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Posts posted by bschoolprof

  1. Overall complaint: it sucks, which is obvious.  

    Specific complaints: 1) For a guy who says we must run the ball, Herman never seems to commit to the running game, just like last year.  To start the game (and the season), we run 6 offensive plays before punting.  We gave the ball to a RB once.  Wasn't the whole point of bringing Hand on board to solidify the running game?  He's known more as a run game guru than anything else.

    2) We never stick with what seems to be working.   Ingram had 2 ypc more than any of our other backs.  His last carry of the game was with 5:20 in the 2nd quarter.  How can you commit to the running game if you don't let our best runner run the ball?

    3) Did anyone notice how sluggish we are starting our run plays in getting the ball to our backs?  The mesh seems to take forever, and it's like our backs just stand still at the beginning of the play.  This gives the defense plenty of time to see what's going on.  This play below is emblematic of what I'm talking about.  It's like we are running a counter, but there's no counter - the back takes a few false steps and then goes. Why?  Also, this looks like an RPO where the correct read based on numbers seems to have a been a throw to the WR (lulz at the blocking though).  Our run game is just so bafflingly fucked.  


  2. I don't really get why Herman has such an obvious boner for Sam.  The "QB competition" this fall was a sham and about as fair as a Russian election.  Yes, Sam is a better runner than Shane, but he's still not a very good runner, he sucks as a passer, is not clutch at all, and makes terrible decisions.  If we're going to run this grabass offense where the QB rarely runs, we should play shane, or try one of the freshman - they have 4 games to play with before they redshirt.  

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  3. 11 minutes ago, victory88 said:

    It’s not the players.  It’s the coaches personnel decisions and their game plan.  As soon as we found a recipe for success working in the offense, they go away from it.  What have Tim Beck, Drew Mehringer, Warhime, Meekins accomplished in their careers that suggest they should be coaching here?  We hired a bunch of fucking UH assistant coaches and a retread Shawn Watson redux I’m Tim Beck and we’re surprised that they can’t put together a gameplan that doesn’t fucking feature Kyle porter.  Fuck these coaches and Herman.  Aggy has the balls to go hire a proven coach, we keep hiring unproven idiots from mid level shitty programs.

    There's nothing worse than blaming the players for our continued shittiness.  This is a common tactic of the apologists, who put million dollar coaches on a pedestal  and instead lay blame at the feet of 19 year olds.  These kids have busted their ass for this program.  They've gotten up at 5:00 am for off season workouts for months, stretched their bodies to the absolute physical limits, endured "the pit," and burnt toast, and runs for missing water bottles, and alignment, and wrestling belts, and tons of  other ridiculous sophomoric bullshit, and for what?  For clowns like Watson and Strong and Beck and Herman to tell them they aren't tough enough and that they are too entitled and they need to learn how to be winners?  To be continually put in positions to lose by clowns who have no idea what they are doing?   The smart ones hung up their gear, transferred, or left early when they saw the emperors had no clothes.  I don't really blame them.  If it wasn't for the mad college pussy they are slaying, I would almost feel sorry for them.  

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  4. 7 hours ago, Etexhorn13 said:

    I guess it’s rough when you realize your Texas degree taught you to think critically, while everyone else in the room is just heaping group think on top of hyperbole on top of PTSD. 

    Of coirse some of today pissed me off,  notably the first quarter. After we quit dolling it up on D and (presumably) Herman took over play calling, I fail to see a lot to over react about.

    im tired of fucking losing to, but to say there wasn’t progress after an abortion of a 1q would be disingenuous I think. This was just a weird fucking game. 

    We now have our 2nd Herman apologist.  He should have to wear some flair.  

  5. 25 minutes ago, mr. littlejeans said:
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    As usual, Tom Herman knew better than the rest of us.

    He always has. From the month he stepped on campus as head coach at Texas, it became plainly obvious there was no reason to question the credentials of anyone he chose to hire or the caliber of anyone he chose to play, because most of us simple-minded folk cannot even dream of comprehending all of the subtle intricacies that go into such decisions.

    And so it should have come as no surprise that the ignorant, unsophisticated football-watching public completely misconstrued what happened to Herman's Longhorns in their season-opening loss to Maryland on Saturday, when what appeared to be the latest in a long line of UT humiliations was actually nothing of the sort.

    Silly us. We are so naïve, so painfully uninformed, that we thought we were watching a team as unprepared to start Herman's second season as it was to start its first. Dummies that we are, we assumed that a flurry of bone-headed penalties and a rash of late-game turnovers were signs of a squad that remains as sloppy and as undisciplined as ever, but the truth is we just did not understand how much the Longhorns had improved.

    Thankfully, Herman was gracious enough to break it down for the reporters covering the game in Landover, Maryland, and thereby set a country full of mouth-breathing college football watchers straight.

    Sure, it might have seemed like the Longhorns made all the same mistakes they did last year, and that the offense showed no signs of progress from a season in which it ranked as one of the worst in the Big 12, but that's only because we did not notice any of the details Herman and his staff did.

    "We saw a lot of development," Herman said. "I wouldn't say we failed in that area."

    And although we know-nothings might have assumed it might be a unnerving to lose a second consecutive opener to a moribund program that had spent the last month mired in a scandal, and was playing for an interim head coach, and had not beaten any ranked team aside from UT in 22 tries dating to 2011, it's actually no big deal.

    After all, when Herman was asked by some knee-jerk journalist to describe how big a setback the defeat was for a program that wants so desperately to be taken seriously again that it made "Prove Us Right" the team motto, he answered, "Not very."

