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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 2 hours ago, Homercles said:

    Believe it was here in the CR that someone posted a very succinct Twitter thread that surmised these peoples whole life revolves around ‘I can tell you what to do, you cannot tell me what to do’.  And that is exactly the crux…

    They'll shove gun, abortion, transgender, identity politics down your throat trying to force everyone into their ideal but the moment any legislature is proposed on gun control it’s “big government is overreaching”

    The irony across the board…every accusation a confession, they all beat you over the head with the word freedom, they plaster themselves in American flags.  It’s disgusting 

    I literally know people who insist that “freedom of religion” as read in the first amendment is supposed to be interpreted to mean “freedom to choose between denominations of Christianity.”

    They won’t say it out loud, but whenever they say “freedom of choice,” that’s supposed to mean “freedom to choose between the choices I give you.” 

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  2. 11 hours ago, staboner said:

    was just gonna say this. 

    i've never understood the need to tell others what to do. that level of insecurity is so damn strange. 

    Dude, they believe in bullshit and they need to constantly validate that belief so as to not shake their fragile “confidence” in it. Every fallacy that can be used to justify this behavior has been used, and every argument that has been used to justify this behavior is fallacious.

    The biggest ones they use are false equivalence and projection wherein they make believe that they’re the victims of persecution. They pretend “evolutionism is being forced down our throats against our will,” “prayer in school is illegal,” “conservative political thought isn’t allowed,” etc…all while simultaneously trying to force “intelligent design” into biology courses, reintroducing the nation to compulsory prayer in public schools, and passing all sorts of laws banning the teaching of so-called “critical race theory.”

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  3. On 7/14/2022 at 2:30 PM, royiv said:

    The gay community wants nothing to do with him.

    I would imagine that if they were in a group discussion of 3+, they’d be going like:

    ”Guys we need to be supportive of one another and we shouldn’t disparage each other with derogatory comments and nasty epithets that accomplish nothing but to divide us, which allows the homophobes to have an easier time in marginalizing us.”

    ”Even guys like Christian Walker?”

    ”No, he’s a total fag.”

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Sorry to appear argumentative -- should you have answered that question "no"?  To put it another way, do any of the Jewish faith feel life begins BEFORE first breath?

    My bad, you’re correct.

    So to answer your amended question, I’m sure there may be this or that Jewish person who believes that life begins before breath, but that’s not what their religious text tells them and I would assume that by and large, that’s not what they believe.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Is "life begins at first breath" not a fairly universal tenet of Judaism?  Do some use Psalms and the Prophets to argue otherwise?  Those are Old Testament books.

    Honest question.


    I could cite this again (way upthread), but Jewish law holds that for the first 40 days of gestation, what’s growing inside the woman is mere fluid (most commonly referred to as water). After that and until it has breathed the breath of life (day 41-birth), it’s considered to be a part of a woman’s body (most commonly referred to as a “thigh”). 

    And speaking of the thigh, that’s exactly why that passage about the Test of the Unfaithful Wife in Numbers 5 is sometimes mistranslated to say that if the wife has been unfaithful, got pregnant, and drinks the potion “her thigh will rot and fall away.”

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. As to this NC shit:


    It is a matter of indisputable scientitic fact that a distinct and separate human life begins at the moment of fertilization

    Except it isn’t. In fact there’s not a single OB/GYN that would argue this. Historically speaking, religious fanatics and republicans haven’t been very good at the whole science thing and really should stop using definitive phrases like “indisputable scientific fact,” especially when the less disputable a scientific fact becomes (i.e. Darwinian evolution, anthropogenic climate change, etc), the more they resist accepting them. 


    Any person has the right to defend his or her own life or the life of another person. even by the use of deadly force, if necessary, from willful destruction of another person.

    Yeah? And what’s gonna happen to that “baby” when it’s only in its 12th week of gestation and its mother just got blown away by an AR-15? 

    See even blue states have laws that say when you murder a pregnant woman (or injure her to the point where she has a miscarriage) when she has the intention of carrying the child to term, that’s double murder (or manslaughter if the mother survives the attack).

