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Posts posted by Homesickhorn

  1. aggy won't beat Miss State.  Ole Miss is a toss up.  

    I agree, but the trend has been in the Mississippi schools favor to both beat aggy if the first team does.



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  2. Well that’s a fucking pleseant surprise. Can’t let our guard down though. There’s a reason Tennessee Tech made it this far. 


    I’m still pissed about what they did to us last night, but I watched them throughout the Oxford regional, and trust me, they’re playing pissed. I’ve got a ton of respect for these guys, they’re scrappy, disciplined, and will fight tooth and nail. Texas needs to jump on them quick, and keep on them, because they can find a chink in the armor very quickly and exploit it.

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  3. I need to find the Looch getting his ass whipped by my friend who was an aggy baseball player story and paste it over here. I just don’t want to go searching the shag.



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  4. Well shit. Now we have to all wait till Fri/Sat. and we are still waiting to name our next head coach. Was some damn good baseball over the past 3 days. 

    My bil sent me a text last night in response to my, “fuck this shit, those fucking heartbreaking pieces of fuck etc”.
    He said, “well, at least it was a hell of a season”.
    I told him to fuck his own face.

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  5. Oh hello friend. I was wondering where you were. I hate you too. Can we be friendz again tomorrow? It's not personal.. 

    Of course we can. I’d say more, but I’m too busy trying to buy a Tennessee Tech shirt on Amazon.

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  6. I seem to recall being pretty satisfied with the season's result the last time we play a Super in Oxford

    I remember that too. One of my best friends actually played on that Texas team. I closed my blinds and dove into a handle of Wild Turkey that weekend. One of the coolest things that Augie said in Omaha was that the best team he’d faced all year was sitting at home in Oxford. And after Texas won, the players said the same thing. That was a cool compliment.

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  7. I’m worried about the Rebs. They better turn on their fucking A-game tomorrow. Neither of these teams are reputable, but they just won’t go away. They’re scrappy as hell, and that scares me.

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  8. Went out snek hunting today.  Only one I saw was this juvenile broad banded water snake.  At first I thought it was a juvenile copperhead.  Fast little bastard. 

    Love this snek. I caught one a few years back and kept him in a 40 gallon aquarium. It was awesome watching him gobble up minnows by the dozen.

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  9. Awesome win, but more than likely gonna have to do it again. If/when the second game ends with a Horn victory, I’d love it if the fans “SECSECSEC’d” them out of the fucking stadium.

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