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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 21 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    I'm fully convinced Jason Whitlock is the dumbest person alive.

    I mean I’ve yet to read/hear him say something that cannot be filed under “stupid person’s idea of a smart thing to say.”

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    On 10/14/2022 at 8:55 PM, HRSchenker said:

    I turned it off as soon as Herschel said that diabetics need to eat better rather than focus on insulin prices. Type 1 is called insulin DEPENDENT for a reason ya dope.

    Oh it was even worse. He tried tying it to grocery costs as well. Ok so governments the world over have the ability to negotiate drug prices, but even the most lunatic dictatorships would struggle to control grocery costs…and this dumb motherfucker wants to lay that all on the Biden admin.  

    And grocery costs have absolutely nothing to do with “eating better.” Eating healthy on a budget is more than doable. His stupid ass is conflating two things and he cannot for the life of him complete a syllogism.

    Also, have I been asleep for a few decades? When the fuck did this common ignorant slob become an expert dietician? This motherfucker is notorious for having a really weird diet. He says he has one meal a day and is vegetarian except for the occasional indulgence of chicken.

    Ok that works for people with the kind of metabolism he has. Essentially he’s telling people to be born with better genes. But he doesn’t see it that way because, again, the whole ignorance thing.

    It’s the same reason that Ben Agajanian was the world’s greatest kicking coach and Doug Pelfrey was a fucking joke at it: because some people recognize that simply saying “just do it exactly like I did it when I was younger” isn’t actually teaching people anything. If we could all play basketball “exactly like” Michael Jordan, doesn’t anyone think at least some of us would have?

    Telling people to eat better would obviously go a long way in preventing Type II diabetes. But to treat/manage already existing insulin dependent Type I? No, you’re gonna kill someone if you use a microphone to tell such people “just eat like I do,” and for that matter, the same applies to people who already are Type II diabetic. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Js1 said:

    This. Even during the OU game, there was a ton of dooming even though we kept scoring and forcing punts 

    I wish I could say I don’t believe this but the problem is I totally believe this

  4. 19 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    I just caught a cursory look at the whole article and then pulled up a store count in some ancient spreadsheet I had.  But if Safeway and Albertson's are together and Tom Thumb is part of Safeway, won't an Albertson's acquisition by Kroger effect Tom Thumb?  Again, I probably have this wrong.  

    But yeah, the assault on DFW by HEB/Central Market that has now begun phase two...this could be nothing for Texas...but I suspect will have larger implications for the western half of the nation.  

    Assault? They’re barely touching the very northern tips where Market Street was the big dog. That’s not to say they won’t expand (and I’d gladly welcome that) but there’s a reason they didn’t start in the downtown area…or inside the 635/20 loop…or south of the GBT…or even south of 121.

  5. 9 hours ago, Mole said:

    I was busy and only caught the end of it. I missed the absurdity of the police badge. From what I saw, Walker was better than expected — not good at all, but relatively coherent. He marginally exceeded my depressingly low expectation.

    I wasn’t a fan of the non-answers from Warnock, but he’s been a good senator and good leader. My Mondays are booked up, but I’ll be voting for him Tuesday morning.

    The fact that they felt the need to have a no prop rule, much less enforce it, seems sad to me. Maybe it’s SOP for debates, but it still makes me sad. 

    It’s the same principle as “Don’t Whiz on the Electric Fence.” They wouldn’t need a rule about it unless it either was a problem in the past or someone (ahem) had recently been threatening to do it. Far be it from me to ever suggest Officer Dingleberry would ever threaten to do anything, but you know the old saying: tell your therapist you’d like to have a shootout with the police and the sky is the limit. 

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  6. On 10/9/2022 at 5:07 PM, Braff Zacklin said:

    Didn't alphahydro or whatever his handle was also do post-game analyses?

    Of course, @hpslugga still shares his grades, albeit they are now player-centric. Would love to see how the team as a whole graded out yesterday on the old system.

    I haven't posted anything this year, and for good reason. I do intend on posting a full season report card at the end of the year, but none of this weekly shit.

    I will say that a preliminary look at Saturday's game does suggest a grade of 44/50. Offense 19/20, Defense 16/20, ST 9/10. That's all I'll say on it for now.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 2 hours ago, morehornsepower said:

    This is it for me as well.  *Someone* is open on every play.  The only question is if the QB has the time and/or the mental processing power to find them.

