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Not a cat

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Posts posted by Not a cat

  1. 10 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    I just finished it and holy shit.

    That McFarland guy is not only a certain conman but a legitimate sociopath.

    And Ja Rule is a complete and utter moron.

    I won’t comment on anything else since it just came out today and I don’t want to spoil the fun for those of y’all who haven’t watched yet but I can’t wait for more of y’all to see it to discuss it.

    Crazy shit yo.

    Yeah, what Bamachick said.  

    I'm sure it's because I'm an old fart gen Xer, but I just don't get all this influencer stuff.  

    Also, it noted that the netflix documentary is being produced by the guys from Jerry Media who were heavily involved in the shitshow that was Fyre so it will be interesting to see their spin.

  2. 13 minutes ago, midtown said:

    Depends if price is an issue. 

    From MSP to:

    Gran Cayman $672

    Miami $394

    LIberia $513

    SJO $387

    Belize $576

     St. Thomas $372

    San Juan $298

    Price is an issue in that I don't want to stay at a 5 star resort and drop 1k a night, but none of the airfares above are deal killers by any stretch.  Of course, since I'll be booking at the last second I imagine the flights will be significantly more expensive than those so that's why I'm looking to snag a last minute "deal".  I guess I'm looking to drop 1500-3000 all in which should be pretty doable seeing as its only one dude with cheap tastes.  

  3. 11 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    How warm? San Diego is always nice if you're trying to stay in the US. 

    2nd Costa Rica obviously. I enjoyed the Dominican Republic while I was there but it is more of a resort-vibe most places if you are looking for a nice beach. 

    I'm in Minneapolis.  75 is positively balmy to me right now.  


    Thanks guys, and keep them coming.  

  4. I'm freezing my ass off in the upper midwest and after reviewing my work and kids' custody schedule I realized I have a window of between Friday night 1-25 to the morning of 1-31 to get out of this hellhole for a bit.

    I don't really care where as long as it is warm, though a beach would be nice.  Given the time schedule Hawaii and Australia are out.  I'm an old fart so don't need or want the South Padre spring break vibe.  I just want to chill, see some nice things and be warm. Anything else is gravy.

    Thoughts on some good locations and bonus points if you have a good way to just get last minute deals.  I'm completely open to waking up on the Friday and just seeing what is available so I'm surprised where I'm going.  Of course, I'd like the confidence that some place that does not suck will be an option if I go that route.

    Thanks in advance. 


  5. I'm a few episodes in.  If you enjoyed season 1 you know the format and will likely enjoy season 2 because, well, watching football is better than not watching football.

    My initial impressions (minor spoiler alert)

    Fields- comes across as the biggest douche of the 3 by far but nowhere near as bad as Martell from season 1.  Ohio State seems to attract a certain type.

    Mitchell- seems like a solid kid.  Definitely will be rooting for him at ISU but not seeing much room for him with a fellow freshman starting.

    Hartman- the program at his school is almost comical, especially when compared to the other 2 schools.  They practice in a swamp and half his receivers act like they've never seen a forward pass.  He started a few games at wake this year until injured but his team was so bad it was hard to tell if he was good.

  6. 13 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Background: wife wants to quit her job.

    Me: Hey babe, since I just got this promotion, I think that we can make this work and maybe you can quit your job before the kids gets off for Summer.

    Her: Hell yes, I am excited. I got so many ideas and things to do with the kids. 

    Me: Can we talk about level setting expectations with regards to the kids and household stuff if you aren't working anymore. I just want to be clear on how things would be different in the future than they are today.



    At least she was up front about it.  In my experience,  they usually just agree to whatever conditions are set and then the mushroom cloud goes off once you remind them of the still unfulfilled terms they agreed to in order to get whatever they already received.

    This phenomenom is also known as Corrolary 2 to Briffaults Law-If a woman in a relationship promises a man something in the future in exchange for a benefit received from him today, her promise becomes null and void as soon as the benefit is rendered. 

    • Like 4
  7. I actually brought it up to our facilities manager and told him how much money he would save in the TP budget.  He looked at me like I had suggested a sauna and massage chair in every office.  

