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Posts posted by HeHateMe

  1. If Joker and DA are a wash… PHX runs away with this.  In 4 or 5.  Austin Rivers and the rookie from Argentina can’t ball with the Suns back court for 48 mins.  Also, Bridges contributed zero on offense against the Lakers. He was guarding James and with as much as he touches the ball, it has to affect your game on the other end.  Dude went off tonight when they needed a spark.  Denver is in trouble unless they make major adjustments.  

  2. 1 hour ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    Stanford?  Are they gonna swoop in next fall and steal him? 

    I was texting with them earlier and they all seem pretty excited.  I think this one is safe.  Zac wants to carve his own path.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 13 hours ago, thunderlounge said:

    Alrighty then, little question for some that may be into the Vegas thing with a lot more familiarity than I. 

    I’ve been several times, enjoyed myself, etc.   Pretty standard.

    However I caught a little documentary that touched on some of the casino side, specifically contacting a host before a visit. What this had mentioned was a host can pretty much accommodate most anything reasonable. Specifically hooking folks up with party favors. I was semi caught off guard by that, as it wasn’t for high rollers but average folks, and made it seem like no big deal of somebody wanted some marching powder or whatever. This was coming directly out of a hosts mouth on the documentary, but I was curious. 

    So was it, or is it, really kind of like that? Are hosts really that accommodating? I know I’ve used my host at local(ish) casinos, but that never crossed my mind. 

    Anyway, I was just kind of curious as the host speaking really made it seem like no big deal, give them a call and they are there to help. 

    Historically a hosts income was determined by the actual loss or theoretical loss of the players under their umbrella.  Just like the comps you receive are proportional to your ADT (average daily theoretical).  Think average bet and hours spent playing and house advantage of game being played.  The $100, 4 hour a day blackjack player might get a base room and $200 F&B comped, but unless they are close personal friends with the host, he isn’t scoring blow.  Now if you’re a $10000 a hand player who has 8 hour sessions.....your host will have hookers and blow waiting for you in you suite/villa if you so desire.  Most of these guys are pretty well connected but aren’t going risk a shitstorm for a dime a dozen player.  

  4. 3 hours ago, Poolflood said:

    Wandering Academy today and discovered they carry Ooni so got the 12" koda.

    Need to get the accoutrements.   Besides peel and infrared thermometer, what else do I need?  Turning peel?  Secret flour from Italy?  Pepperoni from....

    You get the drift.  I got an oven, bad weather and Amazon prime.  Spend my money! 

    Check out the sugar baby thread and then order delivery.  Post pics.

  5. On 1/31/2021 at 4:27 PM, 4th_and_18 said:

    Just double checked my appointment. I’m actually scheduled 2/5. Which means I’ll have the weekend to rest/recover. Was it fatigue, body aches, alien crawling out of chest?

    Fatigue, body aches and low grade fever.  It wasn’t that I couldn’t function, but it sucked to HAVE to do anything.  Plan on doing nothing and if it doesn’t kick you ass, then consider yourself lucky.  Good luck.

  6. Brisket... I will pm you my number.  Call if you’d like, but my girlfriend had mono 5 years ago and developed chronic fatigue.  She was the yoga twice a day type or hike camelback mountain and workout after.  She hasn’t been able to do any of that since.  It is breaking her soul.  She was blown off by countless physicians, basically because very few of them can even begin to comprehend this disease. I have spoken to a few specialists and she is seeing one on the Monday before thanksgiving.  I’m hopeful because she is finally seeing someone who understands what she is going through and has dedicated their career to helping these patients.  I hope your sons case is different and that he bounces back, but if you’d like to reach out...I’m happy to discuss and let you know about the upcoming experience with the specialist.

  7. How low was your free T?  39 here also, 5 years ago I was dragging and feeling like shit and got tested.  I was at 110.  Started the shots once a week and have never looked back.  Never had a side affect and in 2 weeks time, I was feeling more rested and had more energy throughout the day, with the same amount of sleep.  Never thought my sex drive was lacking but it went through the roof after starting therapy.  Also, never got ragey as someone else posted but ymmv.  I’m in AZ but the place I go to has locations around the country so let me know if you want a recommendation.  I also get lab work done at my place every 6 weeks just to make sure no adjustments need to be made.  I wouldn’t do it without the labs, as frequent adjustments are necessary. 

  8. I had an idea of what I wanted and set up a few meeting.  After multiple quotes I went with the company who not only met my vision but expanded on it.  They weren’t the cheapest and they weren’t the most expensive, but I felt comfortable with them and loved the end result.  How much of that $$ was in the design fee??? I have no fucking clue.  Also, I didn’t give them my budget, I was specific in what I wanted though.  I always figured I could scale it back if I liked the design but thought that I was getting up sold on unnecessary shit.  I’d give you the info on my guy but I’m in Scottsdale.  

  9. On 9/9/2020 at 7:11 PM, dingleberryswitzer said:


    Holy crap, that dude hated his wife and kid so much he constantly tried to kill himself for 20 years, all under the guise of science.  


    I had seen that dude's video before, probably from t snake thread.  His arms just don't look right.

    If I was married to that, I’d probably take a more effective approach to offing myself.

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