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Everything posted by alincoln

  1. Also no holds being called
  2. Number one targets with no one within 5 yards of them
  3. Worst defense ever played by both teams
  4. The portion that relates to the subject matter of the new show is short (less than 50 pages).
  5. Wasn't Morgoth all first age? Second Age is the Numenorean/Sauron story
  6. The wiki article says that it covers most of the history of the Second Age, which basically ends with the events taking place in the prologue to the FOTR movie.
  7. alincoln

    EPL 2021-22

    Exactly! Such an easy jaunt from Savile Row over to Stamford Bridge. TEB -> LCY -> Savile Row -> Stamford Bridge and back again. Easy peasy
  8. alincoln

    EPL 2021-22

    No one likes United here because they were the Yankees when almost everyone on this board got into English football (2000-2010). No one, particularly the stereotypical American who follows soccer, wants to be viewed as a bandwagon jumper. Hence why City still isn't very popular on this board despite dominating English football for a decade. City was too shitty to support (other than Huck) before the takeover and almost immediately became too good to support after the takeover. They were Villa and became United almost overnight. Liverpool is popular because they have a very compelling history and supporting them would not be viewed as bandwagon jumping because at the time they weren't winning very much in relation to Arsenal, United and Chelsea who dominated English soccer in the 00s. A calculated yet justifiable glory hunt. Chelsea is popular here because they were the emerging London-based team with the better future compared to stale Arsenal (for those Chelsea fans who go back to the club's founding in 2003) and Pulisic (newish Chelsea supporters). Plenty of cunts who frequently travel to London (West London, specifically) and name their message board handle after PJs chose Chelsea because of its convenient location. They are basically City with better shopping and restaurants. Easy to get to games from the US, will win plenty of trophies and don't have to deal with the riffraff elsewhere in London while doing it. An extremely efficient glory hunt for the London tourist. Tottenham is popular for all the reasons Bill Simmons summarized when he was interested in soccer for about 15 minutes in 2005 or so. Arsenal is popular because they played a very attractive and cosmopolitan brand of football under Wenger and were the foil to United (again when most people originally selected their team). They are now what Liverpool was (a team with a compelling history that will probably start winning trophies again at some point) and Liverpool is now what Arsenal was (the foil to the Yankees). Accordingly, Liverpool and Arsenal continue to pick up new fans but for different reasons. Again, to summarize, Liverpool (Tottenham with history then, Klopp fanbois now), City (Huck), Tottenham (see Simmons article), Arsenal (Wenger fanbois then, Tottenham with history now), Chelsea (loathsome cunts and newish USMNT fans).
  9. Soccer now has video replay which limits the awful calls but also leads to delays and players not being able to celebrate goals because they don't really know if it is a good goal until confirmed by replay.
  10. Vegas favorites for 2022-2023 (i.e., the winners of 21 of the 24 CFP games) Bama 5-2 Georgia 9-2 Ohio State 7-1 Clemson 12-1
  11. 92-94 NFC Championship Games were the apex of the NFL.
  12. The US data is unsurprisingly horrible so you have to look to countries like the UK for guidance. In the UK (another nation with high obesity levels although not as high as the US), hospitalizations and deaths have remained relatively stable compared to the period before the onset of omicron. The UK does have significantly higher vaccination rates than the US (45% of adults have had a third shot). This dude continues to have the best data interpretation summaries I have seen:
  13. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    You honestly need a prime Kante or Roy Keane (e.g., the best CM of their generation) to effectively play a 4-4-2 in the modern game.
  14. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    Contemporary possession-based soccer is predicated on 3 CMs (ask Pep Guardiola). As is Klopp's pressing system, which is actually the best fit the USMNT in Concacaf but would get us killed in the World Cup. We frequently struggle to maintain possession against CONCACAF teams with 3 CMs much less 2. Adams' passing and ball control is nowhere near good enough to play in a MF 2. Imagine Acosta there. 4-2-4/4-4-2 is also a system no one plays and international soccer with a middling coach is not the place to effectively implement an unfamiliar system with unfamiliar roles.
  15. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    The outside midfielders in a 4-4-2 or a 4-2-4 are by definition wingers (see Ryan Giggs). Wingbacks don't play in front of fullbacks. They replace fullbacks in a 3-4-3, 3-5-2 or 5-3-2. Any team with a pulse that plays 3 CMs against a 4-4-2 is going to overrun CM. There is too much room both in front of them and behind them. That is the primary reason no one plays a 4-4-2 any more. You can still play only two CMs in a 3-4-3 because one of the CBs effectively serves as a CDM while in attack and the wingbacks can pinch in defense if the wingers track back.
  16. alincoln

    USMNT 2022

    That's really a 4-2-4 and the MF would get overrun by any team in the Octagonal
  17. Most Americans prefer the sideshow and gossip to the substance
  18. Recruiting, NIL and the coaching carousel (and conference realignment and playoff expansion) elicit interest (arguably more interest than the actual games) because they represent opportunities for changing the stale and boring status quo. Most college football fans (and Texas fans in particular) are desperate for change/evolution in the sport.
  19. Alabama, Ohio State and Clemson have won 18 of the 23 playoff games (LSU, UGA and Oregon the other 5). Absolutely riveting competition. The past decade of college football has arguably been its worst, but the future should be much improved. Players will be compensated for their efforts, the playoff will expand, and Saban will retire.
  20. Delta is definitely still around in most of the US but it should be on its way out in the next two weeks based on South Africa and UK data.
  21. That would be almost as stupid a headline. The headline should be "Risk of hospitalization of children due to Covid remains extremely low"
  22. "Children have been hospitalized at nearly twice the rate of adults in the past 4 weeks." Incredibly misleading fear porn headline. The most shocking part of the story to me is that we averaging only 2,000 hospitalized children (40 per state up from 25 per state) who have tested positive for COVID, particularly in a nation with as much childhood obesity and asthma as the US.
  23. Why won't O just mutate again within one of the hundreds of millions of people who will become infected to an even more virulent and contagious strain? Also, plenty of double vaxxed and boosted people are getting quite sick from O. The vaccine generally protects from hospitalization/death but don't assume you will just experience a runny nose, particularly if you received a Pfizer booster more than a month ago and haven't previously had covid. The vaccines will need to improve to move beyond covid.
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