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  1. You don’t want to live in South Scottsdale. Scottsdale yes, south Scottsdale….no. I’m not sure your perceptions of Scottsdale are 100% accurate judging from previous posts. So your idea of South Scottsdale might be different than mine. I’ve been here 21 years and love it. It may or may not be for you, but it’s been an amazing place to live and raise my kids. Water is not going to be an issue in our lifetime. Feel free to ask specific questions if you want and I’ll try to answer. Cactus corridor in Scottsdale or the Arcadia neighborhood in phoenix would probably be a better fit FWIW. South Scottsdale is strip clubs and housing built in the 70s and 80s.
  2. I’m pretty sure my girlfriend knows exactly what you are talking about.
  3. BEC w/frozen hashbrown bun. Crystal on top.
  4. There’s only one week a year that anybody should go to Augusta. Scratch that and add a day to Charleston.
  5. These kids will all get serious time. I live in Maricopa county and this was/is a very big deal. Too big to get swept under the rug. Maybe I’m being naive, I guess time will tell. And as far as these being rich kids… it’s Gilbert, not Paradise Valley. They are all most likely middle to upper middle class kids. They won’t have rockstar defense teams, they will all be racing to cut the best deals possible, all of which I expect to include doing hard time.
  6. This. They routinely write scripts for 1 pill for your exact situation.
  7. I joined. 3 now, if it stays that way we are all guaranteed a podium finish.
  8. Don’t hate on his 46-48 inch inseam. Probably needs bespoke shirts though at those dimensions.
  9. Who was more rapey…Cosby or Nicole?
  10. The Iowa ladies would kill for that kind of bench production.
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