was at UH -- he seemed to me like a guy who rode a good QB and a fluke recruit (Oliver) to a rep far beyond his actual results. I am pretty sure his career record without Greg Ward was 1-2...I pointed that out on the old board and dudes like Rex Kramer shouted me down. The hard-on for this guy was a little bit inexplicable to me -- UH's win over FSU came against a backup QB, and honest, smart Sooners (there are a few) said that it was less Herman's genius than them just laying an egg in that game, and I also pointed out that nobody really knew what kind of recruiter he was, because he'd never really done shit with any of his own recruits, except for the fluke that was Oliver. 

    So I've been biased against him since forever. I stayed in Charlie's corner until Kansas. I still don't think it made logical sense to fire him after that debacle, but I also understand that a UT coach simply can't survive after losing a game like that. You have to just wash your hands of him and move on. My ideal solution was to promote Jeff Traylor to HC and retain Maddox / Gilbert so that there would be some continuity, and we would have three native Texans running the team / O, but I was told that Traylor, in spite of his impeccably legendary status in the most important recruiting region of our state, and his demonstrable success in college, was not our standard. I think because he's kinda cheesy-looking. Seriously. I honestly believe that people don't think Traylor can be an elite HC because you think he looks like a pastor at a Tyler megachurch rather than any results he has proven up in HS or college. And now he is recruiting against us at Arkansas, poaching more recruits out of ETX we can scarce afford to lose. Arkansas had lost that pipeline and now has it back. Great job there fellas. 

    Nope, the hard-on for Herman sprouted by the end of year two of Charlie's ill-fated regime and would rage on all through year three, despite Herman's inexplicable defeats to Navy and SMU. Every excuse was made for Herman. Bad weather and injuries doomed him at Navy. Seriously. Herman himself furnished bulletin board material prior to the SMU game and then got fucking owned, but no, he was still The Answer. Here's your Golden Boy, when still at UH, Hermanoids:

    Pretty good smack but not if you follow it up by losing to that private school up in Dallas 38-16. And springboard that school's coach to a historic rival, where he hires Jeff Traylor, and they are now again ransacking East Texas for recruits.

    Yeah and now I have to back and tell my dad that 8 was a wildly optimistic number for wins. He knows that already. We should get 12.5 percent of the way there next weekend, maybe, so at least there is that. 


    Wait, you're the Strong apologist from shaggy that wanted us to hire Jeff Traylor as HC? Holy shit. Was that cdt23 or sweetjones?  Good times.   

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