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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 5 minutes ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    And they took schools from the Heartland which was St Mary's, St Edwards, etc.     None that play football.     But I think the conference did this knowing they were going to lose some football members in addition to who they had already lost in ACU and Tarleton.

    And for the life of me I don't know why Simon Fraiser decided it was a grand idea to join the NCAA.   Maybe the other sports it works out for them.?

    I haven’t seen any reason for their joining. Perhaps they’re the very best Canada has to offer to the point where they’d like to fry bigger fish, but to me this looks a lot like when Prepa Tec tries its luck at football against UIL heavyweights. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Longboard Horn said:

    LSC got out of hand even before a handful of teams departed. The whole 19 in '19 was ridiculous. They took a of schools from the Great American Conference to have 19 total in the LSC. Some schools were only track and field or a single sport member. Not every school plays football either. That's stupid. I for one don't miss it. 

    Oh no doubt this isn’t their first exhibition of…issues. Just the very latest. My prediction is MSU will go FCS once that Sikes Mall gets bulldozed and they get their own stadium built right next to the lake. 


    9 minutes ago, B00M said:

    OP rubbing their pussy over a 17 hour bus ride. Imagine riding back to fucking Canada after getting butt fucked

    Yeah they probably had a tough time explaining to border patrol how those things lodged in their asses were placed there involuntarily and beyond their control.

    All kidding aside, apparently they’re used to this. I was trying to find the highlights on YouTube and all I got back was some other games SFU played against other LSC teams…going back 3-4 years ago. And yes, they always get killed like this and if you saw those videos, you’d know why. Put it this way; you’re gonna have a damn difficult time convincing some random Wylie Pirate or Plano Wildcats football fans that Highland Park (let alone their own schools) couldn’t beat this team.

  3. Midwestern State did something similar over the weekend. Defeated Simon Fraser 77-0, with SFU gaining only 61 yards total offense.


    ”But slugga, I don’t even know who Simon Fraser is.”

    You wouldn’t unless you’re a devoted D2 football junkie…or you live in British Columbia, Canada. Yes, you read that correctly.

    Even more bizarre? This was a Lone Star Conference game. Again yes, you read that correctly.

    The LSC has been so desperate to replace all of the recently departed (Tarleton, Abilene Christian, etc) that they’re apparently willing to reach across international fucking borders.

  4. 9 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    Vikings rubbed sand all up in Roger's vag today.

    Yet another MVP performance by the league’s most valuable player, since he is the most valued player in the league. MVP

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  5. 21 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    No it won’t. See college basketball.

    From a Buckeye perspective, the OSU-Michigan game is the biggest game on the schedule. It’s “The Game.” The big rivalry game at the end of the season. The team’s goals are: beat Michigan, win the Big Ten East, win the Big Ten, win a national championship. In that order. Last year the Buckeyes lost to Michigan. They didn’t win the conference, they didn’t compete for a national championship.

    In a 12-team playoff, they would still have gotten in. The Game wouldn’t have been as important. The conference championship wouldn’t have been as important. It just meant they would’ve been a 6 seed instead of a 3 seed. The expanded playoff will definitely weaken the regular season.

    That’s always going to be true regardless of what y’all’s records are. You could face them 8-3 vs 7-4 and it’s still going to be the big circled calendar date of the year. That’s what makes rivalries special, not championship implications. The championship implications aren’t going to be there every single season.

    And that’s not unique to college football, either. 

    Back in 2009 I coached at Wichita Falls High School. The team was terrible. By the end of the year, they’d gone into the final game 2-7. No playoff spot available to them, no real purpose to the rest of the season, right? Except that last opponent was Wichita Falls Rider; their arch rival…who was also entering the game 2-7 with no shot at the playoffs. There wasn’t an empty seat in that stadium, and it was known to be that way well in advance.

    In those games, the records don’t matter. In 1997, Texas and Oklahoma met in the cotton bowl, and neither team had a winning record (Texas was 2-2, OU was 2-3). The stadium was filled to capacity, again as expected. It’s also well understood that a big part of your job as head coach of either school depends on whether or not you can beat that team across the river. If you can’t, you’re not gonna last long.

