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Posts posted by GRHorn

  1. 43 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Our policing of our borders sucked before and many of the people involved sucked as well. But, from the top level, at least the goal wasn't expressly to inflict pain and suffering. Read the accounts you posted. Many of them ultimately result in reunification a short time later. Some of them represent decisions, perhaps incorrect ones, to separate parents from children based on a belief that the parents would endanger the children. I don't like any of these things. They disturb me greatly and always have. But, I also recognize that those incidents were largely incidental results of a larger bureaucratic system that needed a way to process people in some orderly fashion. Unfortunately, that system was forced to implement bad law and at least some of the individuals involved chose to do so in cruel ways.

    There, I've acknowledged your post and that our previous handling of immigration sucked too. Now it is your turn to acknowledge that Trump's policies are different. Before, there was no top-down order that cruelty be inflicted.  Trump insisted on cruelty and pain, and did so because he thought it bought him something politically. Of course, you'll never recognize that because you are a disgusting human being. 

    Talking tough about immigration bought him something politically, he’s just following through on it in a way that a lot of people, myself included, think is too harsh. I’m just laughing at all the outrage people are flinging around about this when this has been happening.  Same thing when people talk about bombing civilians in Yemen or the first amendment and journalism being under attack. This shit has been going on before Trump.  Im supposed to think that the majority of people on the left now have principles and have always cared?  GTFOH. 

  2. Both sides.  And so on.  The liberal media has found something ugly to latch onto that's happened before and they're running with it. Smart politics.  

    From correspondent for noted conservative org, the Young Turks. 

    I expect little to no acknowledgement of this, per Surly protocol.  

  3. 17 minutes ago, SaucyJack said:

    Most don't know our country's past interventions (100 years worth and many illegal) in Mexico, Central and South America.  These interventions have been a major factor in people fleeing to the U.S. If you are not familiar, there are plenty of CIA and FBI documents readily available.

    Remember when Trump exclaimed to Bill O'Reilly, ""There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?"


  4. 52 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    It never ceases to amaze me how many people can't spot a con.

    Come on, conservatives.  Almost every important conservative leader is denouncing the Trump administration for ripping families apart at the border.  And the administration blames it on laws passed by Democrats; laws that do not, and never did, exist.  It's a lie, and an easily debunkable one.  It's one of hundreds of lies from this White House.

    If you can't figure it out, all you have to do is pay attention to the people who've led your party for years; people you've even voted for!  Listen to them.

    But all of a sudden, you trust this lying piece of shit con in the White House more than John McCain?

    What the fuck happened to you?  How can you be THIS stupid?

    I don’t think it’s a good idea to separate kids from their families if you can verify the connection. I also don’t think it’s a good idea to continue the practice of releasing people seeking asylum for hearings that they never show for.  

    Immigration policy changes have been neglected for a long time.  I think most people would agree that things need to be addressed.  Trump was elected with a tough immigration stance being central to his campaign, so people shouldn’t be surprised that his administration is going about seeking policy change.  They also shouldn’t be surprised that the administration is going about it in an inelegant fashion. 

    It’s a mixed bag for Democrats politically imo. It looks like they’re scoring political points for now, but this could force more substantial immigration reform that they seem set on avoiding.  Reform may get passed and then the backlash from this fades and their gains minimized.  We’ll see. 

  5. Back from week of vacation. Did I miss anything? 

    The last page is arguing that Hillary fell victim to a vast right wing conspiracy to defame her.  She really was likable.  Okie dokie. 

  6. 6 hours ago, SKJ said:

    Tell it like it is.

    Call it "War on Trump"

    Fuck all that tippy toeing around and just call it like it is.

    War on Trump

    Aka war on fascism

    Aka war on internment camps...


    Bless your heart.  I wish you luck in your war against both non-existent fascism and internment camps.  


    • Fuck You 4
  7. 4 hours ago, BrickHorn said:

    The more I think about it, the more I think this is akin to enlisting for a war.  My grandfather didn’t want to risk his life flying a bomber around Europe.  He didn’t want to kill anybody.  But he signed up and went to war, not knowing if he’d win or even if he’d come back alive, because it was what he needed to do to help defeat evil.  

    Well, you don’t have to risk your life to defeat evil in 2018.  You just have to vote for candidates who will stand up to Trump. You have to band together with Americans who, in more tranquil times, you might disagree with.  It’s temporary and it’s not what you’d usually do if the free world were secure, but it’s what you have to do now.


    Drama queen.  

    • Fuck You 4
  8. I voted for Trump.  Did it mostly for 2 reasons. The Supreme Court was in the balance.  One of the few things he has actually held up is the Gorsuch pick. 

    I also liked his non orthodox, leaning anti interventionist foreign policy stance.  He has certainly walked that back.  We’ll see how far he goes to the standard, think tank interventionist policy. 

  9. 41 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Objectively Trump did nothing but make North Korea stronger.  

    Not sure how that can be viewed as positive but whatever.

    He made them stronger by canceling military exercises?

  10. HH: Are you upset by the President’s statement about military exercises, even though they’re not scheduled to occur until March or April of ’19?

    TC: Well, Hugh, that’s and important point that you make. The main military exercise about which the Kim regime has complained for years is something called Foal Eagle, which usually happens in the spring, which means it won’t happen again until next spring. And I suspect by that point, we’ll have, well before that point, actually, we’ll know whether Kim Jong Un is serious about these commitments.

    From Tom Cotton.  About as hawkish a person as you can find. 

  11. Just now, Mojo Hand said:

    So the deal is us canceling our military exercises with SK in exchange for NK restating the same vague promises they've made for 25 years?  Is this a joke? 

    From what I just read we’re cancelling our regularly scheduled exercises that happen every spring. They’re due to happen next March.  I’m sure if things are progressing properly we’ll be doing whatever we want. 

  12. 2 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

    You don't think that NK will be using things like that to sell as propaganda? They've asked for talks with the US for several years, probably to take complete advantage of anything they can exploit. This ain't some dumb american millennial saying this either, this is SK who have dealt with them for a long time.

    Jesus. This is the equivalent of letting your wife think something is her decision when it’s really yours.  Put up equal number of flags.  We’re on equal footing. Yeah that’s it.  We’re working together. 

    Trump blew him off and North Korea came back and asked to please put the meeting back on. We are in control.  How can y’all not understand this?

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  13. 1 hour ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    This and it's fucking embarrassing.  We're giving a summit to a country that is in the middle of a famine.  We're basically meeting with Ethiopia.

    3 things here. 

    1) Literally, and I mean literally, nobody outside of North Korea thinks this. 

    2) Ethiopia doesn’t have nukes so therefore it’s not even close to the same thing.   

    3) This post is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen on shaggy/surly.  Congratulations.  Your hate of Trump has made you retarded. 

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