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Certifiably Surly
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  1. For those of you not needing to power central AC, and in older homes with older electrical panels like myself, where an interlock is not an option, you can get an EZ generator switch (linked below) to run your gas furnace from a portable generator. I have one on order after talking to a neighbor that has one installed. That would have come in real handy during the last 2 freezes in Austin. For heat related outages, I have a couple of window units that can be powered by my 2 smaller portable genny's. https://www.amazon.com/EZ-GENERATOR-SWITCH-Generator-UNIVERSAL/dp/B00FADDE0A/ref=sr_1_1?crid=38DI8IU3QZ7SG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.m8WXF_N81h9Vzmp0wIHfNv33YiOndaN4YfP05GMuJoYJTB0qXFNoeDED8dJl0PCKN6VCWAnzusOkFHEgJydAi9k9mT-UjJRhmPshy1w6Pm12BDT71stTUK0ZtB2m0wZbLYsmh8zWx5DVxhhSBFQX4CWCnEIHhJQ-8qN58I10UlsIKghb-K0Wc424t_ddWJVtSa7ntgOidhAlkhdo9Nd7y-ePiB3QkaAWURhN6GfnFZfQRGnuYWm4suZOoIrHymCyhMHhSHBfH6HQ46r2MqB9bgHQd678sArFt-p1jf2AjVI.SVfibrVvaBKwLrsqHo6mYQx1obG6O-5vHGx1TB6S_mI&dib_tag=se&keywords=ez+transfer+switch&qid=1721051285&sprefix=EZ+Trans%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-1
  2. False. Everything else you said is correct, but RCS in iOS 18 Beta 3 still shows as green bubbles. Source: the phone I’m typing this message on.
  3. So I’m guessing you had to recover from a backup from last night after the Inchworm incident? Lots of posts from this morning I’m not seeing. Threads with lots of traffic showing the latest post from 15 hours ago.
  4. My brother got married this weekend. Was supposed to fly there tomorrow. Luckily cooler heads prevailed. Was hoping it would stay south and they would just be delaying honeymoon a week. Sure doesn’t look like it now.
  5. 2.87 inches in 78748. I was quite stunned when the gauge read that this morning.
  6. While I'm not the CFO, I do and have worked closely with their office for the last 18 years. And I didn't say staff salaries was the reason. But the total cost of supporting a staff force of 5000 vs 25000 is a major drag on a CSU's budget.
  7. I'm in South Austin, 11 miles from campus, and work 7-3 so I don't have an hour commute each way. It's still 30 minutes in the morning and 30-45 in the afternoon. All on Mopac. I-35 would be double that drive time.
  8. Not the thread to get into it with you, but agree to disagree.
  9. The amount of staff has ballooned on college campuses in the last 3 decades to mind blowing amounts. It's one of the biggest reason that the cost of higher education is out pacing inflation at such a rate. Purchasing folks are another like IT that do not need to be butts in seats to do their jobs, and lots of the folks I have worked with that are in different states are project managers.
  10. I'm staff. I work with people daily that are not even in the state, and never have been. During COVID, lots of remote workers were hired to fill staff vacancies, most from out of state. And lots of folks have gotten used to only 2-3 days on campus, with zero productivity drop. University staff don't exactly make the big bucks, so we are expecting a not-insignificant number of departures from staff. Especially in IT roles, that can go make much more elsewhere.
  11. CIO immediately did damage control through internal Teams channel, stating ITS policies will not change as of now. His message was sent within minutes of the email hitting, so my guess is most CSU's leadership are in full damage control mode.
  12. Said earlier on the NSF broadcast, that the main difficulty now would be thrusting away from ISS. Especially if they continue having thruster lighting issues.
  13. UnivTex34


    That was a spare flap. Who needs it?
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