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Not a cat

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Posts posted by Not a cat

  1. 2 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    Bois was paid with company stock. Is that common?

    In silicon valley it's not uncommon, especially with startups.  Twenty years ago I think several large firms like Cooley and Wilson Sonsini did it a good bit and made a shitload of money before the bubble burst.

    • Like 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    True enough.  My Dad had gone to SMU on the GI Bill, and I was a late, adopted child.  So my parents had saved sufficiently to pay for SMU, not realizing it was among the most expensive schools in the country at the time (~$400/hour vs. $4 for Texas), so I was set from a financial standpoint.


    How the hell does anyone within 200 miles of DFW, much less an SMU alum, not realize SMU is expensive as hell?  Even if he was on the GI bill, he had to have some idea how much it cost.

    I think I'm roughly the same vintage as twicehorn (began UT in Fall 87) and I vaguely remember sending my SAT scores to UT and that's about it.  I don't remember exactly what else was required but it could not have been too complicated if my mess of a teenage self was able to handle it.     

  3. Boies should be getting a lot more grief than he is.  There is a line between zealous advocacy and helping to assist further fraud, and I think he passed it.  Sadly, I bet some people will want him even more as their attorney since he showed what he was willing to do, but it's not like he wasn't already in demand.  

    • Like 6
  4. 50 minutes ago, honolulu horn said:


    Handheld luggage scale to see if your luggage is overweight or not before you travel, weigh packages for postage, etc. I pack it in my luggage for the return trip as well so I can reweigh after buying souvenirs, etc. Electronic version also available.

    How much does it weigh?  I just imagine the conundrum if you pack it and it's the last straw that puts you over 40 pounds.  Alanis Morsette kind of crazy shit.

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    The thought process to decide to go for the real thing anyway--with zero confidence that they wouldn't end up "stuck" in the middle of the wall--is completely foreign to me.

    The thought process of people that decided to make a living climbing a flat vertical wall hundreds of feet off the ground is a tad different. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, naija said:

    wondering how many of you have been around people dying.

    I can tell you that this:

    "There is something to be said about getting the pancreatic cancer death sentence that most likely is 6 months or less. You have time to set (or review) your wishes, tackle any remaining bucket list items, tell people you love them, tell people to f-off, people can say their goodbyes, etc. I'm sure it can still be physically painful but not as drawn out as other illnesses."

    is not how pancreatic cancer usually turns out

    Yeah, this. My father went that way.  It did not seem fun.

    After seeing that, i'll take the die in your sleep. 


  7. 13 hours ago, CrownKing said:

    I posted this on the Netflix thread but thought I would here as well. Dawn Wall just dropped on Netflix and it is just as well done as Free Solo.  Follows Tommy Caldwell and his quest for the hardest free climb ever done  


    If you want to get mad at a girlfriend/spouse, Dawn Wall is the place to do it.



    Tommy saves her from Islamic rebels by pushing a dude off a cliff, takes her on all his adventures as his climbing partner, rises to the top of the climbing world (and presumably makes bank because of it) and she divorces him for some other guy.  Just brutal.  


  8. “Given what has most recently been allowed to transpire, it is clear, that it will be nearly impossible to stay here. More plainly, the Montgomery County Chronicle has greatly diminished my ability to successfully do my job, and has set this football program back significantly, and the cumulative effect of all these detrimental factors I believe clearly constitute a constructive discharge of my employment," Brown said in a statement.


    It is, painfully, clear, that Brown has, at best, a 6th grader's, writing ability.

    • Like 1
  9. 50 minutes ago, lateshow said:

    I've seen them all. There is no Mrs. Macgregor. I'm gonna assume he means Mrs. McMurray. 

    Crap, you are right, McMurray.  Bonnie's SIL.  Bonnie is right up there on the hot scale, but I haven't seen the evidence of craziness from her.  Keep in mind this is the crazy one nighter list, otherwise both Frenchies, Bonnie and Rosie would surely make the list. 

  10. As long as we're making lists, top gals for wild as hell one nighters.

    1.  Kat- pretty obvious one here.  Hot, swings both ways.  Only drawback is her brother is toughest guy in letterkenny but he doesn't strike me as the overprotective type. 

    2.  Tanis, same as above just a step lower on hotness.  Might be too wild, where you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you are not comfortable.  Safety word is a must. 

    3.  Mrs. Macgregor.   Still got some tread on the tires and you know she's into crazy things.  Hard no if she insists on Mr.  Macgregor being in room, though. 

    4.  Tie- Mrs. Jones, Mrs Riley.  I know you never see them and this might be a stretch pick but if shoresy is telling the truth, they are wild.  Of course, given shoresy's picks from the Shamrockettes, he and I might have different tastes.

    6.  Gail- obviously into crazy things and anything would be on the table, but the epileptic spastic jerking she does would make this difficult.  Needs to take about 20-25 % off of that to move up.   

  11. Figger it out!

    I'm going to work "hard no" into my lexicon. 

    The open to season 2 episode 3 might be the most I've laughed at a show in years.  They're throwing the baseball around when squirrelly Dan tells them about his recent date.  Just brilliant all around.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, NowThis said:

    the game winner caused a seismic event (from the stadium) as registered on campus machines.  See 2:32

    Watch the victory formation play at the very end.  It looks like a Case McCoy handoff attempt.  It's like kneeling the ball was in its early days of strategy and has been refined.

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