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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 9 minutes ago, TheFlyingBoat said:

    Why is the Democratic Party full of gigantic pussies?

    They have been handed an amazing opportunity that could be used to set back the GOP for years to come, possibly even until the demographic shifts in a few states make it much, much harder for the GOP to make a comeback. 

    But because they are Democrats, they know deep down, that they will fuck up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They can’t help themselves. 

  2. Now that I'm on laptop, I'd toss in a few other authors:

    H. A. Derosso - The Gun Trail.  Dark as shit.  Just dark.  No humor, no real heroes at all.  It's like Unforgiven in book form as far as tone.  .44 is another good one.

    Glendon Swarthout - The Shootist (yes, the John Wayne Shootist).

    A. B. Guthrie - The Way West and The Big Sky - better than their movie versions, but the movies were good (and these two books form what amounts to the basis of a series).

    Frederick Manfred - several good books, McMurtry actually scripted one of them as a miniseries.

    Ed Gorman - Ghost Town. Some are calling his stuff "Western Noir", but I've only read Ghost Town.  His stuff apparently doesn't have happy endings.

  3. 18 hours ago, Llano Estacado said:

    Lots of LL are formulaic no doubt, but so are lots of westerns. Due in large part to LL churning out pulp “a stranger rides in town” stories for a generation.

    I used to grab a couple used titles before going offshore in the years before reliable internet.

    I don't find myself going back to most of LL's other novels outside of the Sackets, but I think the thing that kept me coming back to those I have reread multiple times is that LL did a lot of historical, technical, and geographical research.  The extensive notes he took when walking/riding/driving over the areas covered in his novels were an interesting read in and of themselves, and The Sackett Companion, which was basically most of his research notes for the Sackett novels (all 10 generations of Sacketts) was worth a read as well.  

  4. 1 hour ago, SquishMitten said:

    I would say no, but it works. Everybody keeps saying “Story X would be the biggest story ever in any other administration...” But with the way news currently works, having a new story out every day or two means very few stories ever hang around long enough to gain real traction. For the large percentage of the population that gets their news exclusively from Fox, a story that only hangs around for 48 hours never gets a mention. Presumably, they’d eventually have to address something like getting your maid pregnant if everybody else was covering it for weeks, but if everyone else has moved on, they can just skip it.


    I should have prefaced that comment with "I don't think this story leaks, at least from anybody remotely pro-Trump, if they thought it would stay buried."

    Scenario: Cohen gets raided.  National Enquirer folks are pro-Trump and have been friends for years, and have apparently squelched negative stories about Trump (not just the Playmate story).   Trump's people get wind of the FBI looking for communications with the National Enquirer folks, probably from the National Enquirer folks. Trump's people know that at some point this stuff (along with the stuff) will leak or will end up on court papers that will hit the public airwaves.  There are probably plenty of people around Cohen, or at least the National Enquirer who might be willing to sell what they know as well.  

    Result/Damage Control: Leak just the barest details right now, it distracts some of the media from the Russia stuff, from Cohen's raid, etc. 

    More importantly,  because it leaks now, by the time the actual hard facts (names, payment info, witnesses, etc.) hits the public conscious, it's already old news and/or overshadowed by something else (war with Syria lol).

  5. On 4/9/2018 at 2:30 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    How about just leave Politics as Politics.

    For new members to the forum, it’s often challenging to navigate the board when the forums have non-descriptive names.   


    And Richards School for Young Women Leaders. 

    LBJ School for Public Affairs

    The Driskill


  6. Watched some this morning while sitting up with one of the kids. 

    Effects can be really good (few places where CGI contrasted with somebody in a rubber suit).  World-building is interesting. Amazing how a TV series looks a hundred times better than feature movies from just 10-15 years ago.  

    Probably will watch all 10 episodes. 

  7. The alternative is that a lot of this stuff was known to a lot of people, but they either didn't have corroborating evidence/sources, or they were worried about lawsuits, etc.

    Cohen gets raided, and all of the sudden everybody is going to tell what they heard.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    This is like a sieve! I'm just curious where it is coming from since it has been mums-the-word with the Mueller team. I guess the US attorney team is like a bunch of $9.95 subscribers! hahaha i hope they keep it up, this shit is gold. He gotta have  more abortions than illigits. We should take bets on over/under illigit kids and over/under on aborts.

    Remember all of the leaks from insider the White House?  This stuff is reminiscent of that - Trump, and Cohen by proxy, seems to surround himself with people who are constantly looking to stab each other in the back, to get ahead in Trump's eyes.

  9. 1 hour ago, ndawg said:

    The GOP has become the Church of Scientology. Setting up smear websites to discredit those who "attack" them is straight up their playbook.

    There's building a castle in the sky, and moving in. The GOP has been living in a state of permafried insanity for a while now.

    The GOP is also just as desperate as the Scientologists.  Gerrymandering may not help them out 4--5 election cycles out.

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/11/2018 at 12:40 AM, RPM said:

    Bailed on this after Tandy taught the guy to fly and he promptly crashed on take off. Give zero fucks about it now.

    You missed Tandy struggling to cut the head off of a corpse. 

    And a really complicated setup for a cannibal to kill himself with a Rubik’s cube. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, F250 said:

    Thanks, I think I'll try out The Daybreakers first and read the series if I get hooked.

    Bonus: Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott, in their prime, played two of the brothers in the TV adaptation.  And Glenn Ford, Ben Johnson, and Slim Pickens had supporting roles. 

    The Sackett series were (as a youngster), and still are, some of my favorite books.  If you like Daybreakers, the series starts in 1600  in England,  and goes up through the 1600s and 1700s in the colonies, and moves on to the 1800s in the West.

  12. 45 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    If college-educated suburban women turn on the GOP this fall, Beto could very well win. 

    Culberson in TX-7 might lose, too.

    Plenty of them turned out for Hillary in Fort Bend County in 2016. 

    A year into Trump, and there could definitely be a lot of ant-Trump voters turning out. 

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