  8. It's just mind bottling how resistant most people are to bidets. 

    Since seeing the light almost exactly 2 years ago (due to this thread, or more precisely, its shaggy predecessor), I tried to become the Johnny Appleseed of bidets and spread the word.  I mean, these things should sell themselves over conventional paper- more hygienic, quicker, cheaper, no roids.  What's not to love? 

    As I tell these poor, ignorant folks, if you got some shit on your hand would you just wipe it off with a paper towel or would you wash that sumbitch in the sink?  Yet, people just balk at it and are unwilling to consider it.  I've just given up even trying.  


    • Haha 1
  9. On 12/31/2018 at 12:27 PM, texashorne said:

    I thought I could build up some political capital by agreeing to keep them. There have been talks of us getting a dog, and the SIL keeping it would save me from having to board it.. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. 


    On 1/3/2019 at 6:48 PM, Modessit said:

    Exactly. I've been sick and ran out of cough syrup about 9pm the other night. My wife had just put the kids to bed and I asked her if she'd run to the store and get me some more. She made a face and said, "I know - and you'd go if I asked you to." I reminded her of the time I went to the store at 3am to get her crackers because her stomach was bothering her and she wanted something bland to munch on. She agreed that was a nice thing I did.

    She didn't go.

    Told me it was cold outside and I could pick some up when I went to work in the morning.

    I do laugh at the newbies that think there is a magical goodwill bank that can be prepaid and built up in advance for future use with the wife.  I shouldn't find it so amusing, because I too was once young and ignorant.  

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, tbone_ said:

    So I did my first solo acoustic thing last night. Played and sang about 30 tunes at a party for about 75 people. Eye opening experience for sure.

    That's awesome.  I've got mad respect for you now that I understand the work involved in getting good, plus the balls it takes to get up there and let it all hang out.

  11. Yeah, the dude just really loves guitars and working on them.  I got the feeling if I'd have known anything about music he'd have shot the shit with me for a few hours in his living room.  Instead,  this is actual footage of our conversation-


    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  12. Just now, Deguello said:

    Horizontal passing game and congenital inability to call a long pass on second and one notwithstanding, I’m less harsh in my evaluation of Davis after seeing what happened to Harsin. 

    The QB sneaks on second and inches just made my blood boil.  I'm not sure if that was GDGD or FUPM calling for that but whoever it should have been immediately struck down by the football gods.

    • Like 1
  13. A psychiatrist watching that presser would have a field day.  Mack just needs to be loved and admired and coaching football is just a conduit to achieve that. 

    Guys like DKR and Saban could give zero shits what you thought about them they just wanted to win and then win some more.  It's why those 2 won multiple championships over an extended time while mack shut down after 05 because in his mind he'd earned our love.  And yes, I'll give him credit for 08 and 09 but the core of those teams were committed prior to January 4, 2006 when he basically started mailing it in.

  14. My teenage daughter (do I even need to say no pics, you sick assholes?) has expressed an interest in learning electric guitar.  She has some experience in acoustic with 2 or 3 years of lessons,  but she's certainly no prodigy.

    If she shows a long term interest in it I'll be happy to spring for the top of the line  stuff but to be honest she shows a tendency to try something and lose interest quickly so I'm not going to break the bank on this purchase.

    I've seen some cheap packages on Amazon as low as 90 bucks that include an amp. Cheap ass guitar   I suffer no delusions they are any good, but is something like that good enough to learn on and upgrade if she actually shows some persistence with it?  If not, what's the range and brand I need to go up to for an acceptable starter kit? 

    Hair band musicians of surly, what say you?


    Thanks in advance.

  15. 12 minutes ago, RabidM said:

    If he can hire good coordinators, he'll do fine.  The ACC second place fiddle position is wide open. 

    Coaching is a pretty small fraternity and I imagine any top coordinator candidate might pick up the phone and call Harsin and ask, "hey what's it like to work for Mack?".  As a result, I'm going to go ahead and predict he gets a couple of unknowns or has beens to fill the spots.  Someone with options (I'm looking at you Kliff) is going elsewhere.  

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