    After all, can't the world see how right the wise John Mackovic was when he referred to such temporary embarrassments as "a blip on the radar screen?"

    The general public just has no perspective. Fans watch a team suffer a loss like Saturday's, which flukishly included a bunch of the symptoms of six losses last fall, and they trick themselves into seeing the continuation of a trend.

    That nonsense makes Herman shake his head.

    "A lot of people are going to want to say this feels a lot like last year," Herman said. "It doesn't to me."

    What the rest of us need to realize is that Vince Lombardi was wrong. Winning isn't the only thing. And Bill Parcells misspoke when he said a team is what its record says it is.

    Sometimes, all that matters is how good the team thinks it is. And the outside world just needs to trust the coach on that.

    "We know how much better we are now than we were probably at any point last year," Herman said. "We didn't show it in the first quarter and the fourth quarter."

    Minor details, those. Second-guessing anything that happens during pivotal moments in the game — which quarterback Herman uses, which plays the team runs, etc. — is pointless, just as it was to second-guess the decisions Herman made way back when he was just starting at UT.

    Some of us remember the reception he got when he hired Tim Beck as offensive coordinator, despite a bit of a lackluster track record, and when he hired Casey Horny as a quality control assistant, despite his longtime association with a Baylor staff apparently unaware of what was happening in its own program.

    Herman's message back then was clear. He knew better than the rest of us.

    And clearly, he still does. He surely realizes that UT fans never should have expected a national contender to come anytime soon, anyway. After all, over the past 34 years, the Longhorns have finished as many seasons unranked as they have in the Top 25.

    That decade-long streak of success to start the Mack Brown era? That was the outlier, not the norm.

    Despite what many Longhorns continue to believe, winning football games is not their birthright. They need to realize all of this is far more complicated than it looks.

    And they need to admit that when it comes to believing their own eyes or the guy who knows better, well, the choice is obvious. [/spoiler]

    fucking mensa.


     I’m glad Finger wrote that. In a major newspaper no less. Herman is such a smug dickhead. Being a smug dickhead who thinks he knows everything works when you’re Saban and you actually do know everything. But when you don’t you’re just a dickhead. 

    Glad the media is sick of his condescending tone. I’ll never forget his Joe Fan bullshit when the Beck hire was announced. 

    • Like 6
  6. Just now, MrBig said:

    Nobody wants to play for someone who fucks with their food, monitors their piss, is in their personal space, and badmouths them when they decide to turn pro early. Herman needs to let the players grow and learn without turning them against each other by creating a hostile environment to showcase their talent.  

    This is the quote that Herman made about the hot wife: "Winners get the corner office, the big house, the hot wife, the whole nine." It's from an article he wrote in September 2015 for SI eight months after getting the UH head coaching job.

    Here's a link: https://www.si.com/college-football/2015/09/08/houstons-tom-herman-gives-first-person-look-his-head-coach-education

    After reading it, I can't help but notice all the "I's" and "me's" Herman uses. I know it's an editorial, but this guy seems extremely focused on himself and vanity and external appearance. It is the college football equivalent of "Rock n roll can save the world. And the chicks are great." He sounds like a dick.

    armchair psychologist here, but he's always truck me as a thin-skinned, extremely insecure narcissist. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Fire Jack Chevigny said:

    This is probably a good time to remind everyone that when the powers that be decided to fire Strong, they did no actual coaching search. They didn’t interview another sole. They just handed the job to the name that happened to be hot at the moment.

    True, but the time before we did a national search and engaged a consulting firm.  And we ended up hiring a moron as our coach.  So we've tried search and no search. What's next?

    Maybe the problem is our athletic department sucks at hiring coaches, no matter what the process is.  


  8. 30 minutes ago, Disco Missile said:

    I don't want t ruin the pity party, but I managed to stay sober and here are my thoughts on the game:

    - Player for player, we're not better than Maryland. I'll let that sink in, but it should be pretty clear to everyone that watched. Recruiting ratings be damned.

    - This was a pretty even game. We lost by giving up big plays in the 1st half and going down 24-7. Then Sam's final terrible interception.

    - Our offense is better than last year. O line isn't elite, but it's serviceable. RBs are better. Sam's reads are better. Still pretty mediocre all around.

    - Our defense is pretty light through the front 7. We're going to miss Poona this year. Need someone to step up on DL.

    - ST is better, even though we can't replace a guy like Dickson.

    - Our conditioning was winning the game for us again - like last year - before the 90 minute weather break allowed Maryland to come back refreshed in the 4Q.

    - Coaches still making highly questionable decisions. Porter. PORTER. Going away from tempo when it worked so well. Etc.

    - I still think we win most of our games this year. All-around we're a better team. It's not a night-and-day difference, just noticeable improvement.

    I think we have our first Herman apologist.  Battle lines are being drawn.  

  9. 23 minutes ago, Sandlot said:

    Herman is supposed to be an offensive coach and the offense has continued to be garbage. Maybe CDC will build him a better lockeroom with another loss.

    Just like Strong was supposed to be some defensive wizard, till he got depantsed playing against real teams.  Herman's offense was OK at rice, pretty much pure shit at Iowa State, great at tOSU (Urb may have had something to do with that), and decent at UH.  If you watched cougar high games, a ton of their success came from hero ball where Greg Ward made great plays with his feet after the play broke down (sound familiar?).  Have you seen a single play or progression of plays we've run under Herman and said to yourself "well that was a cool concept."  A ton of our "good" plays come from hero ball or jump passes with CJ - just pure athleticism.  I'm starting to think Herman's an offensive fraud.  Maybe he's a good QB coach.  He seems a lot like GDGD.  

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