    Again, the argument that expanding the playoff diminishes the regular season relies on inherently fallacious reasoning. I can find no better example of a non sequitur than that. Well maybe I can find a contender…


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  6. 2 hours ago, TexEx15 said:

    The worst fucking people.

    Aside from the fact that again, this is an issue between a woman and her doctor, or a child and her parents and the doctor they choose for her… aside from the fact that parsing out whether or not the pregnancy in question really is a result of a rape is not as simple as the girl says so and the doctors have to believe her…aside from the complete indecency of this argument, it’s fraught with gaps in how to deal with certain scenarios.

    So say a female (pick the age, don’t care) does get raped and is beaten so severely as to render her unconscious and she’s out for a couple days. Plan B only works when administered 3 days or closer to the sexual event in question. You show me a female that was beaten and raped so severely that she was out for 4 days in a hospital and I’ll show you a female who has no use for Plan B. Or, how about she doesn’t lose consciousness but she is admitted to, let’s say, a Catholic hospital and they refuse to give her a plan B. What’s she supposed to do? Flee from her room and run down to a CVS in her gown to buy it?

    Furthermore, plan B isn’t as simple as this…simpleton makes it sound. The way it works is it stifles ovulation. But if you’re already ovulating, it won’t work, which is one of the big reasons it’s considered 57-93% effective. And one would be a shitty person to assume “well no rapist would rape a girl who’s ovulating.” But see, that’s just the thing. None of this is as simple as these idiots think that it is, which is just another reason that the conversations themselves are totally inappropriate. This is like a bunch of women debating at what age a man has to undergo a government forced vasectomy. 

    Oh and “just feed ‘em a plan B” might not even be an option if those 6 morons on the SCOTUS have things the way Uncle Ruckus suggested. So again, fuck off to people who see brilliance and talent in arguments like that.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 35 minutes ago, Augustus said:

    This thread is 3 pages long by the time I started reading it, so I'm sure someone has already noted this, but...

    I get where you're coming from, but I believe it actually has the opposite effect.  It will make a lot of games meaningful that otherwise would have been meaningless, as far as post-season potential is concerned.  So it's expanding the number of meaningful regular season games.


    There’s also the added element of the absence of any reason to believe that it “marginalizes the regular season.” That’s just a form of extremist religious dogma that was concocted by fanboys of the bowl system. As far as actual logic is concerned, it ranks right up there with belief in the firmament.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 1 hour ago, Crockett said:

    C'mon, even if you are the 12 seed but run that 4-game gauntlet against the best teams in college football after an already great season then you are a deserving champion. 

    Not to mention a 12-team playoff (or even 16) would make it the most exclusive playoff in the entire sport from high school on up. Nobody ever says that, though. Some always like to whine that this or that number is “too many” without ever giving a clear definition of what that even means or why it’d be a bad thing. It’s just all about the whims and wishes from the bedtime story people.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  9. 2 hours ago, TexArcher said:

    There's an easy and very Surly joke about that stain finally coming off his head, but I'm not gonna be the one to do it.

    Yeah that would be totally inappropriate if any of us mentioned the head stain.

  10. 10 hours ago, Pancho said:

    They still have no idea what CRT is, so much so that they are now saying this:


    As I’ve said many times before, right-wingers are not in the slightest bit interested in having schools teach American history. What they want is for schools to teach American mythology and call it “history.”

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. 10 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    Well there are about 5 trans female HS athletes in the entire country dominating against biologically female athletes, and those schools are doing nothing about it. And (some) teachers are trying to honor their students’ wishes re how they would like to be addressed, provide a safe and nurturing learning environment, and protect them from bullying:

    Some teachers are even pushing the crazy idea that slavery was bad for black people, and that white people were the enslavers, and even that the south seceded because they wanted to keep slavery, and that post civil war policies continued to affect black people adversely.

    Hell many school districts are providing meals for students (and get this — some even provide a meal for family members of students!!) during holiday and summer breaks. Pretty much communism IMO

    Maybe slorch is on to something

    Must explain why textbooks also offer apologetics for McCarthyism.

  12. 1 minute ago, slorch said:

    and you live in fantasy land if that's what you think.

    I live in reality. You’d be able to recognize that were you to try it once in a while. Might wanna start with learning what “the left” even is.

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