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Everything posted by Stinkpalm

  1. You must live in my neighborhood in grapevine. I swear there’s a guy that spends 90% of his week sitting in a folding chair in the driveway, watching the tv mounted in his garage. Makes me think of this thread every time I drive by that house.
  2. Against: Paul Thompson. Dude was a legit athlete and made us look like pop warner kids. PS... Fuck OU With: Eric Hardeman. Most freakish athlete I’ve ever been on the same field with, but obviously a fucking dumbass.
  3. They had to paint the end zones maroon so fans/spectators/players could figure out which way the field was oriented
  4. I’ve never had Laynes, but the above statement is very real. Took my wife (unfortunately aggy) to Canes not long ago. She had never been and was hesitant to go. We sit down and eat and she says “it’s pretty good, but Laynes is way better.” I’d previously never even heard of Laynes, so I regrettably asked what that was. “It’s an aggy owned chicken tender place who Raising Canes stole the idea from.” Every time she makes a statement like that, I have to bite my tongue in order to keep from asking for her to give back that ring.
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