    Hell even on that third down on the opening drive where Ewers checked down to RoJo, Worthy was wide open deep down the left sideline.

  8. 18 hours ago, bschoolprof said:

    Yes, I may have called him Seven Win Steve before, but literally no one doubts the man's ability to run an offense. Instead of getting buried in various threads, I thought we could collect some of our favorite clips here during the year.  It's so nice to have an offense where plays build on one another, and there's a punch and counterpunch and counter-counterpunch.  

    One of my favorite sequences in the OU game was our 2nd touchdown drive.  The way Sark used motion throughout the game to fool and punish the OU defense was fucking masterful, and nowhere more so than on this drive. I almost felt bad for them (not really). I counted at least four times where the same/similar look yielded four different plays.

    Motion to divert from a throwback screen:



    Next play, similar motion on an inside handoff:


    Next play, same look, but a now a play action and wheel route from the motion:



    And then, the chef's kiss, similar motion to clear out the defenders for the post pattern on the TD.



    He's out here playing 3D chess against these checker-fumbling shitheads.  

    Remember when GDGD literally ran the same fucking play 3 times in a row against OU one year?  me neither.  Not anymore.  

    Tiger Ellison would have a 36-hour erection watching this offense. The use of motion, the same blocking, the mirroring of passes to runs, the RPO’s, the general utilization of space and the pass plays that are meant specifically to pick on precisely one defender (i.e. that shallow levels play with JT and whoever runs slightly deeper than him and the play with those two vertical stems that, in this case, kept resulting in those catches by Whittington), etc. It’s all there. If you’re a prospective Texas opponent, you’d better hope like hell that Steve never finds a true dual threat QB because at that point it’s just basically cheating.

  9. 19 hours ago, mop said:

    This basically happens every single year after we lose a game.  It's really pretty silly.  We used to get HAMMERED by OU under Mack and then come back and win out or almost win out....when it looked like we weren't going to win any more games.  I learned then that one game is a pretty piss poor predictor of future performance.

    Well yeah, but people are into that kind of thing because that’s the kind of thing they’re into.

  10. 25 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

    Nebraska is their fate

    It could very well be. They picked a shitty time to hire Venables with the looming SEC relocation and all that. That team is gonna have a hard enough time beating those lower East division teams.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    The mood swings are fucking crazy around this place, aren't they?

    Worse than a room full of menopausal women

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 35 minutes ago, Kennythetiger said:

    Which one are you?

    And Robin in burnt orange?  Maybe god really is on you slapdicks’ side. 

    Right behind the interviewer. You’ll see when he steps to his right at his beginning

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, Satchel said:

    True. You’ll never hear him express discomfort about doing that.

    That man’s been kissing Donald Trump’s ass since well before any of us saw Stephen doing it to Calvin Candie in Django Unchained. Of course he has no discomfort in kissing rich white ass.

  14. 1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    They only allow that much mediocrity at Iowa, not Wisconsin. Remember when he was one of the name's thrown out as an OC candidate back in I believe the Charlie years. 

    Edit: actually 2011 under Mack. 

    It was actually during the Brown years. And it was really just a cult following. There were some who were into that kind of thing, and that’s because that’s the kind of thing they’re into.

  15. On 9/29/2022 at 5:12 PM, Ghost of LL said:

    But so are the old $0.50 tickets now worth the same as a $1 ticket?  Or are we expecting the vendors to do the conversion?

    They converted.

    As I explained in last year’s thread, the most transparent example is the Tower of Texas ride. Prior to 2021, that thing cost 20 coupons. Now? 10. It is true that some things did increase in cost. So for example you might run into beer that used to cost 8 coupons ($4) and now it costs 5 coupons ($5). But there’s nothing that I’ve seen that increased by 100% and anyone who says that’s what happened is almost certainly lying through their teeth about it.

    And as far as previous years, yes those are all good except in cases where there was counterfeiting. That, I don’t think, has ever happened but I’ve been told that if it does, they would void the whole year’s coupons. So if enough people pulled some horseshit in 2018 (or related to coupons printed in 2018) all of 2018’s would be voided. If any of you shitheads try that, I will throw you down a goddamned flight of stairs and I’ll get away with it. 

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