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High Plains Drifter

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Posts posted by High Plains Drifter

  1. 2 hours ago, Crapinon said:

    Somewhere, floating around the internet, is an NCAA report on Alabama recruiting violations in the 90's. They promised a kid $20k for signing. $10k up front and $10k after signing. The kid took the first briefcase full of $100's and then signed with someone else. Boosters were out $10k and couldn't do a thing about it.


    Pretty small briefcase. Perhaps you meant to say "wallet"?


  2. On 3/13/2024 at 9:55 AM, atomheartbevo said:

    There are bogus electors from 2020 ending up with felony charges/prison time as we speak so a lot of people who might think about that are going to cool their jets.  

    Also really digging the RNC merging into the Trump campaign.  Even when he loses, he will still control the RNC and it’s coffers until the day he dies. He will never allow such a profitable venture to leave his grasp.  He’s really going to screw over down ballot candidates. 


    Has this actually happened?



  3. 2 hours ago, Jimbaround said:

    What does “imo” in the wine thread mean? I know it means in my opinion, but how does that translate to a wine/grape?. What am I missing?


    I think imo is a type of Japanese "wine" stronger than sake. 


    • Haha 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Js1 said:

    You should probably look into the reforms of the Electoral Count Act that were passed into law in 2022.  And probably stop spreading conspiracy theories that the House is going to overturn the will of the vote to make Trump the winner. 


    Given the chance, a R-controlled US House would absolutely overturn the will of the vote. 



    3 hours ago, F250 said:

    Everyone in America over 45 years old has been conditioned to see Russia as the enemy. The Republicans were always the "Nuke Moscow" types and watched Red Dawn on repeat for the last 40 years. Plus they always need an enemy. It was surprising to see people drop a life long hatered because Trump and Putin were in love. Granted, the Democratic party and minority groups are the new enemy, still to see peoples brains switch so quickly was weird.


    It used to be democracy vs communism. Now its woke vs unwoke. Russia is unwoke, therefore they are no longer the enemy. 



    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 6 hours ago, deadshank said:


    Breaking Away




    6 hours ago, gofuckyourself said:


    4) The Wrestler




    5 hours ago, Underdog said:

    Moneyball has shot up my list of late, stop and watch whenever I catch it on. 


    three I didn't consider when making my earlier list. Any of these might could replace Rocky on my list. 





    Last summer I went to London. I figured when in Rome, so I was drinking gin and tonics. They were so damn good, I couldn't figure out why they were better there, even when made with Beefeater, than they are when I make them at home or order them in a bar over here. GTs are not my usual drink.  Then I realized it was because they use actual tonic, and not the schweppes shit we use here. So I bought some high dollar tonic and damn, this shit is tasty. 

    About to reup here in a few. 

    Cheers, yanks. 

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  7. On 3/7/2024 at 2:19 PM, Red Five said:

    You don't really see that on the other side. No one wants Biden to select Keith Olberman or Alec Baldwin as his VP, to "own the pubs" or whatever.



  8. 4 minutes ago, nnm said:

    That dude behind the counter is powerfully built. Fat cutoff shirt guy seriously underestimated him and seriously overestimated his own abilities. 


    fat cutoff shirt guy looks like he is 20 years past his prime. 

    Not only is the counter guy bigger, but he's also younger closer or even in his prime. 

    It was easy to see where this one was going. 


    edit: cutoff shirt guy should have stayed down the first time, or the second time. 

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  9. 16 hours ago, Captainant said:

    Huh. Turns out it's official policy to let a shooter murder a roomfull of children unhindered


    It's fucking crazy that nobody apparently violated any policies? What the actual fucking fuck? The official policy is for the cops to let a shooter murder the fuck out of a school full of kids?





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  10. 19 hours ago, bolverk said:

    This is dumb



    U.S. intelligence officials are planning to brief Donald Trump on national security matters if he secures the GOP nomination this summer — despite concerns about his handling of classified information.

    The decision would be in keeping with a tradition that dates back to 1952, but it would mark the first time an administration has volunteered to share classified information with a candidate who is facing criminal charges related to the mishandling of classified documents.

    The Biden administration intends to share intelligence with the former president no matter the outcome of his trial in Florida, according to a senior intelligence official and a second person with knowledge of internal conversations. They, like some others interviewed, were granted anonymity to discuss sensitive internal deliberations.

    The sit-down is not legally required, but for the last 72 years, incumbent administrations have tapped the spy agencies to read in the candidates of both major political parties on some of the most pressing threats to the country. While often this is just one meeting, sometimes candidates receive several briefings.

    The briefings, which are managed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and approved by the White House, normally take place after the national conventions in late summer.


    Feed him false shit, see where it floats up (Russia, China, N. Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc). 


    edit: Damn y'all quick. 






  11. 18 hours ago, Helobious said:

     Was it an insanely intense and brutal battle? Of course. Was it as frenetic as depicted in Saving Private Ryan? Probably not. 


    My grandfather was a Higgins boat pilot during many of the major Pacific beach landings (Okinawa, Iwo Jima- where he was awarded a Silver Star for saving some marines when his boat took a direct hit and sank, some others). He told me he couldn't make it through the opening scene of Private Ryan because it was so real. 


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    I don't know if this is a factor or not, but I lived in the RGV for four years. Just about everybody down there has a relative, brother, uncle, close friend, whatever, who is employed by the border patrol. For a kid straight out of high school who speaks Spanish, the BP is a damn good job. 

    If BP is paying the bills, putting your primo through college, paying for your truck, how are you going to support immigration or immigrants?



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