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Burnt Ends
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  1. I'll be making my friends and neighbors aware that they now have a productive option if they wish to ditch their tesla
  2. The wife and I are scheduled for a Silversea cruise around Japan and to S Korea in October. A travel agent out of Monterey/Pacific Grove organized a group so I will keep an eye out for Olga. I was firmly in the Never Will I Cruise camp but got talked into it. Our ship is a bit larger, about 720 passengers. The ship is a year old with an asymmetrical design. Thanks for the review, @Ghost of LL!
  3. Institute for the Study of War: Ruzzia hasn't learned the lesson about futility of large-scale frontal assaults. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/07/26/7467483/
  4. PSA. Twitter's CEO POS enabled LLM training by default. Twitter users are forced to disable it in settings.
  5. Ukraine may have had an audacious plan, which may have been a mystery to the US, that prompted a telephone call earlier this month from the Ruzzia MOD to the US SOD.
  6. I don't believe you're not an Elon fan. I believe you dream -- every day of your pathetic life -- of sucking his dick and coddling his balls. You're evidently too stupid to realize Elmo's doing the exact same thing he accused twitter of doing (restricting certain speech by certain people -- which Twitter at the time was not doing) when he rounded up a group of gullible and reckless investors to purchase the platform.
  7. I gather he's re-running the same play he did with the solar company by getting tesla to bail out his personal investment. Read an article this week about how many billions of dollars 2 companies are losing in the same segment and they're already far ahead of xai - Openai and Anthropic.
  8. a poll asking whether or not tsla should dump billions of dollars down a drain...the stupidity hurts. Zee Bots love the idea.
  9. The newest bundle on the market. Doesn't include espn. But if you just have hulu no ads it makes it less expensive to add max for a month if you're a churner.
  10. A bit long but with some interesting insight about Russia's war on the west. A joint investigation by The Insider with Le Monde and Der Spiegel. https://theins.ru/en/politics/273350 You'll never guess that CHEF worked for the FSB and had a serious problem with alcohol and revealed his plans to fuck up the Paris Olympics while out drinking one night in Bulgaria.
  11. Big fan of this Bob Isom quote "First we tried the strategy where we'd drive down profits and cause our customers tons of grief. That didn't work so we're going to go the opposite direction." Admit it, you're one of those hundred or so fucks sitting in a wheelchair for boarding who miraculously struts off the plane after landing.
  12. You'd think with steer-by-wire, and 4 wheels turning, the CT would have a tighter turn radius than a Chevy Suburban. You'd be wrong.
  13. At the very least a little food porn.
  14. The fees are based on a percentage that the plaintiff saved the company by winning the case. $48 Billion or something absurd. The attorney fees are based on a percentage of that amount. But what percentage it will be shall be determined by the Court. State law controls.
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