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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. Personally I don’t even see it as a “thou dost protest too much” situation. I see it, rather, as “we’re from a small circle that reads and hears each other’s shit and have very few original ideas of our own.” Seriously I listened to it and started wondering in certain spots “didn’t that guy already call?”

    If someone has it in them to leave a fucking hate-filled voice message on, if all people, Adam Kinzinger’s voicemail box, someone is a special kind of dumber-than-a-second-coat-of-paint.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    There is one word during the several minutes of messages that the male callers keep using quite quite frequently. Really makes me wonder about the whole idea of how much they like saying that word, how that makes them feel as they think about saying that word, and perhaps they just doth protest a little too much about who might be described by that word.


  3. On 7/1/2022 at 1:16 PM, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    no one is suggesting that. not even close. but at some point even they have to stand up go, "come on, what the fuck?"

    I mean I get it, but all that really serves is to show how far to the right they’re willing to go. I find no comfort in that. I find no comfort with any CEO saying “yeah we do want to dominate the world and control its resources, but at least we don’t want to see teachers leading a classroom full of pregnant 15 year olds in prayer while they’re getting shot at.”

  4. 1 hour ago, Goofyboy said:

    The GOP is going to raise your taxes. Rick Scott laid it out in his plans. They want to raise taxes on the middle class. The “but my taxes” issue
    Is going out the window.

    Trump and the Republicans lowered your taxes for two or three years and they have gone or will go back up. They permanently cut taxes on the wealthiest 1%.

    Your taxes are going up in Texas under 20 years of Republican control and they can’t keep the lights on.

    We have an AG in Texas that wants to enforce sodomy laws. He won’t stop there. Remember, there is no bottom (ha!).

    What more does it take to get Republicans to see they are absolutely being played??

    And that’s always been their game. When they talk about “taxes!!!!” they’re talking about taxes for the very wealthiest among us. Like you say, it’s true the rest of us may get some sort of cut but it’s never permanent and is always bound to go up (and that’s not even the real issue anyways but thats a separate discussion).

    It’s a classic game of bait-and-switch. And based on who those dipshits are, i.e. whores for wealthy people and corporations, that’s how it has to be done. They can’t run a campaign on “cut rich peoples taxes, raise everyone else’s.” If they did that, they’d never win. They can’t win elections if only their actual constituencies voted for them.

  5. 1 minute ago, Foosters said:

    We're getting close to the point where conservatives are only going to be able to say "what? no I never advocated for that..."

    Yeah that usually comes before they say “well the problem is that Democrats are in favor of abortion on demand right upon until birth.”


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  6. On 6/23/2022 at 10:21 PM, Hawndoh said:

    Given how bumpy every freeway in Dallas is and the general state of road maintenance around here, you have to be monumentally stupid to go that fast.

    Not on that, no. Smooth as a baby’s ass…but then again that’s only because it’s been open for like 5 years.


    On 6/26/2022 at 12:10 AM, futureman said:

    comments on twizzler saying those lanes are always empty because they’re so expensive.  what’s the toll?

    They’re not a set rate. They change every so often (15-30 minutes iirc). Highest I’ve seen it go is $5.80 between DNT and 75 and that’s going East (usually the less expensive of the two directions).

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Just now, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Yea, but tonight, from 7:00-10:00, on Fox, you will hear a completely different narrative.   They’ll have a completely different version of the truth.  It’s what they do.

    Is that what they've been doing for these hearings? I tend not to watch Fox News (incredibly bad for my anus), but I did happen to catch a clip of Cavuto saying that some other testimony (I think regarding the requested pardons) was devastating. Are Tucker/Ingraham/Hannity et al still on this line about how 1/6 was just some organic dust up and that this committee is just a deep state smear campaign?

  8. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    They are evil.  Every.  Last.  One. Of.  Them.  Melania is just as bad as he is.

    You've got it.

    100% this.  Never in my lifetime would the state of the entire planet be so well-served by the death of a single fantastically shitty human being.

    Yeah.....long, long term, I agree.  Just like I agree that the Earth will be fine despite man-made climate change.  Earth will survive just fine.  Plenty of places will be habitable, produce crops, etc.

    In both cases, the concern is the cost it's going to take to get there.  We're gonna go through some pretty shittacular pain -- it's already started.  We'll get to the other side...how much human loss and suffering will it take to get there?

    Absolutely this.  The members of this admin were and are a greater threat to our nation's survival than Al Qaeda ever was.  We should fight them with equal -- GREATER -- vigor.

    Problem is, we have a huge 5th Column in our country actively fighting on their side, called "the entire Republican Party."  The GQP is a terrorist movement no matter what definition of the term you use.

    How about the original legal definition of terrorism as given by the military?

    ”the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious or ideological in nature. This is done through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear”

    -Army TRADOC pamphlet 525-37, 1984

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  9. 11 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    He truly was/wants to be again The Mad King.

    Who knew Trump was English for Targaryen.

    And we’re gonna have the best dragons, ok? The best dragons.

    On day one, we will begin working on an ice wall, and we’re gonna make the wildlings pay for it.

    Oh and this story about my kids being the product of incest? Total fake news, ok? Fake news supplied by the Chinese to advance global warming

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