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  1. Playing the day after Thanksgiving is a little different than playing any other Friday during the season.
  2. Is he a draft eligible sophomore? Next year would be his third college season.
  3. Love how Bijan is joining in even though he never had to deal with aggy
  4. Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned. Pooooooooooor aggy!!
  5. I bet they have tanned skinny legs
  6. Yeah, seriously doubt CDC was working the lines because OKC is notorious for not having any phone booths.
  7. Nah, RC is the ultimate aggy insider. He's outlasted a bunch of those bitches.
  8. Same thing happened in 2019. Woodard left aggy in April, RC was named interim, and a month later they hired Bjork.
  9. It's not a persona. There is more going on than alcohol impairment.
  10. I guess you chose your data from Wikipedia, which lists their positions as you did. NFL listed them all at EDGE.
  11. I'm not disagreeing with your overall point, but Will Anderson was from the SEC
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