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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DaysOff

  1. I use more on my butthole after the morning shit.
  2. That's me to my entire family when traveling. I go through Known Crew Member. I don't stand in fucking lines at an airport. I've wasted enough of my life in them.
  3. Jesus Christ might as well let me or Derka give a speech. Who is this fucking guy?
  4. What a Terry Forster fat tub of goo.
  5. This team just doesn't pass the eyeball test. Luckily the division is mostly ass my dudes. I guess I'll never get over 2019. Time heals all wounds. Too soon I guess.
  6. The national anthem is also dumb. Shitty song that changes 8 octaves that nobody can sing worth a shit. If it's special stop playing it so fucking much. Put the ball on the tee or throw out the first pitch and play ball, but enough of the fake bro country patriotism. Calm yourselves Slorches; I said what I said.
  7. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdwd5yth/?k=1 June 14, 1987 35 years ago Here's the scene https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdwd2E3T/?k=1
  8. Without the Electoral College there'd never be another Republican president.
  9. Division will ultimately be a dogfight. This team has been a house of cards for months.
  10. Buy dummy. Buy Buy Buy. Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  11. Buying opportunities. Buy dumbfuck. Buy Buy buy.
  12. It's funny because his dick doesn't work.
  13. Bowl game? I thought mac was in the 5-7 club after the spring game.
  14. Florida is pitching some guy named Braxton with 10+ ERA. Please fucking score Please
  15. I get the impression you're not fond of Pierce.
  16. Fine. Let the Rs implement their 11 point plan. See how these types of voters like the sunsetting of social security and Medicare. I'm sure they think it only applies to the lazier darker folks.
  17. I guess Trump shouldn't have put over 100 oil producers out of business in 2018 after sucking off Saudi. Those left behind are reticent to increase investment in production after covid and Trump ass fucking. Just put gas in your car. It's like 20 extra bucks a week tops. Stop being a whiny poor bitch. 20 bucks.
  18. So they said Trump committed two felonies. He's getting arrested tonight right?
  19. Resume screams old, white republican fox News viewer.
  20. Every other cop in this country unloads their magazine, yet these guys didn't.
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