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Posts posted by GRHorn

  1. So much and wringing in this thread. Let's make this interesting.  I'll bet any 4 anonymous posters here $50 each that Trump survives Mueller's investigation.

    Also, aren't y'all worried about Pence?  He'll turn this country into Gilead and any of your wives that remain fertile will be made Handmaids. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    You're full of shit and you have a very limited understanding of how this country works and what is actually happening in the world. The perfect GOP voter.

    Damn. You’ve got me pegged.  

  3. 10 minutes ago, Skyline said:

    Your approach to this exercise is fundamentally flawed. You're looking at it as if the Democrats are trying to woo conservatives. Let's be clear, people don't up and switch sides in droves so your approach won't matter. The parties usually only appeal to whatever gets their base fired up and ready to vote. GOP don't do anything to appeal to moderates or liberals, and the Democrats shouldn't have that placed upon them either. 

    No, I’m looking at it as, you need some reason to unseat the President or reduce his power via midterms. Just running anti Trump isn’t gonna do it imo.  Economy is running well currently, unemployment keeps dropping for all including minorities, people will keep more of their money via tax cuts, ISIS defeated etc.  These aren’t small things whether you think he deserves credit for them or not. 

  4. 51 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Free trade, regular order,  universal health insurance coverage and cost containment via somrthing like Wyden-Bennett, deficit reduction, containment of the national debt reduction of military headcount and new WPA and CCC to give those willing to work a job guarantee and hands-on training for today's market. Want more?

    Sorry I should’ve been more clear.  I meant what are Dems going to run on.  From my vague recollection and sporadic posting history over the years, I view you as one of the more independent posters here. I agree with some of your ideas, some I don’t. 


    46 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    There’s so much the democrats now have to choose from:

    Free Trade- I agree with you but not easy sell

    Health Care Reform- we’ll see.  Last health care reform promoted by Dems rekt the party  

    Democracy Promotion- not sure what this even means  

    Human Rights- ok.  Like The Human Fund?

    Women’s Reproductive Rights- are these under attack?

    Wage Reform- like raising the minimum wage?  

    Education- vague platitudes, means nothing  

    Climate Science- again. Doesn’t really move needle nationwide  

    Immigration Reform- people voted for someone who claimed they would build a wall.  Only reform they want is less illegal immigration  

    Criminal Justice Reform- Trump is on it  

    Fuck Russia-  🙄🙄🙄

    Marijuana decriminalization- this is your magic bullet.  If Trump doesn’t steal it.  Obama left it for the taking.

    Gun Policy Legislation- please run on this too  

    Investing in small business- typical political jargon 




  5. 12 minutes ago, ndawg said:

    I love this take. The only thing the GOP needed to win the WH and Congress was appealing to xenophobia and demonizing Hillary. Apparently the Democrats are the only party expected to actually run a campaign in order to win.

    I love this take.  It means you’ve learned nothing.  You still think calling people that voted for Trump racist and sexist is the answer.  Good luck.  

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  6. 1 minute ago, Brandywine said:

    The sad thing is Democrats don’t have a simple bold unifying message to make people want to change what they already have. If any of them are running on impeaching Trump, it will only make the Reps come out and vote against them. 

    It’s true.  

    To the legion of posters here who want Trump’s head on a stick, what’s your platform that’s not explicitly anti Trump?

    Climate change-ok 

    Identity politics- proving to not be big winner 

    Pro free trade (At least relative to Trump)-ok 

    Right to choose- nobody’s trying to ban abortions 

    Pro immigration- good luck with that 

    pro gun control- mmmhmm

    Dems best hope is that enough people that voted for Trump will be turned off by his betrayals (putrid Omnibus, largely neocon foreign policy) to offset any gains he gets in minority vote, which are likely.  And God help you if he sees the light on marijuana.  Which he might.  Remember he stands for nothing.  

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  7. Overall I think too much credit or blame for the strength of the economy is attributed to the President.  

    But if you’re asking how can Trump get any credit, this is all just carryover from Obama, then I have to disagree somewhat. Regulatory rollback by and large takes some of the brakes off economic growth. If some of the people with more economic background disagree then I’m happy to hear it, but I have to think on the whole that it’s a net positive to economic activity.  

    Another thing that is hard to quantify is the psychology involved.  People and businesses are more likely to hire and invest if they have reason to be optimistic about business conditions.  Perhaps the election of a business friendly President has raised people’s expectations for the economy?  Expectations can literally manifest themselves in economics (look at inflation). 

