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Everything posted by Party_Taco

  1. Absolutely LOVE the energy tonight - BDE on full display
  2. There’s that, and the game plan / set plays were dogshit. Just zeroooo adjustments from the coaches as we continued to chuck the ball from deep. Once Boban finally made an appearance he did exactly as one would expect, only to see the bench shortly thereafter. The lack of pnr from Powell tonight was also frustrating. Basically, terrible coaching, worse shooting, abysmal officiating going both ways and Sac getting every bounce. That’s a loss 10-10 times.
  3. That price point is pretty tough... can get some solid juice for $250
  4. Anyone got the skinny on this bad boy?
  5. Yeah sorry, forgot the details... First is grilled asparagus with spicy pancetta, shaved manchego and lemon Second is a shared family recipe for paella with pork, shrimp, chorizo and chicken
  6. There’s a reason this is the only bottle in my collection...
  7. Some highlights from the weekend...
  8. Damn, wish I had seen this before I pulled the trigger... was gonna report in with a “full meh” as, though it hits a ton of notes, all of them fall flat. The hint of sweetness fighting through the burn on the tail was the only aspect worth mentioning IMO. At least it’s a pretty bottle I guess...
  9. None really at the moment afaik - if you’re looking for the easiest way possible to get exposure to BTC this is likely your bet. I’m long GBTC even as competitors are introduced, which will likely take some of the shine off, but I intend to snap them up as well.
  10. That’s a lotta things I like in one brew...
  11. Yeah, fine in the moment sure... anyone who has sustained that before knows that what happens 2-24 hours later is the true test. I hope he’s fine come Saturday.
  12. If it’s around tomorrow afternoon I’ll snake one... Been owning the Bowman distillery a visit, so that might be the spot to locate the BS.
  13. Thoughts on this? I don’t really do Jefferson’s, but this caught my eye...
  14. That’s the one... tasty juice!
  15. Got to enjoy some Booker’s Anniversary (silver wax) tonight along with the best and most infesting ERSB pick I’ve had to date. Lost my ass at cards but those two were certainly winners. The ER was especially dusty up front, giving way to the traditional flavor profile, and I’ve never tasted anything that came close to that combination.
  16. Things may get a bit silly tonight... three more knocked off the old list:
  17. I’ve got the feeling that a wholllle bunch of folks are gonna go down in this mess.
  18. You thinking it will crest early and land negative, or carry momentum throughout the day and take a dump towards close?
  19. These losses down the stretch are rough... Taking an L from Philly on a back-back is to be expected, but that’s why you go win that game against fucking San Antonio. Maturity on this team still has a LONG way to go, and it all starts with Luka IMO.
  20. Still loving our Y but Jesus fuck is Tesla service a beating: terrible communication, consistently failed results, significant wasted time. We’ve now traveled to the dealership 3 times to pick up our vehicle, only to find the same scratches that we called out on delivery staring us in the face. It’s really the only aspect of Audi that I miss, but the gap in service is wider than most of Vic’s lady friends...
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