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Everything posted by Hurtlocker

  1. Ditto, all i can assume is it has to do with games in MSG, UConn isn't in the market, but they have a big NYC following. Maybe its also to offer Zona more basketball bluebloods Regardless, unless Uconn is agreeing to overspend on football for a while, its a whole lot of strange
  2. They had UCLA@Michigan for that date at 3:30. And the week prior its Ohio State@Indiana, after that no B1G 3:30s, guessing they start up on the SEC later.
  3. Yeah its definitely an accurate observation. Its not that there are no games, its just that CBS doesn't dominate it like later in the season. And CBS has never been a fan of cutting into its tour schedule. Hell, they work hard to ensure the NCAA tourney empties right into the Masters.
  4. I think the only eligibility is they agreed to expand to 15 games, every team gets a game, and CBS picks first. I also think the SEC started scheduling some conference games in the first three weeks to provide more availability when they increased the amount of games to keep the per team even.
  5. They get to chose the best 13-15 games, with a rule that each team gets at least one game, and rarely pick an OOC game due to that. Conference games give them credit for two. They also rarely pick in the first few weeks until the PGA Championship is over. When expansion to 14 happened and the SEC asked for more games, they doubled up some in October/November instead.
  6. Just the first three, CBS wants the SEC conference match ups and I believe only buys 15 games.
  7. This is not overly surprising, but also slightly deceiving. Most are on Fox: Colorado @ TCU - Fox Arkansas State @ Oklahoma - ESPN Rice @ Texas - Fox WVU @ Penn State - NBC Tech @ Wyoming - CBS Utah @ Baylor - ESPN Iowa @ Iowa State - Fox Oregon @ Tech - Fox Texas @ Bama - ESPN Pitt @ WVU - ABC TCU @ Houston - Fox Then you have: ESPN2 - Iowa State @ Ohio, BYU @ Arkansas FSI - Kent State @ UCF, UTSA @ Houston, Sam Houston @ BYU, Troy @ KState, UCF @ Boise State, OkSt @ ASU The ESPN+ games are all the games you'd figure would be plus games, e.g. South Alabama, Miami OH, Villanova, etc.
  8. I cannot imagine UConn wanting to leave the Big East. I also cannot imagine the Big 12 wanting UConn Football.
  9. hockey, bar fight, or poor hygiene?
  10. If I were to walk the metaphor back to its inception, I'd imagine it was when they were birthed from the collective womb. Its not mine though, so I could be off here, but it does seem to be what its suggesting.
  11. When I hand out insults I want them to sound this good, but they never do.
  12. Inside the Big 12's 'ironclad' grant of rights contract that helped keep the ACC together amid turbulence A decade or so ago the Big 12 and ACC were having discussions about playing future nonconference games against one another. Nothing as radical as realignment but enough that the Big 12 gave the ACC access to the league's most significant legal tool -- its grant of rights. "It was professional courtesy more than anything," recalled Big 12 commissioner Bob Bowlsby. The grant of rights contracts signed by schools, which literally "grant" the "rights" to broadcast their games to their respective conferences for the term of a league-negotiated media rights deal, have become the foundations of two Power Five conferences' stability. While every conference holds grant of rights agreements with its member institutions, the ACC modeled its version entirely off the Big 12 document, giving the two conferences an "identical" legal backstop, according to a source who has reviewed both documents. That has led observer after observer to refer to the contracts with a singular adjective: "Ironclad," Bowlsby said. So ironclad, in fact, that Big 12 legal minds developed the strategy relying on a landmark 115-year old Supreme Court case that traced its roots back to British Common Law in the 1600s. So ironclad that the Big 12 incorporated itself in Delaware, a state so business-friendly that 65% of Fortune 500 companies file their incorporation papers there. So ironclad that the verbiage in these contracts might have saved both conferences from near-extinction. While Texas and Oklahoma did cause significant upheaval in leaving the Big 12, it cost the programs a combined $100 million to exit the league in 2024, a year before the Big 12's grant of rights was to expire. (The schools had already notified the Big 12 they wouldn't agree to an extension of those rights.) On Wednesday, the ACC stiff-armed rumblings of a mutiny by going to a performance-based revenue model. It's seemingly unbreakable grant of rights quelled any talk of a more significant uprising. An effort by seven programs -- led by Clemson and Florida State with Miami, North Carolina, NC State, Virginia and Virginia Tech in tow -- resulted in few options as the schools' legal departments have reportedly been attempting to find a way to break that agreement. The current ACC grant of rights binds the schools together until 2036. Although not exactly a picture of harmony, the Big 12 and now the ACC have successfully retained their membership. While the ACC changed its revenue model this week, two years ago, the Big 12 rallied quickly adding BYU, Cincinnati, Houston and UCF to fill some of the void left by Texas and Oklahoma. If programs try to leave conferences without proper notice or negotiation, the grant of rights ensures the departing schools' broadcast rights/revenues remain within their television contract. Court battles over grants of rights have largely been avoided in the realignment era (since 2010), though there have been some bitter fights over the years. Before Texas and Oklahoma, the Big 12 lost Colorado, Missouri, Nebraska and Texas A&M in the early 2010s. As the SEC and Big Ten expanded, reaping increased media rights revenue along the way, they left the rest of FBS in the financial dust. The issue now is not the SEC and Big Ten being ahead of everyone else, it's the gap between