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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by tokamak

  1. Going in March. First time. Very excited. Sunday-Friday trip. A couple random questions:

    • Is Xochimilco a full day if we decide to do it? Opinions seem really mixed. On the fence as a first-timer.
    • Worth trying to get out of the city? Not overnight but for a day trip maybe? I've seen people mention Tepoztlan, dunno where else. Puebla? Cuernavaca? What would be the best way to achieve that?
    • what do y'all do for cash while there? I assume a lady standing under a tent selling tortas ain't taking no MasterCard.
    • I'm paranoid as fuck about Montezuma's revenge. I know bottled water only, no raw veggies, etc. But how do you avoid ice in cocktails, etc? I do plan to have a cocktail or two.


    I'm sure I'll come back and bump this thread a few more times as we get closer.

  2. 8 hours ago, Hermanator said:

    So now Bama players have 30 days of free portal, then if they hire Lanning Oregon players have 30 days, and whoever Oregon hires that team will have 30 days (assuming it's an active head coach). 

    This is some crazy shit. Off-season is crazier than regular season in CFB now. 

    It's portals all the way down

  3. 1 hour ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    So the kid quit FSU, left them out to dry for their bowl game, went and hung out/partied in Colorado over the winter break, and now FSU is taking him back?  That's kind of fucked up.

    Don't forget the part where he apparently left it up to FSU's compliance people to let Colorado know that he was backing out.

  4. Weird shit like this and the Pop Tarts Bowl may be the only viable future for bowls. They get more and more irrelevant every year with opt outs, transfers, and now the 12-team playoff. Get 4 teams all named Wildcats and play a mini-tournament. Combine the rosters of Tulane, Lafayette, and Monroe and see if they can beat LSU.

    Why does it have to be so straight-faced? Just turn them into minor league baseball games.

    • Drool 1
  5. 1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

    I haven’t confirmed this, but the deal with Daniels seems similar to some others I’ve seen regarding NIL. Players will make some visits, some school will offer something really high, the player will keep visiting and find the school they want.

    They go to talk NIL and the school is like “we can’t do that. if someone is really offering you that, you should go do that. “ 

    Then, either the bluff is called and a deal is had, or the guy really had a silly offer and he heads off to take it. 

    Not saying that’s what happened here, but if Texas was trending and then the numbers were too far apart, it would look like this. 

    Along those same lines - and it's possible I'm reading too much into things - but I've been assuming that the speed with which these things go down is a big indicator of where prospects stand on our board.

    To put that more simply, I assume Golden was Tier 1 ("this is a guy that we need"), whereas the rest of these names are Tier 2 or lower ("these are guys that would be nice to have if the fit and numbers make sense").

  6. On 1/8/2024 at 11:57 AM, Celery Man said:

    This is the wrong thread for it but I was reading something about bands getting cancelled from the... I guess 2000s pop punk/emo scene that I was somewhat involved in. Specifically, Brand New got cancelled because he was basically picking up 16 year olds after shows and trading photos and stuff, and there were some similar allegations about Say Anything as well as Less Than Jake. And I just had this weird dawning of.... fuck man I saw so much of that. I read the Say Anything stuff and was like "oh uh yeah man I wonder if they are talking about the people i personally know who this could describe" or remembering seeing Rog from LTJ take some high school girls back stage, so much of that shit that didn't seem predatory at all (it seemed cool) when you were the 17 year old and it's weird to remember that again now as a 38 year old man and have it register how fucked up it is.

    I was 28 when we did Warped Tour and I wouldn't talk to any girls on the assumption that everyone there is 14 years old. Not that I'm so great or whatever because i wasn't really judging people who were less careful at the time but I'm glad I had better sense, etc/

    Damn, I was a huge LTJ fan in high school. Never heard any of that stuff. I haven't listened to them in probably 20+ years, but that's a damn shame.

  7. 2 hours ago, FartingMonk said:

    It's the terrorist attack rule.  No place is safer than after a terrorist attack.  Those 737s are going to be inspected with a fine tooth comb.  Just gotta watch out for mushroom eating pilots

    The problem is that the airplane may have been assembled by fuckups. Capitalist fuckups or union fuckups depending on your Surly point of view, but fuckups nevertheless. Who knows what else wasn't done right? Are they checking the bolts on all the plugs, or just the one side? What about the doors? The landing gear? The fucking engines?

  8. 9 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

    pretty surprised at how low my give af is for this game.  

    We got beat by a better team in the Sugar Bowl. It happens. What hurts me most is that this game is taking place about 15 minutes away from my house. When will I get that kind of opportunity again?

    The good news is that, per aggy rules, if Washington wins we can put a banner up in DKR.

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