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Posts posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Little Homesick and my nephew called me over to this guy finishing off a lizard snack. Little coachie, posed for a couple of pics before turning on the afterburners, and heading to the tree line.

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  2. White people?
    I kid.  I saw them on the first Lollapalooza tour.  Their bassist Doug Wimbish walked by our spot on the green after their set and happily drank our beers for an hour or so.  Super nice guy, very talented band.  Much less white than me and my friends.  Like, eclipse.

    Little known fact, but the lead singer played “Francis”, the guy who shared a foxhole with Charlie Sheen, in the last big battle scene of Platoon.
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  3. You actually thought Steven Seagal was cool? No offense, but he didn't turn into a shitbag. He was always a shitbag.
    In a world overflowing with liars, narcissists and shameless self-promoters, Seagal outdoes them all and somehow continues to live his best life. It boggles the mind that there's even one person who can't see through his façade of bullshit.

    Fucking this ^^^^.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. Figured I'd put this here then the el nino thread, but any of you guys got a recommendation for someone who can come out and repair fences, potentially deck-work, too? Storms hit our house good and knocked down and need to replace it. I don't want to deal with insurance for this and need to get it a new one up anyway. 

    I got you fam. Expect a text later today.
  5. While I agree that the photos shouldn’t be spoilered. I still wish I hadn’t looked at them. I already had a relatively vivid idea of what happened, and imagined what it might have looked like, due to stories I’ve heard and the actual accounts I’ve read. But these made it so much more real to me. Did anyone see the little headband? I can barely see my screen as I type this. feel like I’m going to be fucking sick.

  6. Good lord, I just saw this abortion on a food channel.  Vitek's "Gut Pak".  Frito's, cheese, sausage, brisket drowning in what looks to be horrible sauce, pinto beans.  Fucking Waco:

    All your angina are belong to us.
  7. I seriously doubt anyone was bankrupted by that venture.

    Nobody was bankrupted. But people went above and beyond, held THEIR shingle out for someone who didn’t have a pot to piss in, and reaped the whirlwind (from both sides of the equation). The keys to the safe were handed to him. And all a mother fucker had to do, was play by their rules for four months. Hubris is a mother fucker, and so is karma.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. Say what you will about the Ole Miss administration not shaking the fuck out of the tree. But I’ve seen them go scorched earth on the racial shit. Not only when I was there, but since I left. This kid is fucked, and rightfully so. I just wish the rest of those fucktards were too.

    • Hook 'Em 8
    • Rage+1 1
  9. I found something that's even more fucked up. After seeing this and reading about it, I'm done internetting for the day
    In a series of unfortunate events, a Vietnamese man, 34, received an unusual and shocking diagnosis after experiencing severe abdominal cramps. His symptoms prompted medical professionals at the Hai Ha district medical centre to perform an ultrasound and an X-ray. The scans showed that there was a live eel trapped in his belly, which resulted in peritonitis, as per reports.
    According to Nguoi Dua Tin, doctors believe that the 30 cm eel entered the man's body through his anus and slid through his colon. The patient was conscious and had less pain in his abdomen after the surgery. Physicians stated that they would keep an eye out for any issues and continue to coordinate feeding, fluids, and antibiotics. 

    It's an eel.


    Richard Gere’s pissed?
  10. Every single student looks the same

    I didn’t look like them, or act like them. I was often ostracized by them (the fraternity I pledged) for not adhering to the status quo when it came to clothing. I was a flip flops guy (in the summer/boots in the winter). The Dixie shuffle (some refer to it as Bama bangs, but I know what we called it) haircut, Gray New Balances or Clark’s Wallabies, and front-tucked shirt, wasn’t my cup of tea. I took their ribbings in stride.

    Now for the humble brag:

    At parties, either at the fraternity house, or off campus, I’d wear their snide remarks, and brush them off. Those dipshits were constantly vexed by the fact that I constantly went home with the girls they brought to the party.
    The confused Hail Mary of, “he’s from Texas. That’s why he’s wearing shitkickers and a tee shirt! What the fuck?” Was always answered with a very controlled, but matter of fact, “But he plays baseball”.

    Nostalgic rant over. I want to call in a fire-for-effect air strike on those fucktards. I knew my alma mater was going to figure out a way to make its way to the front page in a terrible manner. The only thing worse than those pieces of fuck-pie, are the twitter comments supporting them.
    • Hook 'Em 5
  11. It was me. Well, it was me that told the story. It was a friend of mine who did the rhinoplasty. It’s got to be out there somewhere. I’ve recapped it twice already, and I’m at work. Can someone more internet savvy than me do the search?

  12. 100% this, as others have said. I had a guy redo my driveway during Covid, on the recommendation of a guy who works on our yard. "Oh, he seems like a good guy, he warehouses next to mine." Dude was all Christ this, Christ that, very polite. And he did the worst job ever. A year into it cracks everywhere, and if you powerwash it the concrete literally comes up. It was basically "Do I spend more time and money suing this guy or let it go?" Pretty sure that's his business model. Lesson learned. 

    This reminds me of the Jim Gaffigan bit about Jesus being a shitty carpenter.
    “I’m really glad that whole son-of-God thing panned out for him. Because he built me a shed last year and that thing was a piece of shit”.
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