those two and the rest of their Power Five brethren. Once the new media rights contracts fully kick in, they will be earning at least $30 million more annually than the average ACC school. That alone has caused consternation within the league. It would cost a reported $120 million for an ACC school to leave early, not counting a monster negotiation to get out of the grant of rights. But with 13 years to go on that ironclad agreement -- and with little leverage -- the ACC got its schools to fall into line. The ACC concluded a period of unrest Wednesday by announcing it has adopted revenue "success initiatives." Teams that perform successfully in revenue-producing postseason competition will earn additional money, ending the traditional method of sharing revenue equally. There was no other choice. Two industry experts with experience valuing media rights told CBS Sports that -- for all the complaining by those seven schools -- it is doubtful they would bring pro rata (equal value) if they were to depart the ACC for the SEC. Those ACC schools seemingly had nowhere to go and lacked the financial will to challenge the grant of rights in court given its ironclad nature. Start with that Delaware incorporation. "It was unusual to build a grant of rights around federal copyright law," Bowlsby explained of the Big 12's contract. "The thing that was important about that: any disputes would be heard in federal court in Delaware, not in a state court." That a huge advantage for a league that might otherwise have to contend with Texas (Big 12) or Florida State (ACC) battling its conference with homefield advantage in a state court. The Big 12 legal team had the answer when their 2012 TV deal was finalized. They needed a strategy that found a jet sweep around the 11th Amendment, which includes the concept of state sovereign immunity. That 115-year old landmark Supreme Court case, Ex parte Young, circumvents state sovereign immunity to allow lawsuits in federal courts for injunctions against state officials if they act against federal law or the U.S. Constitution. It essentially lays the groundwork for a conference to sue a school leaving early for another conference. The Stanford Law Review called the decision "the cornerstone of modern constitutional litigation." Explained an attorney who has viewed the Big 12's grant of rights: "Every state has different sovereign immunity laws. Especially in Texas, it's very hard to sue a state institution like a state university. Ex parte Young is a way to try to get around those issues. It would allow you to sue the president of a university if he tried to take Team X to another conference [violating the grant of rights]." Beyond Bowlsby, the persons behind the Big 12's grant of rights research and strategy did not wish to be identified. Challenging the contract in court would expose a school to unknown and uncertain liabilities, both legal and financial. It would not know how much it would have to pay to get out, whereas exit fees are largely negotiable. Example: Maryland paid a $50 million exit fee to leave the ACC for the Big Ten in 2014. In that shocking July 2021 development, Texas and Oklahoma announced they were leaving the Big 12 for the SEC after the existing grant of rights expired in 2025. The Big 12 quickly rallied to assemble an unequal revenue sharing plan for the two schools. Unlike what the ACC accomplished Wednesday, that strategy did not work for the Big 12. Then it just came down to that negotiation. Earlier this year, the Big 12 announced a deal for the Longhorns and Sooners to leave one year early in 2024, netting the league $100 million. Neither school dared challenge the grant of rights itself. After Texas and Oklahoma declared their intentions two years ago, Bowlsby doubled back and vetted the vulnerability of his grant of rights with a New York litigation firm. "I asked them to tear it apart," Bowlsby said. "They came back and said, 'This is ironclad. You can take it any federal court in the country and win.'" Because of the rigid nature of the language contained within the grant of rights, Bowlsby added that any issue arising from it is "going to end up having to be a negotiation, not a court trial." A costly negotiation at that. An ACC league source last year told CBS Sports, at that time, it might have cost as much as $500 million total to exit the league, including its grant of rights, as there were then 14 years left on the deal. Other estimates have been lower but still significant. The ACC is neither naïve nor innocent in this endeavor. It just finds itself with internal turmoil. Former commissioner John Swofford's daring raid to expand the league helped collapsed the old Big East. He negotiated a 2016 media rights amendment with ESPN that established the ACC Network and pushed the agreement out 20 years. Now, as other conferences have passed the ACC, its grant of rights might as well be a one-ton blocking sled on every ACC practice field. "Well, all I can say is that same grant of rights has been in other conferences, and no one has really challenged it," Miami athletic director Dan Radakovich told the Miami Herald this week. "So, not being a lawyer, I don't know the tenets of it. But just being a lay person, it must be pretty good if no one has tried to challenge it."
  13. People in nearly every state care about football more than the west coast.
  14. This is a great point. Not many of the teams in the B12 got the key spots of their contract, unless they were playing Texas and OU. It will be interesting to see what occurs when that opportunity is provided. They'll either grow or die.
  15. Bro you been on hiatus for nearly a decade, get back to work wearing old men's clothes and shit..
  16. It catches them up to UCF though.
  17. yeah its the only money that's new too with the CFP playoff changes occurring. The NCAA money is nice, but no where near the same value.
  18. I think he means it means something different to his fiancée.
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