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Posts posted by GRHorn

  1. If you wanna go all out do Legoland.  

    If you wanna have a lower key, otherwise fun day, go swimming with him somewhere.  If he’s comfortable in water kids always love that. Make sure he does not get a sunburn or mom will kill you, so go early in the day.  

    Also take him anywhere he wants to eat for lunch.  It may be as simple as inside at McDonalds where he can play on the playground instead of driving through, but let him pick. At some point take him for ice cream.   That’s the stuff kids really appreciate. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 6/16/2018 at 10:54 PM, HoustonHorn said:

    Without getting into definitions of mental health issues, there is a 13 year old girl who doesn't have a father anymore. That's sad and she has a tougher road ahead as a result.

    I liked Bourdain, but it’s pretty obvious the daughter wasn’t a priority. When you’re already wealthy and famous but still travel for work 250 days a year that shows where your priorities lie.  

  3. On 6/13/2018 at 1:30 AM, Gardner Barnes said:

    I’m watching the Vienna No Reservations episode right now. It’s pretty amazing how much darker Bordain’s shows became over the years.

    Personally I enjoy the more journalistic aspect of his Parts Unknown/CNN days more, however these NR eps are entertaining. They are light and funny.

    I wonder if his editing was reflective of CNN giving him more freedom to be a journalist and the Travel Channel wanting more of a Travel and Food host. Or if he just got darker over the years and the edits accurately reflect his psyche.

    On the Joe Rogan interview he went on about how lucky he was to have been allowed to make whatever shows he wanted, however he wanted, so I think it was his choice.  


    On 6/13/2018 at 7:00 AM, HenryJames said:

    I'm the opposite. The journalist/political stuff wasn't his strength and seemed forced. Plus the CNN editing is shit.

    I agree.  I watched pretty much every No Reservations episode.  Over time I stopped watching Parts Unknown.  It wasn’t a conscious decision, just happened. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    People like you think this is about policy, and you could not be more wrong.

    It's about morality.  It's about ethics.  It's about everything that made this country great.  If you can't see that, you are part of the problem.  The consequences may indeed be dire.

    This is word salad. 

    8 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    GRHorn is one of the better trolls.  He’s not an idiot but he’s not entirely sincere.

    Thanks I guess.  I’ve been sincere on this forum. I’ve believed everything I’ve written. I’ve admitted when I’ve had a couple things wrong. It happens. Although you wouldn’t know it from this forum.  

    I started posting here because I thought the 180 from the old CR was fascinating.  I’ve been around in various names since old HF days.  I thought it was interesting to provide a good counter point where I could.  It does feel like it’s gotten wayyy more toxic than it was in past.

    That’s due to a lot of factors, but there’s a lot of distrust.  Nobody believes anything anymore, and for good reason sometimes. When people look back I think they’ll see Ed Snowden and Wikileaks as two of the biggest things that pulled the veil back.  But they told the truth, so I think it needed to happen. We’ll see how it all shakes out. 

    That kind of came outta nowhere but this tweet had me thinking.  

    Irresponsible is a great word for how the media on both sides manipulates people. It’s a sad situation.  I don’t see how you ever get that trust back.  

    With that, I’m gonna sign off and watch Dateline with the wife for the rest of the night.  Y’all have a nice weekend.


    • Like 2
  5. Just now, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    Sanctions. Eventually he relented, but his initial response was "nope." As if that were an option. 

    Ok.  So it wasn’t an option. And he was held to it. So your post was 🚮🚮🚮.  Move along. 

    Point remains, work to pass something to address situation or don’t so you can milk it.

  6. 4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    On the off chance you're serious, da fuq?

    He is most DEFINITELY an authoritarian.  Just because he is not yet wholly successful in taking over the country doesn't change what he is.  You can't simultaneously argue that he's evidence the Executive can get too much power AND that he's not really a threat.

    Of course I can argue that.

    With each administration, especially ramping up with GWB, the executive branch had gained increasing power.  It doesn’t have enough power to make Trump a true authoritarian threat, but would you like him to have as much power as you probably wished Obama had when fighting with a Republican Congress?  I doubt it.  He should be seen as a warning.  I’m guessing the vast majority of Dems don’t see it as that. They just think they need to fix whatever he’s doing.  

    Hell, the majority of what he’s doing policy wise that is pissing people off is reversing Obama executive orders or decisions. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    Maybe Trump will stop doing what he's always done if Congress passes a law. 

    Maybe.  Why don’t they pass a law so there’s something to hold him to?  You mean they wanna grandstand more and get more campaign contributions and milk people more?  Imagine my shock. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    You are tacitly supporting an authoritarian administration. Are ok with this? This isn’t about a team and who’s winning and losing. This is about the heart and soul of America. Can you really say you’re happy with the direction this administration is taking us?

    He’s not an authoritarian.  Deep down he definitely has some of those tendencies, but he’s not a Hitler in waiting imo.  Fortunately the founding fathers of this country created a structure of government that is resistant to those type of personalities making real headway, but over time it’s getting broken down.

    It’s unfortunate that people on the left don’t see Trump as a real warning that the Executive Branch can get too powerful.  See my earlier comment about approving the NDAA. Either they don’t believe he’s really a threat or they just think they can do better once they get in there and don’t wanna mess up the game too much.  They’re missing their opportunity to try to roll back executive power that would benefit the country, but they won’t because again they’re massive hypocrites.

