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Posts posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Then it would be OK with you if someone KTFO of burrito boy, right?  Because thunderdome...
    If rules don't matter, then they don't fucking matter...

    What in the fuck caused you to garner that response from what I posted? I simply stated an opinion that I’ve acquired throughout life experiences involving public transit. Did I say that people weren’t supposed to obey the rules? No, I did not. I’ll say it again, if you walk through the doors of a public train or bus, and expect everyone on the aforementioned to be on their best behavior, then...I honestly don’t know what to say. I was trying to think of a funny quip, but I’ve got nothing.

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  2. I’m down here with little homesick. Found a cabin last minute, and we got here too late this evening to buy any live bait, but we’re about to go try our luck under the bridge with a few artificial lures that were recommended. We’re boat less, so most of what we do tomorrow is going to probably be from the pier, or in the shallows.

    Let me know what luck any of y’all have had, if any. Thanks in advance.



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  3. I have an old (aggy) NASA friend blowing up his Facebook page with pictures of him making a specific trip to Canada to watch Money Badger play. Picture of him with a jersey at the stadium and everything.


    Someone ask if he saw him play... "No. Masoli played the whole time, but maybe next game!" was the response.


    So very aggy

    While I kind of admire your friend’s optimism. With the exception of NASA, everything he did up until his response makes me laugh at him, hard.



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  4. SEC fans see the Aggies as the same as themselves? Any SEC fans want to confirm that you see yourself as identical to Aggies except you have more accomplishments? 

    By the way I have been hearing about our decline and desperation in the face of the glorious A&M rise for over 30 years now. The narrative is the same they just have to shift around the details a bit. I mean I suppose a glorious A&M rise would bother me if the entire point of UT was to be better than A&M but generally we have other goals.

    Aggy, don’t incorporate us into your stupid shit. We’re nothing like you.



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  5. My client out of Ft Worth, who I was with yesterday invited me to fly up on their company plane this morning at 7am. I have my son this week, otherwise it would’ve been a no brainer.
    He sent me this at about 3:30 this afternoon from his hotel room.

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  6. Alright...but I meant in the ballpark, foul or fair...and I was generally speaking of a player having time to get under the ball.  All three of these guys were trying to get to it...didn't camp under this one, but imo, one of them should have caught it, and I'm guessing they would agree to that.

    It was the right fielder’s fucking ball. Had he nutted up, made a legitimate approach (all the while knowing full well his 2b was going to be running towards it), and called the ball, we wouldn’t be watching a game tonight. It’s not a hard fucking play to make if you commit to it. He pussed out, and now has to wear it in his own head the rest of his life.
    On to game three.

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  7. If you listen to the hayseeds that call in to his Sirius show, it is freaking high comedy.  They make Joe Dirt sound like William Shakespeare.

    So much this. It’s a wonderfully disgusting yet gorgeous shit-show of bama and auburn hayseeds.

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  8. RF bitched out early, he didn’t want to make the play. 2B busted his ass & overran it, but that was never his ball. RF will know for as long as he lives he should have bowed up. 

    ^^^^This. It was the RF’s ball all day long. I get that the 2baseman wanted to get over there, but priority goes to the player coming in on the ball, players moving lateral (2b), and backwards (1b) better get loud if they want it. Even if they win tonight, that right fielder is going to remember not calling for that ball each day for the rest of his life. Trust me.



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  9. It was arky’s to win. Instead, the right fielder, first, and second baseman, were too busy playing rock-paper-scissors deciding who was going to be the hero, to nut the fuck up and make an effort for the ball.

    A textbook communication fuck up is going to be the reason that the pigs lose this series.

    I’m pretty sure that OSU is going to put on a batting clinic in game three, and the pig faithful, the ones the announcers won’t shut the fuck up about, are gonna trailer it back to their trailers with nothing but an “aggy almost”.

    I’m okay with this.

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  10. Wtf was the runner on 3rd thinking?  The shit from left field made it even worse as it wasn’t a suicide squeeze, he saw the ball pop up and ran halfway home anyway. 

    Dude, from the birdseye view it looked like a squeeze. He started booking it as soon as the batter squared. Maybe I need to watch it again.

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  11. Well, it was just some dudes that were students at UT.


    Am I the only one thinking that, due to the quick certainty of his post, maybe skipper might know more about this incident than he’s letting on?



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