    So if this “defense killing” kills two people, do you charge him with one count of homicide or two? And if they charge just for the mother and he’s able to argue defense of others…what’s the legal status of the fetus at that exact point? I mean it’s either a person or it’s not. I have my own take on that issue, but you can’t go back and forth like that without looking like total idiots and/or hypocrites, not that they’re likely to care at this point. 

    And if it is the case that the murderer would only be charged with the killing of the mother and can argue defense of others (i.e the unborn fetus he killed while defending it), congratulations NC, you just took a softer position on murdering pregnant women than blue states have!!!

  7. 14 hours ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    It's Pelosi's fault for not putting Republicans who were opposed to the committee on the committee is straight up idiotic.

    It’s typical Dershowitz. Nullify the investigator/judge/jury/prosecution/whatever with an illusion of bias on their own part. I would encourage anyone curious about the first sentence I just typed to watch, or re-watch, his “debate” (more like his execution) against Chomsky back in 2005. 

    At one point, he attempted to undermine the ICJ’s 2004 advisory opinion on the West Bank wall by whining about the fact that “Israelis aren’t allowed to serve on the ICJ!!!”

    Putting aside the fact that bias of a judicial institution does in fact zero to preclude the findings (unanimous, I must add) of its judges who do not make such rules…yeah Israelis are not allowed to serve because they’ve categorically refused to accept jurisdiction. That’s like bitching that the POTUS never nominates a “sovereign citizen” to serve on the SCOTUS.

    It’s just another example of pure confusion on his part, which is a greater symptom of what he is: a pathological liar.

    And with this Epstein business, I have no doubt the same dynamic Finkelstein described is at work. I have no doubt that Dershowitz 1) believes he never raped a 14-year old that was provided to him by Jeff Epstein and 2) knows full well that he did.

    And the same is true of Trump. His main argument at Impeachment: The Sequel was “you can’t impeach a president after his term is up,” when there’s literally no provision in the constitution that prevents that from happening. He knows full well that the Senate faces no penalty for trying such an impeachment, and yet he believed it all the same.

    If Al said “the sky is blue,” I wouldn’t trust him even if his tongue were notarized. He’s one of those characters that would rather climb up a tree and tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.

  8. 25 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Our species sucks so fucking bad. Not all of us, for sure. But on balance, I can’t help but root for plague, famine, climate change, and giant asteroids. The universe would be better off without us. 

    It’s not like this guy didn’t have a point…



  9. 2 hours ago, Bookman said:

    So that Q-anon girl started texting me again a few weeks ago. She's still trying to convince me that the election was stolen and the vaccine is designed to reduce the world's population. Here's a question she asked me:

    I told her if I wanted to kill a bunch of people I'd gut the EPA and let companies poison our air and water. She said if Trump was in power that would never happen.

    Abandon. Do not engage.

    The only way those people stand a snowball’s chance in hell in coming back to reality is isolation from friends and family members. They’re like drug addicts.

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  10. 9 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:


    Portnoy has twice been detained in NFL-related incidents: first on May 12, 2015, when he was arrested by New York City police after he and three Barstool employees handcuffed one another on the floor of NFL headquarters to protest Deflategate, and again in 2019 when he was placed in a holding cell at Mercedes-Benz Stadium for a portion of Super Bowl LIII. In the latter incident, he had created fake passes to attend a press event the day prior and was prohibited from attending the game.


  11. 3 hours ago, henrygandorf said:


    Yeah it was never about states rights. That was always known to be a pretext to accomplish phase 1: repeal Roe, and it was always understood by every smart person who follows this that there was a phase 2: criminalize nationally. They’re the most dishonest people on the face of the planet.

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  12. 1 hour ago, royiv said:

    “She would have had the baby, and as many women who have had babies as a result of rape, we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child,” Bopp said in a phone interview on Thursday.


    Ah, yes. A 10 year old should definitely be able to comprehend why she's being forced to carry the child of her rapist. I cannot comprehend the level of cruelty in these people's hearts.

    That gives “people” a bad name.

    We need to stop playing with kid gloves and start referring to “people” who think like this as what they are: morally inferior cretins

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