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Everything posted by GRHorn

  1. Because the currency debasement and inflation that eventually goes along with it are undesirable.
  2. You cannot stop the Washington establishment on either side from going ape shit on the things they want to spend money on. So why argue about it? I was curious if anyone else sees any problems with it continuing unabated.
  3. I’ve always been concerned about the budget deficit but there’s not really an argument to have at this point. That train has sailed as Austin Powers said.
  4. I figured someone would say that. But would you then prefer to use those “savings” elsewhere and maintain the same level of deficit spending?
  5. Just for the record, nobody on this thread sees any need to check spending in any way. Correct?
  6. Covid relief has nothing to do with bailing out pensions, but the fiscal responsibility fight was conceded by both sides long ago. We will print money until outside forces stop us. Once you acknowledge that and prepare yourself for it, it doesn’t bother you as much. Might as well lie back and enjoy it.
  7. But how does that impact people hoarding it or transacting in a peer to peer manner?
  8. Yeah I’ve heard of this, but I’m not sure of the balance between token burns via transactions and token issuance to stakers in proof of stake system. Like I said before Eth is trying to pull off a couple of massive tasks at once. Changing the consensus system and significant scaling improvements. It seems like the market is hedging against them being unsuccessful with these other chains pumping. Will be interesting to follow.
  9. To circle back to this, I don’t see CBDCs as direct BTC competitors, at least intially. We already have mostly digital money. Bitcoin isn’t popular solely because it’s digital. CBDCs can and will be printed. And airdropped. CBDCs can and will be censored. CBDCs can and will be surveilled to the max.
  10. when will officials think the reserve status of the usd is at stake due to btc? gold's market cap is 10x btc and no one is claiming a gold standard is imminent. there will be bigger threats to usd before then. who knows, by the time we get there, embracing btc might be one of the better options we're presented with?
  11. As the technology evolves and the innovation continues and the network proves its superiority over the current system, fewer people around the world will want to cut themselves off from it. Then at that point, does the US cut itself and its citizens off from the network that others are utilizing? I’m not sure how it plays out, but the above is a possibility. also, help me out with the legal tender laws? You mean governments would say you can’t spend it on goods? Right now it’s mostly hoarded like gold.
  12. ok. i agree that it will be a fight. i think the usgov will obviously try to eliminate fiat on and off ramps from bitcoin. but with vpns etc people will still be able to acquire it and i do not see the political will to enforce confiscation of it a la gold in the 1930s.
  13. Most of America’s goal, full 4th of July like we’ve always done before. The criticism comes because people dislike the implied message that his/the government’s consent is required for such activities at this point in the pandemic. To most people I think it comes off as still clinging to control over people’s day to day lives when it’s no longer warranted, if it ever was.
  14. So it’s up 100x off the lows? I’d sell it for the roughly 1 Eth. I’ve never heard of it though.
  15. Frequent topic of discussion here just announced another raise of capital at almost 10x its valuation in August. Incredible growth and will likely be another nice sized crypto ipo down the line.
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