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Everything posted by Burt

  1. Go get it done and let me know how it heals up so I can get mine done.
  2. At least its "only" skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma) instead of something more serious. I'm not trying to garner sympathy, just wondering if anyone else here has had it and what everything looked like after the removal. Mine is on my left cheek about an inch under my eye. Probably from years of softball and lake outings, often without sunscreen. I already have a scar on the eyelid above the eye from a sucker punch and dont want a huge scar below it as well. I place the blame for this squarely on the head of Kevin Morgan.
  3. You posted 33 twice. That's cheating.
  4. The biggest question looming is this - where do we post yoga pants pics?
  5. I'm so far behind on the DT thread on Kevin's board I figured I'd just get in on this one before it takes off.
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