    All in all the economy is pretty strong currently.  The best predictor for GDP is the Atlanta Fed GDP Now tracker.  It’s continuously adjusted as new data comes out.   It currently is calling for Q2 growth of 4.8%  If that holds, it’s a very impressive number going into midterms, especially considering it’s happening over a year into an interest rate hiking cycle.   That’s something Obama never dealt with.


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  8. 13 hours ago, Mdhorn said:

    He can't see that because his love for the Trumplicans is just too strong.  The investigation has been a long year if not two of indictments and criminal activity.  I doubt his presidency goes 4 years and certainly will not extend into 8 years.  The votes for reps in the fall will reveal more but my guess is it's going to be ugly for the Reds.    

    A couple quick things. 

    1) I’m not a “Trumplican”.  I don’t support everything he or his party do. Not even close to it. 

    2) “Trumplican” might be even worse than “libtard”. When you use it, it looks juvenile and signals a lack of intelligence. You’d do best to polish up your language if you want to be taken seriously. Maybe not on the internet, but in the real world.

    Be careful out there, Trump is watching you everywhere. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Mdhorn said:

    Really think hard about this and try to use logic.  Does it seem logical that China is going to let the US get their way in their backyard when they've been talking about exchanging their own sanctions with the US?  Seriously, you keep that hand drawn clown picture in your back pocket and keep pretending it's a card.  

    What makes you think China and USA can’t agree on anything?  Maybe they have the same interests here?  Does it benefit China to have deteriorating vassal state with millions of potential refugees next door?  I don’t think so.  I think it benefits their entire region to have North Korea more compliant and less dangerous.  I think it benefits the entire world to have one less rogue state with nukes if possible. 

    I guess I’m just amazed at people’s inability to see any kind of potential positive outcome.  Your hatred for Trump is just too strong.  It’s gonna be a long 4, probably 8 years for y’all.


  10. 6 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I have been extremely consistent on this topic. Trump and America would win if he cancels the meeting.

    I actually praised him when he wrote his poorly written cancellation letter.  I was glad we weren’t going to have a NK Summit.

    So you would rather have the status quo of the last few decades? Agree to disagree.  

  11. 6 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    What's the more likely scenario? 

    Trump is desperate for a win and North Korea takes advantage of this to get the meeting they've long desired?  Or North Korea is abandoning a decades long history of unpredictability/ goal of nuclearization because Trump tweeted some shit?

    It's weird to interact with folks living in a different universe.

    I'd posit this possibility.  Maybe sanctions actually being supported (or unopposed by China) have crippled their country to the point that Kim fears his grip on the country is more tenuous than ever?  Maybe he truly wants his country to join the "community of nations"?  Then you throw in a rumored fortuitous nuclear bunker collapse and voila.  

    And what's all this bs on this board about Trump "needing a win"?  If Trump is as crazy as y'all think he is, he thinks he wins at everything. He doesn't ever think he needs a win. He thinks he's always winning.  Your argument falls apart there. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The talk alone is their prize and we’ve already given it to them.  Lil Kim’s father would be so proud of his son for terrorizing the United States with rocket tests to force an American President to break bread with the leader of North Korea.

    They have nothing to lose after the Summit and photos are taken.  

    China is going to be the big winner when all is said and done if the U.S. draws back it’s troop levels, military exercises, and influence on the Korean Peninsula. 

    Good boy. There it is.  Now you've created narrative where Trump loses either way.   Beautiful.  


    • Fuck You 3
  13. 4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Trump is bending the knee here, we are crawling to their table.

    North Korea has already won.

    Okie dokie.  As far as I know, sanctions remain in place with China's backing secured by Trump.  North Korea isn't winning anything.  Thus they wanna talk.  


    2 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    I'd be interested to read what you think are the gains for the US in this process so far. Please list them.

    I don't know the specific gains or progress made thus far, but there has to be something there if we are bothering.  For now, I'll take recent improved relations between North and South Korea as a sign.

  14. 8 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


    How does Jim Sciutto know any real details about discussions?  Of course nothing has been promised yet, but I'm guessing the tone and parameters have been outlined well enough to think that some positives will come.  How Jim Sciutto can be so sure that this is all a waste of time?

    The answer:  he can't possibly and he's talking out of his ass. 

  15. 3 hours ago, triplehorn said:

    Doesn't sound like fake news.  More like napalm with a jet propellant chaser.  It feels like throes of survival with desperate maximum end game chaos .

    It’s just the same old hard negotiating tactics.  

    “Well maybe I’ll fucking ban all German cars!”

    Oh noes!  Chaos!  He’s a madman!

    Hopefully German leaders are as gullible as most Surly posters and it leads to some concessions from the Germans.

    German cars will never be banned here. 

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