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Everything posted by bschoolprof

  1. there were tons of funny bits in this episode, and Hank was in top form. One comedic bit I love in this show is when they show shenanigans in a wide shot off in the distance, like Hank's failed assault this episode or the "shoot em up" raid in season 2 or 3 (seasons are starting to run together for me).
  2. The whole thing seems like dream sequence/hallucination (it has a very Mulholland Drive feel). I thought it was Barry's, but now I'm thinking it may be Sally's. The scene last week with the masked man/men and the wall being torn away were very dream like. I'm not sure when it began. Last season? After Barry comes back to her apartment after the prison break?
  3. That episode was hilarious. what was the cop with the bleeding eye thing?
  4. She’s had some command issues that I recall. She leads the staff in walks.
  5. True, but I don't think it can even cover its operating costs. I read it's only open something like two days a week, so I doubt it can even cover costs like utilities and (paired-down) staff.
  6. I liked this season up until the time jump.
  7. Maybe being disrespected will motivate us to make a deep run again. Who knows. Not at least making it to the supers would be a major let down.
  8. Even if had swept or won the Baylor series, I’m not sure it would have mattered. Silly me worrying about all that.
  9. Early in the season i was bitching about Bella slapping. This is why. She has a great swing and can hit for power. I think the slapping was due to injury. That's my theory anyway.
  10. We got good Baylor. They are Jeckyll and Hyde.
  11. The prison escape sequence was pretty funny. As was the Dave and Buster's criminal mastermind meeting. But, yeah, this show is dark and weird. I didn't really love the last episode.
  12. I kinda hope it was a dream sequence, but then again that's such a lazy plot device that I also hope it was not.
  13. Asking a MW team to hold someone scoreless is not gonna happen. Bats have really been shit this series. last week (really two weeks ago) I thought our team had it. This week I don't think we have it. We just love going to some fucking SEC school for a super.
  14. we just can’t seem to have nice things.
  15. Didn’t Baylor pound us last year?
  16. Corona is a very solid defensive 3b. Her hitting isn't the best, but I think most fans pull hard for her. She's a great teammate.
  17. This season has been epic. Yes, it’s not as funny as it used to be, but it’s still funny and dark and very well done.
  18. tonight's game against UTSA cancelled due to RPI "weather."
  19. The writing was shit for this movie, and frankly it's always been a weak part of the show. Still, I enjoyed seeing this world one last time. The ending was ambiguous, which is unusual for this show. Anyway, destiny is all.
  20. This reminds me, wasn’t there an old poster called Texas cowfucker or something like that?
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