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Everything posted by FunkSoulBrother

  1. Maybe he’ll edit it to Goodell being a 62 year old anti football pussy.
  2. Wasn’t it Red McCombs who wanted him here?
  3. I don’t think his diet even allows him to eat subway
  4. Yeah also maybe poor QB development. Hey Arch, don’t go there.
  5. Fuck waiting for you to get it on your own X gon delivery to you knock knock open up the door it’s real with a non stop pop pop of stainless steel
  6. Hey now! Don't you be messing with us pinoys. We have good lumpias and balut! lol
  7. Yeah man, we live in a great town. It ain't perfect and things could be better. But for the most part I love the Windy City.
  8. https://www.bestcities.org/methodology/ It seems to be a combination of tourism and quality of life.
  9. https://www.bestcities.org/rankings/worlds-best-cities/ 1. London 2. Paris 3. New York City 4. Moscow 5. Dubai 6. Tokyo 7. Singapore 8. Los Angeles 9. Barcelona 10. Madrid .... 32. Houston 44. Dallas 47. Austin
  10. It’s why I wish Sark had put in Casey a lot sooner to get an idea of what Casey does when the game was still competitive.
  11. What about a DC position at USC with more money?
  12. I live up here in the Chicago area and watching Illinois lose always puts a smile on my face.
  13. I’d like to think Plonsky is feeling uneasy about her job right now and can only imagine her reaction when she found out we were headed to the SEC.
  14. Y'all might wanna watch out for Sawchuk and Raleek now that 'Bama lost Le'veon Moss.
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