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Posts posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Just found out from friends that are still friends with my ex on Facebook (I’ve been blocked since the divorce began 4 years ago), that ex mshomesick is engaged.

    I knew she was in Mexico, and thought this might be the case, but it would’ve been easier had there been a heads up. Apparently, she proposed.

    Once I started fielding the millions of texts asking if I’d heard, I looked at little homesick, and brokered the news.

    “Yay!” Was his response.

    “As long as he makes your mom happy, and more importantly, as long as he makes you happy, then I’m happy buddy”.

    “Dad, you’re the best dad ever. He’s always just gonna be an almost dad”.


    Sorry, but I had a hard time keeping my allergies from kicking in when I actually thanked my 7yr old son for saying that unprovoked.


    Here’s my hero.





    This might’ve been better on the Dad thread.


    • Like 9
  2.  Yall motherfuckers are scaring me. I’ve enjoyed 33 years of selfish me first living and now I have my first due in September. 



    Get. Fucking. Sleep.


    Then, get ready to start really enjoying your life. I never thought that I could care about anyone/anything more than myself, until the day my son was born. You’ll be impressed with yourself.

    • Like 2
  3. Ex-mshomesick signed little homesick up for acting camp (it’s her week with him). So yesterday was his camp’s closing, and the kiddos put on a play for the parents. Needless to say, this group of 7yr olds wasn’t highly motivated, and in my opinion, their performance left much to be desired. Due to boredom, I sent this gif to the ex, who was sitting two rows in front of me with her flavor of the month. I chuckled when I saw her look down, and immediately get up and leave because she started laughing. If I can still push her buttons, I will.






  4. This has to be a professional hit. It makes zero sense otherwise. 

    I’ve been thinking the same thing. Especially after hearing when and how it all went down. 9am, rush hour in the med center, construction everywhere keeping car traffic at a standstill, dude passes him, then fires twice, and vanishes. I’m sure there are a fuckton if witnesses still being interviewed, but I’m worried that the shooter isn’t even in Houston, let alone Texas, at this point.
  5. This man speaks truth. 

    Late to the game, and I’ve already noticed that quite a few more posters have chimed in, so I’m just going to add my endorsement to what’s already an agreed upon statement; run for your fucking life. Those girls are guano loco.



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  6. Of course. I hated seeing Ricky go out like that.

    It wasn’t Ricky, it was the Irish ginger.

    Also, that guy in the video mentioned that they dive to escape predators. I’ve seen over a hundred cottonmouths in my life, chased them (with weaponry), and been chased by them on countless occasions. Never once, have I seen one dive. On land, I don’t think they’re going to come after you unprovoked, but in the water, they’re territorial as shit. Back to the video, he mentioned that the snake’s venom glands were full. Do you think this guy made that video with a snek that he’d maybe caught, and then had it de-fanged kind of like those cobra kissing dipshits do? I’ve just never seen one that docile, ever.

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