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Posts posted by UTexasFight

  1. 13 minutes ago, Dutchrudder said:

    Did they not stop the game for the tornado and storm??? Friend sent me pics of downtown after their shelter in place was lifted and there is glass, street lights and debris all over the place.  We have friends in the heights who are stuck with trees down all over. One of them had a tree fall on their house and breach their roof. Crazy fucking storm. 

    They closed down/evacuated  left field alley.

  2. 39 minutes ago, WBT said:

    DFAing him to begin with was the wtf move when Brown, Arighetti, and Dubin have options.

    I would have moved him into the rotation before I DFAd him.  He's done better as a fill-in starter in previous years than Brown and Arighetti have done this year.

    Fair but that’s assuming past performance  is an indicator of future (lack of ) success.


    We know what we have in Bielak. I think brown and arrighetti turn it around in short order  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Yeah, are you guys forgetting Bielak was DFA’ed last week when they activated Javier. (They day after they claimed Speas)?

    they had 10 days to trade him.

    they may have done something different if they had knew Blanco was going to get popped 3 days later, but wheels were already put in motion with the moves made last weekend.


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  4. 3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Juan Roshington calls for a suicide squeeze with the bases loaded:


    That only works if guys know how to bunt.

    and everybody knows nobody has known how to bunt since Washington played


    but that didn’t stop him from throwing Guillorme under the bus:


    “Lefty on lefty, and with a sinkerballer on a left-hander, I didn’t want him to hit into a double play," Washington said. "He can handle the bat. He didn’t do the job. It wasn’t anything I did wrong. He didn’t do the job.”


    When asked by a reporter if Romero's wildness made the call tougher to execute, Washington disputed that and once again blamed Guillorme.

    “Wild? He was throwing it in the strike zone,” Washington said. “Why are you making excuses? He was throwing the ball in the strike zone. [Guillorme] did not get the bunt down. Period.”

    The point by the reporter wasn't inaccurate. Romero had walked two batters — including one on a pitch-clock violation — to load the bases before Guillorme came to the plate. Of Romero's 27 pitches before Guillorme's bunt attempt, only 12 were strikes.


  5. 21 minutes ago, Guadaloopy said:

    This is a huge WTF considering where we are with pitching depth right now.

    So we effectively traded Bielak for Speas and cash.

    probably not a bad move long-term. Certainly not great in the short term after what happened Tuesday.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, wood said:

    Just a fucking idiotic rule.

    Either allow rosin, or don't. IDGAF. But allowing it on the pitching hand while it's illegal on the glove hand is straight up lunacy. And it's enforced based on the umpire sticking his finger in a glove and judging between 'not sticky, a little sticky, sticky, stickier, real got-damn sticky, and the stickiest I evarrr seen'. Very scientific. It was stupid when others got caught, and it's stupid now. Fucking MLB brass could fuck up a wet dream.

    What’s also stupid is….not following the damned rules. 

    it’s not that damn hard to not put rosin on your glove hand.


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  7. 3 minutes ago, wood said:

    So, rosin mixed with sweat inside his glove? I had no idea rosin is illegal on the non-throwing hand. Why is that illegal?


    get it knocked to down to only miss one start.

    let the haters continue to hate.

    Make the All Star team 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    Tv said he hadnt pitch in the next two games this season when he goes 2 innings...so we may not see him again

    Of course Kalas prob needs to be fact checked

    I checked.

    it’s true 

    But it’s also only happened 3 times before tonight. And only once did they have games the next two days.

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