    Trump isn’t an authoritarian and he doesn’t have those powers yet, but if we continue on the same path some President probably will some day and it well could be a Dem really wrecking the country how they see fit. 

    • Fuck You 3
  9. 13 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Ok I’ll concede Hitler and a few party leaders knew.  But they sure as fuck didn’t announce it ‘day 1’.  

    You know what Miller and Trump are actually thinking?  Please fill us in.  

    This is pointless to argue I guess.  Let’s just say I think we’re wayyyyyyy fucking farther away from indefinitely detaining and then exterminating large numbers of illegal immigrants than 99% of the posters here. 

    Honestly the Hitler/Trump comparison are an insult to Hitler.  He’s one of world history’s truly evil people.  I thought Trump was a shitty businessman, terrible deal maker, and generally incompetent person who can’t get anything done.  How is he gonna convince an entire population whose never performed a genocide before to do it?  Puhleeze.   

  10. 4 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    You know the Nazis actually gassed all 6 million Jews on day 1. They were just super efficient. 

    Maybe the best idea is to wait until people are being killed. Or we could stop the current round of human rights atrocities before things get worse.

    Again, stupid.

    Actually Hitler and the Nazis knew what they wanted to do with the Jews from day 1.  It’s not the same galaxy.  

  11. 38 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Remember when American troops liberated camps, instead of building and operating them?

    I ‘member.


    Actually we built our own then too.  Ever heard of Crystal City?   It’s a stupid comparison.  Nobody is getting gassed, nobody is stuck indefinitely like back then, but whatever.

    Btw guys, if Donald is such a raging racist, such a pawn of Putin, such an existential threat to our Republic (IF there’s another administration blah blah blah), then why do Democrats repeatedly vote to give him more money for military and DOD spending that he will command?  Or the upcoming vote to give more leeway to Sessions to classify drugs?  

    It’s almost as if your chosen standard bearers for the “Resistance” don’t believe everything they tweet.  Maybe they’re just getting their people riled up because it could fill their coffers, get them more influence, and thereby get richer?  Almost as if they’re playing the people like a fiddle with the help of a compliant media that benefit as well from people like Brisket or Hugo going off the deep end.  Just a thought.  Follow people like Schiff’s and Lieu’s actions, not their tweets. 


    house 351-66


    senate 85-10

    • Fuck You 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Remember, President Trump has repeatedly said he's a big fan of using eminent domain. And not just for Government projects. He really loves the Kelo decision, for example. 

    Yep.  One of his worst stances. 

  13. 21 hours ago, Captainant said:

    So you don't agree with how he's handling it but you defend it anyways? Truly the most spectacular doublethink there is

    Didn't defend it.  Try again.


    21 hours ago, Dahobbs said:

    I have been very clear. These actions are evil. Supporting, condoning, or deflecting from the evil of these actions is evil. I will not soften my stance to make someone else more comfortable. If you are not evil, do not act evil. The only option when confronted with evil is to oppose it. Anything else is itself an act of evil. 

    Didn't support or condone it.  If you feel my criticism of media hypocrisy regarding past coverage of this issue and others is deflecting, so be it.  I hope you maintain your stated standards even when your choice is in office.  Just like I'm 100% certain you've done in the past.  

  14. 30 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Your participation in this thread is proof that you are evil. Deal with it. It is who you are.

    Do you always call people on the internet ugly names?  Does it fulfill you in some way?  If it makes you feel better that’s ok I guess.  I said multiple times I don’t agree with Trump’s handling of this, but you’re still so angry with me. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    Me and Mojo spent a good part of Monday acknowledging it probably happened under Obama and requesting some apples to apples quantification to the charges this was the same under Obama, given the zero-tolerance change in policy followed by the denial this was a change in policy, which your tweet acknowledges. 

    That’s great to hear. I haven’t been around in a few days.  Work has been busy. I’m aware it’s a change in policy.  It’s also one I don’t approve of, but I do believe that better securing our border is important and it’s not a simple problem.  Hopefully both sides can reach a deal that improves the situation. 

  16. 20 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    Oh you're so very right. There's absolutely nothing unprecedented about this administration or the actions of the people within it.

    It's just that, en masse, a huge number of Americans woke up one day and decided to start caring. 

    Yes you're right, that seems far more probable.

    I think it’s more of a tribal phonemon.  Your guy isn’t pulling the strings, everything is a travesty.  


    18 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Again, you are an evil person. 

    I don’t see where anything I wrote makes me an evil person. I lead a pretty quiet, simple existence.  Nothing too evil that I’m aware of. 

    15 minutes ago, Foosters said:

    That you find the notion that roughly half of all persons who are left of center are incapable of having principles says quite a lot about where we stand.

    You know what, you’re right.  Most people are not educated on the depth of our country’s misadventures in the past.  They are just easily whipped into a frenzy over shit that other administrations have done in the past to some extent.  The people with no principles are the politicians and media outlets that know better and fan the flames to try and achieve what they want.  


    33 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Wow you’re cool...we should hang out.

    I am a pretty laid back guy.  Known to have a good time. We’d probablu get along fine. 

  17. 32 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    What’s remarkable is their obvious attempt to cover up blatant human rights violations has gone nearly unnoticed.  We expect them to lie and conceal wrongdoing right in our faces now. 

    That has been normalized.

    It will be difficult for that trust to be earned back by subsequent administrations, if we have them.

    If we have them?  Lololol.

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