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  1. This^^^. Anyone who has engaged or responded needs to take a step back.
  2. All I’ve got. I pulled over on my way from my sister’s horse barn in Comfort and got lucky.
  3. My old man has said the same thing, almost verbatim. He also mentioned that I owed a ton of my existence to some extremely unassuming, but ballsy South Vietnamese Huey pilots.
  4. “We’re going to need some more FBI guys, I guess”.
  5. There’s a your mom joke out there somewhere. But I’m too tired and too upset to try for one.
  6. I don’t know why, but I’m fucking crying right now. That one got me.
  7. Kill Bin Laden, by Dalton Fury (obviously a pen name). Author just recently passed away.
  8. When I went overseas in undergrad, I lived with two other Americans. One from UCSB, and one from College of Charleston. I’m still close to them to this day, and still have my Gauchos Baseball, and Chucktown tee shirts.
  9. This^^^. One thing Ole Miss taught me was how to trust myself, and my decision making. I was relatively proud of myself (being as young and naive as I was), that I wasn’t swayed in one direction or the other. I actually considered myself as more of a third party observer throughout college. A spy of sorts. The school itself has made an enormous effort to de-stigmatize itself from the reputation it has deservedly earned. But idiots are going to idiot, racists are gonna racist, etc. Staying above that bullshit is what it’s all about.
  10. I could’ve warned you not to check their politics board. It’s arguably one of the most cringeworthy message boards on the interwebs.
  11. Absolutely a fair punch after being slapped early on. And the Scottish couple getting destroyed for ransacking the corner store was gorgeous.
  12. From the comments: “His accomplices Blast Hardcheese, Punch Rockgroin, and Big McLargeHuge could not be reached for comment.”
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