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Posts posted by atomheartbevo

  1. 13 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I do not believe that is happening.  I think there are actors in the GOP who are guilty of your charge.  That is what Trump is doing and he has some supporters.    I think the GOP as a whole is working to ensure that Mueller stays on the job.  Mueller IS staying on the job.  Rosenstein is staying on the job.  I'll bet the House that Trump has been warned, politely and behind the scenes that if he tries to materially obstruct the investigation that he will regret it.  I think that's the right position.  They're just going to have to live with Trump yammering.

    And yet the Republicans who have power in Congress, like oh...say the Senate Majority Leader, are making sure that things like legislation to protect Mueller will never hit the floor, while other Republicans in important positions are trying to help Trump and are working against Mueller.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Brandywine said:

    It’s looking pretty obvious Trump is a sex addict with money, who thought he could buy whatever he wanted, when he wanted it, and no one would know, as long as he had Cohen to cover the stink up. Can’t believe he thought he would get away with people not finding out in today’s 24 hour cable news life. And of course the lies to cover it up keep pilling higher and higher and the rope tighter and tighter. He’s starting to forget what’s lies he’s already said before he says the next lie.

    But he did get away with it - he won the election to the nation’s highest elected office, and many of the idiots who voted for him in 2016 would still vote for him in 2020. He won’t be going to jail over his adultery either. 

  3. https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/03/politics/chinese-lasers-us-military-pilots-africa/index.html


    Chinese personnel at the country's first overseas military base in Djibouti have been using lasers to interfere with US military aircraft at a nearby American base, activity that has resulted in injuries to US pilots and prompted the US to launch a formal diplomatic protest with Beijing, two military officials told CNN.

    The US issued a notice to airmen "to exercise caution when flying in certain areas in Djibouti," which "was issued due to lasers being directed at US aircraft on a small number of separate occasions over the last few weeks," according to the notice obtained by CNN.
    "During one incident, there were two minor eye injuries of aircrew flying in a C-130 that resulted from exposure to military-grade laser beams, which were reported to have originated from the nearby Chinese base," the notice said.


  4. 41 minutes ago, 5 5 said:

    It's entirely possible that Hillary never committed a crime in her life. 

    Trump is an insecure little snowflake over somebody paying off a porn star for him  

    Hillary was staring Foster in the eyes when she put the gun in his mouth. 

    • Like 2
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  5. 3 hours ago, wildcat09 said:

    The dipshits I'm worried about don't watch Fox News. They're not organized, so there's not gonna be some sort of uprising, but there's a bunch of MajorHarsins out there with shitty lives who can't get laid encouraging each other in online forums to go out in a blaze of glory to own the normies. That's a problem that's going to keep getting worse.

    Trumpanzees won’t do shit. They were pussies when Barrack Hussein Obama was in the White House and personally taking their guns. 

    The ones you’re talking about have nothing to do with who is in the WH.   Are they a concern?  Slightly, but keep in mind many of these types almost always turn out to be people who were known to be a problem well before they snap. 

  6. Comcast really wants that most-hated ISP award from Time Warner Spectrum. 



    As streaming video continues to chip away at cable TV subscriber numbers, Comcast is making some of its Internet speed increases available only to customers that pay for both Internet and video service.

    Last week, Comcast announced speed increases for customers in Houston and the Oregon/SW Washington areas. The announcement headlines were "Comcast increases Internet speeds for some video customers."

    Customers with 60Mbps Internet download speeds are being upped to 150Mbps; 150Mbps subscribers are going to 250Mbps; and 250Mbps subscribers are getting a raise to 400Mbps or 1Gbps.

    Comcast says speed increases will kick in automatically without raising the customers' monthly bills—but only if they subscribe to certain bundles that include both Internet and TV service.

    "Cord cutters are not invited to the [speed increase] party," the Houston Chronicle wrote. "Only those who bundle Internet with cable television and other services... will see their speeds go up at no extra charge."

    Presumably, Internet-only customers can get the new speeds by paying more or by bundling their Internet subscriptions with video.


  7. 2 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Methinks the lady doth protest too much. 

    He works hard to maintain his status as the #1 snowflake in the nation, from the comfort of his safe space shitter.


  8. 13 hours ago, deech said:

    McConnell already said it's never going to make it to the floor.

    If he let it hit the floor, Trump would fire his wife  or have Kelly fire his wife. 

    That’s 200,000 reasons why Mitch will keep it off the floor. 

  9. 1 hour ago, LongestHorn said:

    Let's imagine a world with a nuclear Iran.  Is it really as bad for US interests as we have been told?  See Pakistan.

    I can see Iranian evangelical leadership losing the nationalist support they now enjoy with their "Iran vs. the World" message.  Iranians will have to answer the existential question "whose finger is on the button".  Do Iranians want the nuts or the military?  

    Israel has some very smart people, and I believe Bibi wants security for Israel.  But no one trusts him.  Fact is, if they could get a nuclear armed submarine for their trouble, Israel could get something they want - mutually assured destruction.  In the end, it's peace or they nuke each other.  They might just choose peace.

    I’m not worried about Iran and Israel going at it. 

    Im worried about what the Saudis are going to do.  

  10. 23 minutes ago, trauma babe said:

    Good god this motherfucker is guilty as shit.

    Yeah, he’s projecting like crazy.  He's not trying to convince his followers at this point, he’s trying to convince himself.

    I cant believe people took him seriously as a business leader in the past. 

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